Upper School Athletics

Dear Upper School students and families,

We've been busy planning our winter season, and this email includes a lot of important information for you and your athlete. Please take a close look, and if you have any questions, you can email me at agould@bcdschool.org.

  • Important dates to keep in mind. Winter athletics will be here before you know it, mark your calendars with the dates below.
  • Details about tryouts and the winter season, including dates, practice schedule information (on-campus and off-site locations), and a note about specific programs.
  • ImPACT testing information & health formsWe must have completed health information and ImPACT testing on file for all students who plan to participate in winter athletics. Students cannot participate without the required health forms.

Upcoming dates

Meeting for winter athletes + families

This season we will hold individual team + family meetings. More detailed information will be sent closer to the season.

Team tryouts for all winter athletes

November 13

Schedule coming soon

All the details are shared in this email.

Strength & Conditioning, Spin, and Rock Climbing

November 27

These programs will begin after Thanksgiving break. See more details below.

As we plan for winter and begin looking ahead to spring, we are asking all students to have their final decisions on athletics choices for both the winter and the spring by a certain date. This will help us to determine what spaces we need and the number of games for each team. If we have multiple changes after these dates it can significantly impact the needs of each team. Please email Athletics and the Registrar's Office with any changes by the dates listed below.

Extended deadline for winter athletics choices: October 30

Spring athletics choices: November 30

Team tryouts

Monday, November 13

Tryouts for winter teams begin Monday, November 13. Please make sure your child brings proper shoes, practice clothes, and a water bottle with them for practice each day.

The winter tryout schedule will be shared in a few weeks.

Some varsity and junior varsity teams have roster caps, as do all Afternoon Activities; therefore, some students will not be placed on a varsity or junior varsity team and will need to select another Afternoon Activity. The only program that we anticipate will be overenrolled and may have cuts is Squash.

⚠️ We must have completed health information on file for all students who plan to participate in tryouts.

  1. Students cannot participate in practice without the required health forms. There will be no exceptions. If you haven't already done so, please log in to Magnus Health to complete your child's health record. In order to participate in our athletic program, all students must have an updated physical and current ImPACT test on file. 
  2. The ImPACT test is MANDATORY for all Upper School students participating in athletics. We use ImPACT testing as a way to monitor an athlete's return to action after suffering a concussion. Impact testing will need to be completed at home prior to showing up at tryouts (if you did not already complete this in the fall). Click here for details on how to complete the test. Tests can only be taken after you sign and submit the consent form that will be included in the forms sent through Magnus Health.
  3. Beaver takes the health and safety of our students very seriously and seeks to provide a safe return to activity after injury or illness including COVID-19. Due to the nature of the virus and its potential lasting health effects, we strongly suggest that a student with a recent positive COVID-19 diagnosis undergo an assessment with their physician, if you wish to forgo medical clearance you must sign and return this waiver to our Athletic Trainer, Noël Riley

The winter season

Monday, November 13-Friday, February 23*

*Pending postseason play for varsity teams

Click here for the winter practice schedules

Regular season practices begin on Monday, November 13, and conclude on Friday, February 23pending any postseason tournaments for varsity teams. Schedules change throughout the season, so be sure to check the Beaver website regularly for all practice and game details. (And don't forget to follow us on Instagram and X formerly known as Twitter for additional updates.) Please note, the winter team schedules will be posted in the coming weeks.

Attendance at practices and games is mandatory for all athletes. Varsity teams will practice on conference days, and all teams may have games on conference days as well; please plan accordingly.

If an athlete has an injury at any point throughout the season, they should consult with our Athletic Trainer, Noël Riley, to come up with a treatment plan to get better. This might involve treatment in the athletic trainer's room, weight room, or doing light work while supporting their teammates. If you have any questions, email nriley@bcdschool.org. Attendance at games and practices is still required even if you are injured and cannot play.

Notes about specific winter offerings

If your child is signed up for Strength & Conditioning, Spin, or Rock Climbing these programs will begin on Monday, November 27.

Strength & Conditioning will meet during Afternoon Activities from 3:45 to 5:30 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. This program will likely be split into two groups, one group meeting from 3:45-4:30 p.m., and one group meeting from 4:45-5:30 p.m. We will communicate with these groups as soon as we can. On their off days, students can cheer on teams at a game or match, do work, or go home.


Spin will meet three days a week in the afternoon, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 3:45-5:00 p.m. On the days that your child does not have spin, students can cheer on teams at a game or match, do work, or go home.

Rock Climbing will meet from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Rock Spot in Dedham. Transportation will be provided by Beaver to and from.

Squash will likely practice at Lifetime in Framingham from 4:00-5:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. This is not confirmed yet. We will communicate with all squash players and families once this is confirmed.

Swim will practice at BSI Wellesley on:

  • Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00 a.m.
  • Fridays from 5:30-7:00 a.m.
  • Saturdays from 2:30-4:00 p.m.
  • Sundays from 12:00-2:00 p.m.

Transportation will be provided back to Beaver on Wednesdays and Fridays only.

We can't wait for the winter season! Please contact me with any questions.

Go Beaver!

Alex Gould

Director of Athletics and Fitness


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