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Highlight your organization’s commitment to building decarbonization and join us as a sponsor of the 2023 Forum
The Getting to Zero Forum is the premier event dedicated to zero energy and zero carbon buildings. The 2023 conference, May 10-12th in Minneapolis, will bring together the world’s leading experts to share best practice approaches to reducing energy demand and decarbonization related to policy, program, and projects. Buildings are 39% of carbon emissions globally and a critical path in the climate fight.
Above: NBI CEO Ralph DiNola presents at the 2021 Forum with co-host RMI's Principal Victor Olgyay
While the Forum isn't until next year, our work starts now. We encourage companies and organizations to join the Forum collaboration early. And be sure to keep an eye out for our call for speakers opening in August! We consider sponsors to be partners driving better outcomes for this growing market and organizations with objectives that are met with our solutions-focused, mission-driven programming, networking and exhibit opportunities at the Forum and all year. Contact Meghan Humphreys to learn more.
Net Zero Buildings Week social sharing reached over 20 million impressions!
Net Zero Buildings week took place June 13-17, 2022! NBI and partner organizations shared their projects, actionable solutions, and resources available to the built environment. Here are some highlights:
The U.S. Department of Energy offers grants to incentivize the construction of buildings that pull CO2 from the air.
Building Innovation Hub shows a case study on retrofitting affordable housing for zero utility costs
Breakthrough Energy shared their Policy Playbook which covers research and development for electrification technologies, validation and early development of innovations, and rapid scaling of proven solutions.
To see more #NetZeroNow content, check it out on Twitter!
New Electrification hub offers free design resources and specialized education opportunities
With a growing number of climate emergencies around the world, it is imperative to reduce our utilization of fossil fuels by decarbonizing the building stock. Electrification is a critical step to mitigating the impacts of climate change, making buildings healthier, and creating more affordable places to live and work. These resources provide insights into the benefits of electrifying buildings and the grid, including future proofing, resiliency, cost savings, improved health, comfort and productivity, and safety.
To further your technical knowledge and understanding, sign up for a specialized, self-paced education module on electrification. AIA CEUs available.
Electrification: Codes and Policy for a Clean Energy Future, 3 hours/AIA CEUs
Electrification: Design and Technologies to Decarbonize the Built Environment, 4 hours/AIA CEUs
Building Tech Forum
Date: July 7, 5-9pm
Location: District Hall, Boston, MA
Built Environment Plus's Building Tech Forum is back, live and in-person! Learn about the latest innovations in building technology that are accelerating the sustainable and regenerative design, construction and operation of the built environment!
Heat Pump Water Heaters in the All Electric Home Webinar
Date: July 12, virtual
Installing Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWH) in new homes is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to incorporate high efficiency water heating into buildings. Register for this free webinar to learn more about this technology.
American Medical Association (AMA) passes resolution warning about threats of gas stoves
On June 14th, AMA resolved that cooking with a gas stove increases household air pollution and the risk of childhood asthma. They are advocating for increased ventilation and policies that help transition away from gas stoves. Read the full resolution.
Exciting climate wins:
In a West Coast first, Menlo Park to electrify 1,000 buildings by 2024 - read the blog
San Jose City Council voted 9-1 in favor of carbon neutrality - read the blog
Sara Menker and Donnel Baird:
Climate Change Is a Crisis, But It's Solvable
Article originally published in Time on June 7, 2022.
In the midst of one of the biggest challenges faced by humanity—climate change—parts of the U.S. energy system are already collapsing, ecopreneurs Sara Menker and Donnel Baird warned at the TIME 100 Summit Tuesday during a panel discussion moderated by Simon Mulcahy, the president of sustainability at TIME.
Menker and Baird—who are both founders of companies on the forefront of tackling climate change—advocated for increased awareness about the dangers of greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel dependence, and food insecurity—a problem that has been exacerbated by rising food prices and changes in climate conditions.
“I’m very alarmed about the climate crisis,” Baird said. “I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it and clutching my newborn trying to think about what our life is going to be like when she’s my age.” But, he added, “it’s a solvable problem.”
"Net zero is a really critical component for the built environment to address and we’re really proud to be a sponsor of the Getting to Zero Forum. Our programs address net zero carbon, both operational and embodied -- we’re excited to be part of the solution, and proud to support practitioners as they help to move the built environment forward.” - Breana Wheeler, Director of Operations – U.S., BRE Group
Illinois Green is tracking and mapping the status of verified zero energy, carbon, water and waste projects throughout Illinois. We are excited to work with project teams to develop educational content, publish case studies, and provide recognition at our annual awards program each October. View the verified NZE Buildings, check out the upcoming NZE Buildings Watch List, or submit your own project with the button below.
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