July News from UUUM
Youth historians, here with State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz, paint a vivid picture of our neighborhood's history and culture - from the Revolutionary War era to today!
A note from our Executive Director and Senior Minister

Dear UUUM Friends,
For high school youth like Sunaye, summer can mean long days without much to do. In middle school, she'd spent the summer at cookouts with family or playing kick-the can in the park. All that changed the summer before her freshman year. "I was too old for the Boys and Girls club and still too young to work. My friends were all starting new schools in the fall and we kind of lost touch over summer."

Because of friends like you, the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry's summer program fills that gap. Please consider to donating here.

One graduating senior, Keisha, recalls how Roxbury Youth Programs supported her: "Being a tour guide this year was awesome. I learned new skills - like how to communicate better, especially with adults and people who were really different from me. I was earning a paycheck and catching the bus to the UUUM was giving me a reason not to sleep until noon. I started being a lot more confident and really clicked with the other students here." Another student, Tracy, adds, "My time at Roxbury Youth Programs have been some of the most memorable years of my life." (Click here to read the full letter.)

Thank you for all our supporters who make our programs -- year-round and in this summer season -- possible.

Wishing you a joyful summer season,
Mary Margaret

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Calling on UU Youth to be Racial and Social Justice Leaders

Leonard Lee provides UU Youth with a tour of the Dillaway Thomas House.
We were grateful to Leonard Lee, General Manager and Curator of the Roxbury Heritage Park, for providing youth from our UU church in Boise, Idaho with a tour of the newly restored Dillaway Thomas House in June. 
The youth from Boise's Unitarian Universalist Fellowship participated in the Urban Ministry's Seeing Me in the World program - which nurtures racial and social justice, and expands horizons. Leonard told youth of the richness of Roxbury's history, including how it became the heart of Boston's historic African American community.  
Our next Seeing Me in the World curriculum for UU youth this summer will be held on July 27. If you would like to bring your UU youth group to the Urban Ministry, contact Monique Marshall-Veale, Director of Special Projects, at mveale@uuum.org
Youth-led history tours -- and  you're invited!

We are so excited to share our summer tour dates with you here! All summer tours will take place in August on Saturdays. 

Thanks to your enthusiasm, we will be offering two tours per day to accommodate more interested tour-goers. 

Questions about the tour program? Please contact us at tours@uuum.org

We are looking forward to seeing you all on a tour! 

We are seeking a Roxbury Youth Program Test Prep Volunteer

The Test Prep Volunteer will help Roxbury Youth Program students prepare for the ACT and SAT college admissions tests by tutoring a small group of students bi-weekly in the Fall. They work under the close supervision of Roxbury Youth Program staff.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

The Test Prep Volunteer supports the Roxbury Youth Program in preparing 45-60 minute lessons in a range of subject areas (English, Math, Reading, etc), help students understand subject material, provide test-taking strategies, and support students through practice tests. Core responsibilities include:
  • Using RYP approved materials such as lesson plans, worksheets, and practice tests to assist students
  • Equipping students with proven test taking strategies
  • Facilitating practice ACT and SAT Tests
  • Communicating with individual students about test prep and tracking their attendance
  • Introducing students to the structure of the exam and providing encouragement
  • Delivering explanations of basic concepts in different subject areas
  • Reminding students to register for the ACT and SAT Tests.
  • Must present a professional appearance and friendly manner 
  • Must be dependable and punctual 
  • Must be able to work with students of color in a culturally competent manner 
  • Complete volunteer training with RYP staff 
  • Complete annual CORI & SORI check before participating in activities 
  • Contact RYP Director or Volunteer Engagement coordinator if they are unable to participate that day
Time Commitment 
  • This is a bi-weekly commitment from October-December on Tuesdays from 6-7 pm at UUUM 
Please email Believe in Success Program Coordinator, Christine Dickerson ( cdickerson@uuum.org) to learn more or to apply.
Believe in Success and Renewal House offered summer classes for program alumni in June.
Believe in Success Alumni Milestones  

Summer is a time for Believe in Success to continue supporting our alumni community. One of our alumni connected with us to proudly announce that she was able to buy herself a new car based on her sustained employment since December 2018! While this example is a material one, it is a testament to economic security and marks another milestone. Another Believe in Success student recently secured employment after rigorously job searching upon graduating. An alumni from the same cohort completed two specialized training programs, moving closer to her long-term career goal. 
Believe in Success is also thrilled to support four of our participant's children with summer camp opportunities. Alongside these exciting opportunities, Believe in Success and Renewal House staff are programming classes for our residents and program alumni. Throughout the month of June, we offered knitting and yoga classes -- supported and facilitated by our volunteers -- to continue strengthening our community through healing-centered services. A special thanks to the volunteers who make these classes possible!
Believe in Success is currently looking to support an alumna who is in the process of moving. We are seeking donations in the form of gift cards to help them furnish their new home to make this a seamless move. If you are interested, please email Christine at cdickerson@uuum.org if you'd like to help.

The UUA General Assembly

Renewal House staff member Anna Borroz at the UUA General Assembly.
This month we had the opportunity to send a UUUM staff representative to the 58th UUA General Assembly in Spokane, WA. At our booth, we connected with UUs from around the country and had inspiring conversations about our work and programs here in Roxbury. Many former volunteers, delegates, and community members also stopped by to say hello. The enthusiasm for the work we do here at the UUUM was apparent, and we enjoyed making connections with UUs beyond our community here in Boston. 

Of particular importance at this GA were the conversations and workshops on dismantling white supremacy within Unitarian Universalism, led by Black Lives of UU, DRUUMM (Diverse and Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries), and UU leaders of color from across the country. Our staff particularly enjoyed the annual Sophia Fahs Lecture, entitled "Building a Community of Communities", given this year by Paula Cole Jones. (the lecture is available to watch here )

As a historic UU-rooted organization located in Roxbury, we occupy a particularly powerful space in the movement to end white supremacy within our community -- and beyond. Though our principal focus is the Roxbury community, we truly exist within a community of communities that are interdependent. Much of the work we do at the UUUM is rooted in anti-oppression values, and after this General Assembly we reaffirm our commitment to be on the leading edge of this work, while remaining accountable and honest about our history. It was especially exciting to connect with UU youth leaders to talk about our newest program, Seeing Me In the World, which teaches visiting UU Youth a broader and deeper history of the issues of racism and classism within our historic faith as it relates to Boston and Roxbury.
We look forward to seeing you at the 59th General Assembly in Providence, RI! Look for the UUUM booth!
Reading Frederick Douglass Together

Reading Frederick Douglass on the Boston Common.

The UU Urban Ministry proudly co-sponsored Reading Frederick Douglass Together, a Mass Humanities event. The speech, originally delivered in 1852, challenges us to think about the histories we tell, the values they teach, and how to make our actions match our aspirations.

We are seeking a Social Justice Fellow for the Arts and Humanities

The Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry (UUUM) is seeking candidates for the position of Social Justice Fellow for the Arts and Humanities, a pilot fellowship.
A primary way that the UUUM engages and serves the Roxbury neighborhood is through a rich array of cultural, social, historical and musical events that have a social justice focus. These events are driven by the interests and wishes of Roxbury residents and organizations, celebrate Roxbury's richness, promote collaboration across difference, and contribute to building a more just community.
Position Summary: The Social Justice Fellowship is a one-year, paid position, in which the Fellow curates, publicizes and staffs cultural, social, historical and musical events at the UUUM. Their mission is enlivening our historic campus with events that have a social justice message and which serve the community of Roxbury. Core responsibilities include:  
  • Planning Events
  • Publicizing Events
  • Staffing Events
To learn more about the position, click here.  
Please submit a resume and thoughtful email to apply@uuum.org and write "Social Justice Fellowship" in the subject line. Resumes without a cover letter will not be considered.
A special thanks to the Polly Thayer Starr Charitable Trust for supporting this position.   
Our Gratitude
Opera with purpose!

The UU Urban Ministry had the pleasure and privilege to partner with Trish Weinmann, Ann Fogler, Jennifer Soloway and the Boston Opera Collaborative on their production of "To Hell and Back."

Alongside this multi-talented team from the Boston Opera Collaborative, staff from the UU Urban Ministry co-facilitated a post performance talk-back. During this discussion, the audience engaged with themes from the show and staff highlighted resources in our community for people both experiencing and witnessing abuse.

Thank you Trish, Ann, Jennifer, and the Boston Opera Collaborative for your moving performance. We can't wait to work together again!
Upcoming UUUM Connections Events
All events sponsored by the UUUM emphasize the interconnectedness of all people and the capacity of a community to come together to build a more just world. We hope you'll join us for an upcoming event -- either on our campus or out in the world!

  • July 10, 10:30 am at the Boston Common: the Shaw 54th
    Regiment Memorial Restoration, Ceremonial Reconstruction Launch  
  • July 13, 1-5 pm on the UUUM Green: The Makanda Project jazz concert and family-friendly fair.
  • July 27 at the UU Urban Ministry: Seeing Me in the World 
  • August 10, 1-5 pm on the UUUM Green: The Makanda Project jazz concert and family-friendly fair.
  • September 141-5 pm on the UUUM Green: The Makanda Project jazz concert and family-friendly fair.
  • October 1, 6-8 pm at the UUUM: Attention all UUUM Delegates, please join us for a special orientation and training evening. Dinner will be served and this is a great opportunity to meet your fellow delegates and UUUM staff, and to learn about our programs and ways to connect your congregation to the UUUM over the next year. Please save the date. Questions? Email engagement@uuum.org.
  • November 2, 3-4 pm at the UUUM: The Handel + Haydn Society returns to the First Church in Roxbury for a community "Every Voice" concert. Save the date!
Visit our News and Events page for more information about upcoming and past events. Do you have an event you'd like included in our eNewsletter? Submissions are due to Christine Dickerson by the 8th of the month (cdickerson@uuum.org  ).
Other Events in our Community
The UUUM is proud to be part of the Roxbury neighborhood and the UU community. We encourage our UU and other friends to invest in, support, and learn about the rich cultural offerings and social justice work of our Roxbury neighbors.  

Take time to explore the events, businesses, theater, museums and restaurants within Roxbury and throughout the neighborhoods of Boston that you might not already be familiar with.  Below are a few ways to make a difference.

Have an event you'd like us to feature? Email us at engagement@uuum.org.
The UU Urban Ministry in the World: 
Upcoming Preach Dates and Congregational Visits
We would love to bring the energy and vision of the UU Urban Ministry to you!  If you would like to schedule Rev. Mary Margaret Earl  to preach at your congregation or meet with one of your congregational committees, please be in touch with her directly or with Annie Stubbs at astubbs@uuum.org .

And we hope you'll say hello when we visit you in your spiritual home! We can't wait to meet you or see you again.

Currently Scheduled Upcoming Dates:
  • October 20: Rev. Mary Margaret Earl at First Parish in Wayland
  • October 13: Rev. Mary Margaret Earl at First Parish in Concord
  • November 3: Rev. Mary Margaret Earl at The First Church In Belmont
  • November 17: Rev. Mary Margaret Earl at First Parish Milton
  • November 24: Rev. Mary Margaret Earl at First Church Brookline  
  • December 1: Rev. Mary Margaret Earl at First Parish Church in Weston
January, 2020
  •  January 19: Rev. Mary Margaret Earl at First Parish in Lincoln
April, 2020
  • April 5: Rev. Mary Margaret Earl at First Church and Parish In Dedham
Support these programs and more at UUUM:  click here.
UU Urban Ministry | 10 Putnam Street, Roxbury, MA 02119 
617-318-6010 |  www.uuum.org