Girish in New Jersey, Pennsylvannia and Long Island:
Thurs 3/22 One Yoga & Wellness Center, East Windsor, NJ
Fri 3/23 Yoga Synthesis Ramsey, NJ
Freehold Yoga, Freehold, NJ
Sat 3/24 Shiva Shanti Yoga, Rutherford, NJ
Jai! Yoga, Haverford, PA
Sun 3/25 Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ
Yoga for Life, Setauket, NY
Mon 3/26 Yoga for Life, Setauket, NY
Tues 3/27 Baker Street Yoga, Maplewood, NJ
April 5-7 Joshua Tree, CA - Girish/Breathe Yoga Retreat
May 11-13, Joshua Tree, CA - Shakti Fest
(enter code 2012girish to get $25 off!)
June 10-15, Big Sur, CA - Esalen Yoga Festival
June 29-July 1, Madison, WI - Bhakti Fest Midwest
(enter code 2012girish to get $25 off!)
August 24-26, Santa Cruz, CA - Girish Chant Camp
September 6-9, Joshua Tree, CA - Bhakti Fest
October 13, Santa Cruz, CA - Om Music Festival
October 20-22, Boston, MA - Boston Yoga & Chant Fest
November 9-11, Seattle, WA - Seattle Yoga & Music Fest
Tour Schedule |
East Windsor, NJ Thursday March 22, 6-8pm Spring Equinox, New Beginnings, All Levels Yoga with Tracey Ulshafer Live Music with Girish One Yoga & Wellness Center 405 Route 130 North Lower Level East Windsor, NJ 08520 (609) 918-0963 www.oneyogacenter.net Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door Ramsey, NJ Friday March 23, 9:15am Yoga with Raji, Live Music with Girish Yoga Synthesis 225 N Franklin Tpke Ramsey, NJ 07446-1630 (201) 818-9642 www.yogasynthesis.com Tickets are $12 plus normal class price Freehold, NJ Friday March 23, 8pm Girish Kirtan The Freehold Yoga Center 3 West Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 732-462-YOGA Freeholdyogacenter.com Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door Rutherford, NJ Saturday March 24, 1-3pm Girish Chant Workshop Shiva Shanti Yoga School 165 Park Ave Rutherford, NJ 07070 201.531.9642 (YOGA) www.shivashantiyoga.com Tickets are $45 Haverford, PA Saturday March 24, 8pm Girish Kirtan Jai! Yoga 385 W. Lancaster Avenue Suite 201, Haverford, PA 19041 610-642-2000 www.jaiyoga.net Sponsored by Jai! Yoga & Yoga on Main Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door
Glen Rock, NJ Sunday March 25, 10am Yoga with Sheryl, Live Music with Girish Naturally Yoga 175 Rock Road, Ste 3 Glen Rock, NJ 07452-1724 (201) 612-7330 www.naturallyyoga.com Tickets are $12 plus normal class price Setauket, NY Sunday March 25, 7pm Girish Kirtan Yoga For Life 190-1 Belle Meade Road Setauket, New York 11733 631.941.9642 www.yogaforlifeohm.com Tickets are $30
Setauket, NYMonday March 26, 9:30amLive Music and Yoga with Girish Yoga For Life190-1 Belle Meade RoadSetauket, New York 11733631.941.9642www.yogaforlifeohm.comTickets are $30 Maplewood, NJ Tuesday March 27, 7pm Yoga with Dana, Live Music with Girish Baker Street Yoga 97A Baker Street Maplewood NJ 07040 973 761 7272 San Francisco, CA Friday March 30, 6-7:30pm Yoga with Annika Williams, Live Music with Girish Yoga Tree Mission 24 Shotwell Street (at 14th) San Francisco, CA 94103 Tickets are $20 suggested donation Santa Barbara, CA Saturday March 31, 6pm Girish Kirtan Yasa Yoga 22 W Mission Street Ste B Santa Barbara CA 93101 (805) 845-4626 www.yasayoga.com Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door Avila Beach, CA Sunday April 1, 7pm Girish Kirtan Sukha Wellness Center 6615 Bay Laurel Drive Avila Beach, CA 93424 (805) 801-8088 www.sukhawellnesscenter.com Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door Joshua Tree, CA April 5-7 breathe yoga retreat Joshua Tree Retreat Center breatheredlandsyoga.com $340 per person, this intimate retreat will fill up fast. Contact Julie (909) 557-4302 to reserve your space
Sebastopol, CA Saturday April 14, 7:30pm Girish Kirtan The Temple at Hummingbird Hill 1296A Tilton Rd Sebastopol, CA 95472 707-861-9011 www.girishmusic.com Tickets are $18 in advance, $20 at the door Winnipeg Canada Saturday April 21 Girish Kirtan Ottawa Ontario Canada Sunday April 22, 7-9pm Girish Kirtan PranaShanti Yoga Centre 52 Armstrong Street Ottawa, Ontario Canada 613-761-9642 (YOGA) www.pranashanti.com Tickets are $30 in advance, $35 at the door Ottawa Ontario Canada Monday April 23, 6:30-8:30pm Girish Chant Workshop PranaShanti Yoga Centre 52 Armstrong Street Ottawa, Ontario Canada 613-761-9642 (YOGA) www.pranashanti.com Tickets are $45 in advance, $50 at the door Sacramento, CA Saturday April 28,
9-10:30am Yoga with Gina Garcia, Live Music with Girish McKinley Park - Clunie Community Center Auditorium 601 Alhambra Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95816-3805 (916) 808-6060 Sponsored by Yoga Across America's "Yoga in the Park" www.yogaintheusa.org Tickets are $25 in advance, $35 at the door (if there is space, this event will likely sell out) Phoenix, AZ Sunday April 29,
10am-noon Live Music and Yoga with Girish Yoga Rocks the Park www.yogarocksthepark.com
Wauwatosa, WI Thursday May 3, 7-9pm Girish Kirtan The Riverview Room in the Muellner Building at Hart Park 7300 W. Chestnut St. Wauwatosa, WI 53213 Sponsored by Tosa Yoga www.TosaYoga.com 414-828-7555 Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door Oshkosh, WI Saturday May 5, 8-10pm Girish Kirtan Inner Sun Yoga Studio 146 Algoma Blvd, Suite F Oshkosh, WI 54901 920.651.1279 innersunyogastudio.com Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door Oshkosh, WI Sunday May 6, 9-10:15am Yoga with Deb, Live Music with Girish Inner Sun Yoga Studio 146 Algoma Blvd, Suite F Oshkosh, WI 54901 920.651.1279 innersunyogastudio.com Tickets are $10 plus normal class price Oshkosh, WI Sunday May 6, noon-2pm Chant Workshop with Girish Inner Sun Yoga Studio 146 Algoma Blvd, Suite F Oshkosh, WI 54901 920.651.1279 www.innersunyogastudio.com Tickets are $35 in advance, $40 at the door Joshua Tree, CA May 11-13 Bhakti Fest Spring Shakti OMmersion Joshua Tree Retreat Center Bhaktifest.com Concord, NH Wednesday May 16, 7pm Yoga with Karen Kenney, Live Music with Girish Quest Yoga Studio 2 1/2 Beacon St. Concord, NH 03301 603-608-7590 www.questyoga.com Tickets are $25 Branford, CT Friday May 18, 8-10pm Girish Kirtan Raven's Wing Yoga 19 South Main St. Branford, CT 203.488.9642 www.ravenswingyoga.com Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door Saratoga Springs, NY Saturday May 19, 7:30pm Girish Kirtan Yoga Mandali 454 Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 www.yogasaratoga.com 518-584-0807 Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door Concord, NH Sunday May 20, 1pm Yoga with Asa, all levels yoga class Live Music with Girish At Om Yoga 40 N. Main St. Concord, NH 03301 www.atomyoga.com tickets are $15 plus normal class price. Call Asa at 545 7380 to reserve your space
Salem, MA Sunday May 20, 6-7:30pm Yoga with Larisa, Live Music with Girish Green Tea Yoga 10 Colonial Road Salem, MA 978.740.9749 www.greenteayoga.com Tickets are $25
Weymouth, MA Monday May 21, 5:30-7pm Yoga with Susan Frazier, Live Music with Girish Open Doors Yoga Studio 65 Washington Street Weymouth, MA 781-335-3090 www.opendoors7.com Tickets are $30 Dedham, MA Tuesday May 22, 9:30-11am Yoga with Kevan Gale, Live Music with Girish Stil Studio 740 Legacy Place Dedham, MA 02023 781.407.yoga (9642) www.stilstudio.com Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door Truckee, CA Saturday May 25, 7:30pm Girish Kirtan Tahoe Yoga and Wellness Center 10770 Donner Pass Road, #104 Truckee, CA 96161 530-550-8333 www.tahoeyoga.com Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door Big Sur, CA June 10-15Yoga FestivalEsalen Larkspur, CA Saturday June 16, 8pm Girish Kirtan Yoga Works 2207 Larkspur Landing Circle Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 925-2440 www.yogaworks.com Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Walnut Creek, CA Sunday June 17, 8pm Girish Kirtan Yoga Works 1131 Locust Street, 2nd Floor Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 478-7272 www.yogaworks.com Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Issaquah, WA Friday June 22, 9:00 am Girish Live Music and Yoga Terra Yoga 485 Front Street N, Suite D-2 Issaquah, WA 98027 425 392-6878 www.Terra Yoga.com Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Issaquah, WA Saturday June 23, 2-4pm Girish Chant Workshop Terra Yoga 485 Front Street N,
Suite D-2 Issaquah, WA 98027 425 392-6878 www.Terra Yoga.com Tickets are $40 in advance, $45 at the door Bend, OR Sunday June 24, 4-5:30pm Yoga with Aleta Raphael, Live Music with Girish Back Bend Yoga 155 SW Century Drive Suite 113 Bend, Oregon 97702 541-322-9642 www.backbendyoga.net Tickets are $22
Bend, OR Sunday June 24, 7:30pm Girish Kirtan Back Bend Yoga 155 SW Century Drive Suite 113 Bend, Oregon 97702 541-322-9642 www.backbendyoga.net Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door
Madison, WI June 29-July 1 Bhakti Fest
Encinitas, CA Saturday July 7, 7pm Girish Kirtan jyotimandir.com Los Gatos, CA Saturday July 14, 8pm Girish Kirtan Breathe Los Gatos 14107-H Winchester Blvd Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-370-YOGA www.breathelosgatos.com Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door Atlanta, GA Friday July 27, 7:30-9pm Yoga with Karen Dorfman, Live Music with Girish Selah Center of the Poncey-Highlands Druid Hills Baptist Church 1085 Ponce de Leon Atlanta, GA 30306 Sponsored by Swaha Productions Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door Atlanta, GA Saturday July 28, 7-10pm Girish Kirtan, opening set by Bhakti Messenger Selah Center of the Poncey-Highlands Druid Hills Baptist Church 1085 Ponce de Leon Atlanta, GA 30306 Sponsored by Swaha Productions
Atlanta, GA Sunday July 29, 10am-noon Yoga with Agni Ma, Skanda, and Devaki, Live Music with Girish Kashi Atlanta Urban Yoga Ashram 1681 McLendon Ave Atlanta, GA 30307 www.kashiatlanta.org Tickets are $20 Woodstock, GA Sunday July 29,
6:30-7:45pm Yoga with John Merideth, Live Music with Girish Ember Hot Yoga 330 Chambers Street Woodstock, GA 30188 (770) 485-5583 www.emberyoga.com Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door Sponsored by Swaha Productions Charleston, SC Saturday August 4, 8pm Girish Kirtan Holy Cow Yoga Center 10 Windermere Blvd. Charleston, SC 29407 843-769-2269 www.holycowyoga.com Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Carrboro, NC Sunday August 5, 10:30am Yoga with Allison Dennis, Live Music with Girish Open Heart Yoga School 209 Lloyd Street, Suite 210 Carrboro, NC Charlotte, NC Sunday August 5, 3:30-5pm Yoga with Grace, Live Music with Girish
Charlotte, NC Sunday August 5, 7-9pm Girish Kirtan
Southern Pines, NC Saturday August 11, 12:30-2pm Yoga with Virginia Gallagher, Live Music with Girish Hot Asana Yoga Studio 246 Olmsted Blvd. Ste B Southern Pines, NC 28387 910-691-2682 www.hotasanastudio.com Tickets are $25
Southern Pines, NC Saturday August 11,
8-10pm Girish Kirtan Concert Venue TBD Sponsored by Hot Asana Yoga Studio 250 NW Broad St Southern Pines, NC 28387 910-691-2682 www.hotasanastudio.com Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door
Southern Pines, NC Sunday August 12,
1:30-3pm Yoga with Virginia Gallagher, Live Music with Girish Hot Asana Yoga Studio 250 NW Broad St Southern Pines, NC 28387 910-691-2682 www.hotasanastudio.com Tickets are $25
Denver, CO Sunday August 19
10am-noon Live Music and Yoga with Girish Yoga Rocks the Park
Santa Cruz, CA August 24-26 Girish Chant Camp
Joshua Tree, CA September 6-9
Girish Kirtan Bhakti Fest Joshua Tree Retreat Center Bhaktifest.com
Concord, NH Wednesday September 19, 7pm Yoga with Karen Kenney, Live Music with Girish Quest Yoga Studio 2 1/2 Beacon St. Concord, NH 03301 603-608-7590 www.questyoga.com Tickets are $25
Portsmouth, NH
Thursday September 20,
6-7:30pm Yoga with Bjorn Turnquist,
Live Music with Girish 3 Bridges Yoga 185 High Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-766-3332 www.3bridgesyoga.com Tickets are $12 plus normal class price
Concord, NH
Friday September 21,
5:45-7pm Yoga with Asa, Danny,
Ezra, and Owen,
all levels yoga class Live Music with Girish
Benefit to help build The
Friendly Kitchen Followed by an incredible
dinner from Rasa's Vegan Kitchen Dinner is $10, or no charge if you take the class and attend the kirtan At Om Yoga 40 N. Main St. Concord, NH 03301 www.atomyoga.com tickets are $15 plus normal
class price. Call Asa at 545 7380 to
reserve your space
Concord, NHFriday September 21, 8pmGirish Kirtan Benefit to help rebuild The Friendly Kitchenwith Irene Solea on voclas, Danny Solomon on bass guitar, Owen Landis on drums,An Incredible dinner from Rasa's Vegan Kitchen starts at 7pmDinner is $10, or no charge if you take the class and attend the kirtan At Om Yoga 40 N. Main St.Concord, NH 03301www.atomyoga.comtickets are $20 for members and $25 for guests.Call Asa at 545 7380 to reserve your space
Boston, MA Saturday September 22, 8pm Girish Kirtan South Boston Yoga 36 W Broadway Boston, MA 02127 www.southbostonyoga.net 617.315.7448 Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Tilton, NH Monday September 24, 6pm Yoga and Live Music with Girish The Yoga Center at Awakening Chiropractic 7A Grange Rd. Tilton, NH (603) 703-1534 awakeningchiropractic.com Tickets are $30
Concord, NH
Tuesday September 25, 5:30pm Yoga with Asa, all levels yoga class Live Music with Girish At Om Yoga 40 N. Main St. Concord, NH 03301 www.atomyoga.com tickets are $15 plus normal class price. Call Asa at 545 7380 to reserve your space
Kansas City, MO Saturday, October 6, 10:30am
Yoga with Kelly,
Live Music with Girish Zona Yoga
8741 N Dixson Ave.
Kansas City, Mo 64153
Tickets are $15 in advance,
$20 at the door
Overland Park, KS Saturday October 6, 7:30pm Girish Kirtan Darling Yoga Studio 11711 College Boulevard Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 498-1144 www.darlingyoga.com Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Overland Park, KS Sunday October 7,
10am-noon Girish Chant Workshop Darling Yoga Studio 11711 College Boulevard Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 498-1144 www.darlingyoga.com Tickets are $40 in advance, $45 at the door
Santa Cruz, CA
Saturday October 13
Om Music Festival Pacific Cultural Center 1307 Seabright Ave Santa Cruz, CA 95062 www.ommusicfestival.com Tickets are $18 in advance, and $25 at the door Kids 12 and under $6, Students over 12 $3 discount with ID Bake Sale, Chai, Silent Auction, bodywork, kids kirtan and yoga All festival proceeds to benefit Save Santa Cruz Schools
Concord, NH Wednesday October 17, 7pm Yoga with Karen Kenney, Live Music with Girish Quest Yoga Studio 2 1/2 Beacon St. Concord, NH 03301 603-608-7590 www.questyoga.com Tickets are $25
Concord, NH Friday October 19, 5:45pm Yoga with Asa, all levels yoga class Live Music with Girish At Om Yoga 40 N. Main St. Concord, NH 03301 www.atomyoga.com tickets are $15 plus normal class price. Call Asa at 545 7380 to reserve your space
Boston, MA
October 20-21 Boston Chant Fest
Weymouth, MA Monday October 22,
5:30-7pm Yoga with Susan Frazier,
Live Music with Girish Open Doors Yoga Studio 65 Washington Street Weymouth, MA 781-335-3090 www.opendoors7.com Tickets are $30
Sacramento, CA Saturday October 27
10-11:30am Yoga with Tyler, Live Music with Girish Yoga Shala Sacramento 2030 H Street Sacramento, CA 95814 www.yogashalasac.com Tickets are $20
Sacramento, CA Saturday October 27
1-3:30pm Girish Chant Workshop Yoga Shala Sacramento 2030 H Street Sacramento, CA 95814 www.yogashalasac.com Tickets are $40 in advance, $45 at the door
Sacramento, CA Sunday October 28
10-11:30am Yoga with Tyler, Live Music with Girish Yoga Shala Sacramento 2030 H Street Sacramento, CA 95814 www.yogashalasac.com Tickets are $20
Sacramento, CA Sunday October 28
1-3:30pm Girish Chant Workshop Yoga Shala Sacramento 2030 H Street Sacramento, CA 95814 www.yogashalasac.com Tickets are $40 in advance, $45 at the door
Maplewood, NJThursday November 1, 7pmGirish Kirtan Baker Street Yoga 97A Baker Street Maplewood NJ 07040 973 761 7272 Frenchtown, NJ Friday November 2,
9:15-10:45amYoga with Bonnie, Live Music with Girish Yoga Loka 34 Bridge Street Frenchtown, NJ 08825 908-268-7430 www.yoga-loka.comTickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door East Windsor, NJ Friday November 2,
8-10pmGirish Kirtan One Yoga & Wellness Center 405 Route 130 North Lower Level East Windsor, NJ 08520 (609) 918-0963 www.oneyogacenter.netTickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door Wilmington, DESaturday November 3, 3:30-5pmYoga with Johnny Gillespie, Live Music with Girish Empowered Yoga 2000 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 208 Wilmington, DE 19806 302 654 YOGA (9642) www.empoweredyoga.comTickets are $25 Saturday November 3,
7-9pmGirish KirtanEmpowered Yoga 2000 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 208 Wilmington, DE 19806 302 654 YOGA (9642) www.empoweredyoga.comTickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Bethlehem, PA Sunday November 4, 4-5pm Yoga with Jessie, Live Music with Girish The Yoga Loft 521 E 4th St., 3rd Floor Bethlehem, PA 18015 610.867.9642 theyogaloftofbethlehem.com Tickets are $15 in advance,
$20 at the door
Bethlehem, PA Sunday November 4,
5:30-7pm Girish Kirtan The Yoga Loft 521 E 4th St., 3rd Floor Bethlehem, PA 18015 610.867.9642 theyogaloftofbethlehem.com Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door
Warren, NJ Monday November 5,
7:45-9:15pm Gentle Open Yoga with Brian Yuen, Live Music with Girish Onyx Mind Body 45 Mountain Blvd. Warren, NJ 07059 908-834-8064 www.onyxmindbody.com Tickets are $12 plus normal class price
Seattle, WA November 9-11 Seattle Yoga & Music Fest
Berkley, MI
Saturday November 17
7:30-9:30pmGirish KirtanHouse of Yoga2965 West 12 Mile Road, Suite 100Berkley, MI 48067www.HouseofYoga.net248.556.0992Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Berkley, MI
Sunday November 18
Girish Chant Workshop
House of Yoga
2965 West 12 Mile Road, Suite 100
Berkley, MI 48067
248.556.0992 Tickets are $40 in advance, $45 at the door
Berkley, MISunday November 18 7:30pm
Candlelight Yoga with Abby, Live Music with Girish
House of Yoga
2965 West 12 Mile Road, Suite 100
Berkley, MI 48067
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door



Girish at
One Yoga
Thursday March 22, 6-8pm Spring Equinox, New Beginnings, All Levels Yoga with Tracey Ulshafer Live Music with Girish One Yoga & Wellness Center 405 Route 130 North Lower Level East Windsor, NJ 08520 (609) 918-0963 www.oneyogacenter.netTickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door |
Girish at
Yoga Synthesis
Friday March 23, 9:15am Yoga with Raji,
Live Music with Girish Yoga Synthesis 225 N Franklin Tpke Ramsey, NJ 07446-1630 (201) 818-9642 www.yogasynthesis.comTickets are $12 plus normal class price
Girish at
Freehold Yoga
Friday March 23,
8pm Girish Kirtan The Freehold
Yoga Center 3 West Main Street Freehold, New Jersey 07728 732-462-YOGA www.Freeholdyogacenter.comTickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Girish at
Shiva Shanti
Saturday March 24, 1-3pm Girish Chant Workshop Shiva Shanti
Girish at
March 24, 8pm Girish Kirtan Jai! Yoga 385 W. Lancaster Avenue Suite 201, Haverford, PA 19041 610-642-2000 www.jaiyoga.net Sponsored by Jai! Yoga & Yoga on Main Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door
Girish at
March 25, 10am Yoga with Sheryl,
Live Music with Girish Naturally Yoga 175 Rock Road, Ste 3 Glen Rock, NJ 07452-1724 (201) 612-7330 www.naturallyyoga.comTickets are $12 plus normal class price
Girish at
Yoga for
Sunday March 25, 7pm Girish Kirtan Yoga For Life 190-1 Belle Meade Road Setauket, New York 11733 631.941.9642 www.yogaforlifeohm.comTickets are $30 Monday March 26, 9:30am Live Music and Yoga with Girish Yoga For Life 190-1 Belle Meade Road Setauket, New York 11733 631.941.9642 www.yogaforlifeohm.comTickets are $30
Girish at
Baker Street Yoga
March 27, 7pm Yoga with Dana, Live Music with Girish Baker Street Yoga 97A Baker Street Maplewood NJ 07040 973 761 7272 www.bakerstreetyoga.com
| GIRISH - Ganapati (Live at Kali Klub) |
Girish at
Shakti Fest
Enter Code 2012girish to receive $25 off your ticket
Joshua Tree, CA May 11-13 Girish Kirtan Joshua Tree Retreat Center Bhaktifest.com
Shakti Fest 2012 with Girish, Wah!, Donna De Lory, C.C. White, Larisa Stow and Shakti Tribe, Govindas and Radha, Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band, David Newman (Durga Das) and Mira, Jaya Lakshmi, Shantala, Joey Lugassy, Saul David Raye, Mayapuris, Temple Bhajan Band, Marti Walker, Gina Sal�, Luna Ray Shiva Rea, Sara Ivanhoe, Kia Miller and Tommy Rosen, Micheline Berry, Hemalayaa, Bhava Ram ad Laura Plumb, Peter Guinosso, Lara Catone and Bonnie Argo, Kristin Olson, Cristi Cristensen, and many more!
| Girish performing Hanuman @ Bhakti Fest 2009 |

Guru Ganesha Band on Tour!
21Mar, Truckee, CA, Tahoe Yoga & Wellness Center
23Mar, Santa Rosa, CA, The Glaser Center
24Mar, Santa Rosa, CA, The Glaser Center
25Mar, San Francisco, CA, Yoga Tree (Castro)
28Mar, Santa Cruz, CA, Rio Theatre
30Mar, Berkeley, CA, Rudramandir
31Mar, Ashland, OR, SOU Recital Hall
1Apr, Ashland, OR, SOU Recital Hall
More at www.GuruGanesha.com
 | cover art www.tejart.com |
Announcing the brand new release from Girish: REMIXED
REMIXED links Sanskrit mantra and chant with modern grooves in a heart-opening, soul-stirring union. This is sensual, funky, yet deeply devotional music that will have your body moving and your heart soaring.
REMIXED joins Girish's lush, soulful voice and transcendent melodies with a dazzling array of international musical luminaries including Mac Quayle (Sting, Beyonce, Madonna), DJ Drez (Black-Eyed Peas, Bombay Dub Orchestra), Herb Graham, Jr (Macy Gray), Desert Dwellers, Rara Avis, Shujat Ali Khan and more.
Featuring nine of Girish's most popular songs completely re-imagined, REMIXED is an inspiring blend of musical styles ranging from dubstep to reggae, from dance to electronic - while maintaining the devotional heart and soul of Girish's music. This is music to put your prayers in motion!
$9.95 Girish:REMIXED Full MP3 Album Dowload, Available Now!
$17.95 Girish:REMIXED Full Album on Digipak CD, no shipping charges. Available Now!
| cover art www.tejart.com |
Yoga Music Review: "REMIXED" by Girish By Liz McCollum on SpiritVoyage.com December 13, 2011
If someone forced me to say my favorite yoga music artist out loud, Girish's name would probably come out. I cried when I saw him lead kirtan live. When I talked to him afterward, it was all I could do to hold it together. When it comes to his music, I am like those screaming, fainting Elvis and Beatles fans back in the day. So I must admit that I was really worried when I heard he was going to release an album of remixes. All of my favorite tracks...but changed? I was incredibly concerned, but my tentative listen quickly turned into exuberant rocking out. REMIXED is a fantastic album, taking the best of Girish and putting it to creative and fun beats.
The first song I ever heard by Girish was "Ganapati," fitting since it is a song about Ganesh. So the first track I chose to listen to on REMIXED was "Ganapati - Elephunk Remix." It feels like the remix took the most beautiful, richest line of mantra from the original track and made use of it here. The mix is fantastic, and none of the elements overpower any other. The vocals, melody, and beats all come together seamlessly.
The opening sounds of "Jaya Hanuman - Nirvana Monkey Remix" make me think of monkeys chattering and screeching in the jungle. What a perfect way to invoke the energy of Hanuman! Melodically, this remix stays very close to the original track, from Girish's recent album Diamonds in the Sun. Where it differs is in the powerful bass and percussion, which seem to have more depth and weight. This track definitely cuts right to the heart, and you'll feel it in your body.
"Kali Durge - Kingston Remix" has a great, old school reggae feel. It's a mellow version of what I imagine kirtan would feel like if Toots and the Maytals started singing mantras! Another slowed down track, which would make for a very electronically inspired savasana, is "Diamonds in the Sun - Omstep Remix." The electronic beats and accents, plus Girish's soothing voice give this track a mysterious vibe. The tempo does kick up in a couple of places, but overall these two tracks are the calmest on an album full of energetic mixes!
As easy as it would be to gush all day about each track on REMIXED, in the interest of brevity let me only mention one more. "Shiva Shambo - Ethno Remix" is the rare remix track that some might find better than the original! It's another track that keeps the vocals true to the original, but really fleshes out the instrumentals and beats. There are a lot of interesting instrumentals and percussive flourishes that make the original seem almost bare, or a capella, by comparison.
With the assistance of djs and mixers such as Mac Quayle, DJ Drez, Desert Dwellers, and Shujat Ali Khan, REMIXED definitely stands with albums like Kundalini Remix and Elephant Powered Remixes as a fun and energetic take on yoga music and sacred mantras. While not the most traditionally meditative of listening experiences, REMIXED is a great album for upbeat yoga practice, creative movement, working, and driving around town. The clarity of the mantras and the killer beats will energize and uplift the space around you, and get you up and dancing before you know it!
Yoga Music Union
Bring the Radiance of Bhakti home with you! This DVD, beautifully shot in HD in three gorgeous locations, includes: * Soundtrack by Girish: "Diamonds in the Sun 30 minute extended yoga flow edit" * An instructional mixed-level heart opening yoga flow sequence with seated poses, standing poses, and deep floor stretches with Julie Jackson Chenoweth * Guided breathing, relaxation and joyful acceptance of your yoga practice This unique, instructional DVD blends Yoga and Music in a journey to your own natural radiance!  | Yoga Music Union with Girish - DVD Commercial |
 $19.99 for the HD DVD, no shipping charges.
Girish Diamonds in The Sun
30-Minute Extended Yoga Flow Edit
Album Soundtrack to Yoga Music Union DVD includes 30 minutes of original never before released Girish "Diamonds in the Sun" extended to 30 minutes, with yoga narration by Julie Jackson Chenoweth, and without narration.
 $6.99 MP3 Album Download "Diamonds in the Sun 30-Minute Extended Yoga Flow Edit." Available Now!
 $9.99 "Diamonds in the Sun 30-Minute Extended Yoga Flow Edit" on CD digipak, no shipping charges. |
  $15, no shipping charges, sale price ends January 2, 2012
"Possessing a deeply soothing, almost sensual voice, Girish sings Sanskrit with palpable devotion and tenderness" ~ Yoga Journal U.S.
  $15, no shipping charges, sale price ends January 2, 2012
"His take on mantras is fresh and unique, in other words a must hear for everyone" ~ Music Design
  $15, no shipping charges, sale price ends January 2, 2012 "This CD is so luxe in its downtown, downtime rhythms, yoga butt or not, you'll get your bootie moving. Plus Girish's exquisite voice takes me to the other side." ~ Yoga Chicago
  $15, no shiping charges, sale price ends January 2, 2012
"Sacred images, deities, disolves, close-ups and a variety of spiritual mandalas, geographical photos and enticing art are all part of Yoga Vision...offering inspiration for yoga practice and creating sacred space....the visuals totally bring Girish's music to life....these audio visual mantra mandalas comprise many treasures and gems for repeated pleasurable and deepening viewing" ~ Backroads Music
  $9, no shipping charges, sale price ends January 2, 2012
Girish Music BPA Free 26oz. Stainless Steel Yoga Bottle with Ganesh Yantra! This yantra is beneficial for removing obstacles!
Yoga Journal
(US edition Nov 2010,
Australia edition Jan 2011)
"Diamonds in the Sun is a unique offering, even in the experimental realm of modern kirtan music. You might even forget you're listening to music that has its roots in India. That's not to say Girish doesn't give the tradition the respect it deserves. On the contrary: His love and inspiration are evident in this heartfelt recording.
Girish, a tabla player who has performed with many of today's top kirtan and mantra music artists, brings a modern acoustic Western sound to many songs. He performs many kirtan standards almost as ballads. Possessing a deeply soothing, almost sensual voice, he sings Sanskrit with palpable devotion and tenderness, as on "Lakshmi", a gorgeous slow sway to the deity. And his treatments of songs such as "Om Namah Shivaya", "Saraswati", and "Kali Durge" feel even more poignant for renderings that border on alt-country - lolling pedal-steel guitar and all.
Girish brought together a posse of kirtan allstars for this album, and the musical arrangements, featuring acoustic and electric guitar, banjo, sarangi, trumpet, cello, and mandolin, perfectly complement the textures of his voice. The melodic interplay between instrumentalists and vocalists is magnificent. Similarly sublime are the background vocals byDonna De Lory and C.C. White.
The Sanskrit verses and additional lyrics are consistently uplifting and heart opening: "We shine like diamonds in the sun/Every one of us" is the chorus in the title track. Girish's reverent cover of the Snatam Kaur classic "Long Time Sun" provides a rousing conclusion to the album."
By Jeremy Lehrer
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Common Ground &
LA Yoga Magazine
"Girish pours forth the sweetness on his third release Diamonds in the Sun, a delicious blend of flavors that will quench your spiritual thirst and fill your hungry heart. Girish delivers with his soothing voice, collection of world instruments and cameo cast of dream team players, effectively mixing English prayers with Sanskrit call-and-response style chanting. This unique merging invites listeners of all backgrounds to join in and touch the heart of the divine." Michael Reidinger, LA Yoga Magazine
"With "Diamonds in the Sun" Girish has found the perfect blend of musical styles, pure inspiration, tender ballads, and that awesome combining of chant form and English lyrics. This is infectious, encompassing music to lift your spirits and soothe your soul." Lloyd Barde, Common Ground
"Diamonds in the Sun" Sponsor PranaShanti Yoga
Our intention at PranaShanti is to create an oasis in the city of Ottawa. A home that heals your body, calms the mind and strengthens the spirit. From the moment you walk through the door, your Yoga practice begins. Hear the soothing sound of the waterfall, feel surrounded by the soft color palette and enjoy a delicious cup of Yogi Tea with your fellow yogis.
The PranaShanti Yoga Teachers bring a wealth of experience and offer the highest quality of teaching. Our Teachers come from all walks of life and backgrounds and share the vision of bringing the benefits of Yoga and Meditation from many different traditions to our community.
Our Reception Staff are open and happy to serve you. You will be warmly greeted by Elizabeth, Monica, Elissar, Lana and Stephanie.
We provide a soothing, healing atmosphere and a community where you can deepen your yoga practice. We encourage you to relax and take your time so you can leave feeling renewed by your overall experience.
We invite you to experience the PranaShanti difference.
"Diamonds in the Sun" Sponsor Cell-nique
Girish drinks Cell-nique every day and is happy to have their support in the release of "Diamonds in the Sun." Cell-nique is not just a beverage for your physical health, though it's ingredients are among the most healing on the planet. Each bottle displays a Mantra and a Yantra. A mantra is the creative projection of the mind through sound and a yantra is a diagram for a point of focus during meditation.
Girish Recommends 1 Simple OM
Please join us in supporting this worthy cause!
One Simple Om aims to heal and unite the world one Om at a time. This simple necklace reminds those who wear it of the universal vibration that connects us all. Each Thai silver charm and clasp ring are hand hammered by the Karen Hill Tribe of Thailand. Each necklace is hand strung and knotted on brown non-animal cord by Boston area yoga teacher and mother Sammy Brown Goodrich. 1simpleom.com