Gifts of Christmas 2023

...into the New Year we go!

My Dear Friends,


This is the season of joy, hope and love. As we end 2023, we have joyful and loving hearts that the Christmas Season has given to us. I am blessed with many gifts, especially the gifts of your time, talent, and treasure.  The continued support of friends like you has been instrumental and vital to the success of our school and our scholars.


Matching Gift – Abundant News!

I am very pleased to announce that we have reached 90% of our goal of the $500,000 matching challenge gift so generously given to us through the Ibrahim El-Hefni Foundation!

What a great way to celebrate our 20th anniversary milestone, our end of 2023, and our beginning to 2024! This funding will allow many of our NDCR soon-to-be and current college-going scholars to stay in school by covering costs that many of us may take for granted.

This treasure is truly a GIFT, but we can’t do this without your help! We have a small amount left to raise and have until January 31, 2024 to raise it! We can do this! Please Donate Today!

College Stats – Joyful News!

Before our Christmas break, 87% of our seniors were accepted to college! The average submitted application per scholar was 14. They are determined! And I am confident that when we return to school on January 2, our remaining 8 scholars will share their good news with us as well. Thank you for your continuous prayers for our NDCR seniors and the community that supports them! 

Alumni Update – Mission Moment News!

Julio Mejia, a 2023 NDCR graduate, is the newest and youngest elected school committee member for the city of Lawrence! Congratulations, Julio! Read Julio’s Story

CWSP – Vital to NDCR News!

Plans have begun for our 20th Anniversary CWSP Appreciation Breakfast! Already a very well attended event, we are anticipating an even larger turn out on campus on March 21, 2024 as we celebrate our partners for their dedication to our young professionals!

Please reach out to Dean Graziano, VP of CWSP, for more information about how you can become involved!

As we celebrate this Christmas Season, thank you for the blessings of your faithful and generous support to our mission. Your gifts allow us to help provide our scholars, alumni, and future scholars with a bright and shining future full of hope and opportunity as we all face the many challenges in our country and our world. 

May the Christ Child gift you with abundant graces and blessings throughout this Christmas Season! May your New Year be filled with joy, hope and love. Thank you for your faithful support of our NDCR mission!  

With love and never-ending gratitude,

Sr. Maryalyce Gilfeather, SNDdeN, Ph.D.

President, Notre Dame Cristo Rey

Donate today!

Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School | | (978) 689-8222

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