September 2023 Family Newsletter

Welcome to the 2023-2024 Girl Scouts year!

If you haven’t renewed your membership for the 2023-2024 Girl Scouts Year, this will be the last email you will get from Wayzata Girl Scouts.

We have a fun year planned and we hope you will join us at one of the many fall events we have planned. Read on to find out more below!

If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please feel free to unsubscribe below.

Want to know what’s happening? Here’s how we will be communicating throughout the year:

Facebook – We have a new Facebook group for all girls, volunteers and caregivers of Wayzata Girl Scouts. Click here to join.

Website – You can find information about all of the year’s upcoming events here.

Newsletters – This newsletter will be sent out monthly. We might sneak in a few more emails specific to certain event sign ups as our fall event details are finalized.

Meet your Wayzata Service Unit Core Team!

Service Unit Volunteers meet throughout the year to share ideas, receive training, and talk about important announcements. They also organize events like community-wide service projects, summer camps, cookie rallies, celebrations, ceremonies, and more!

Service Unit Manager

Maran Bush

Harmony Smith


Deb Thornton

Cookie Manager

Maran Bush

Cookie Rewards Manager

Harmony Smith


Jennifer Gerding

Fall Product Manager

Deb Thornton

Higher Awards Mentor

Megan Scheffe

Outdoor Champion (2)*




Jessi Dolinger


Lavanya Danasekaran


Harmony Smith

Troop Mentor

Vicki Heinz

*Please consider volunteering for an Open Position or getting a team together to cover an opening. Position descriptions can be found here.

Please contact for inquiries.

Fall Events

Plymouth on Parade

September 23rd

Sign up ASAP if you'd like to participate.

Girls may choose to participate without their troop

Click here to visit the web page

Fall Kick Off and Recruitment Event

September 28th

Click here to visit the web page

Join us from 6:00-7:30 in the Robert H Rohlf room (first floor) of the Ridgedale Library. All current and future girl scouts, troop leaders, volunteers and girl caregivers are invited!

There will be games, crafts, a scavenger hunt, a raffle with lots of great prizes, and light refreshments.

A short informational presentation on what's new and happening in the Service Unit will be from 6:30-7:00.

Trunk or Treat

October 27th (Tentative)

Visit the website for updates

Holiday Bazaar

November 18th

Troops with 4th grade girls and older may sell at the bazaar. Younger girls can come shop and earn a badge.

Adult volunteers are still needed for this event. If you are interested in volunteering to help, visit the website for more information and links to sign up.

Tell your friends and family to come shop!

Click here to visit the facebook page
Click here to visit the web page

Winter Adult & Me Overnight

December 1-3

(Tentative date based on meeting our volunteer needs.)

Save the Date!

Who: Girl Scout and an adult*

What: Winter Adult & Me Overnight

Where: Camp Elk River in Zimmerman, MN

When: Saturday, 12/2- Sunday, 12/3

Theme: Games

Volunteers Needed: Attention all Cadette/Senior/Ambassadors and Juliettes! We are looking for your help to plan and run this event. C/S/A and their adult volunteers will attend Friday 12/1 - Sunday 12/3 and get to enjoy an extra overnight. We will start holding planning meetings with our volunteers in October.

Please contact with questions or click on the link below to register to volunteer!

*Adults must be registered members.

Click here to volunteer
Visit the web page for updates

Fall Product Fundraiser!

(Snacks & Magazines Sales)

September 25 - October 22

Fall Product

Key Dates:

September 19 @ 6:30 p.m.: Snacks & Magazine Rally (be sure to sign up.)

September 25: "Go Day." Girl Scouts begin selling!

October 22: Sales end.

October 23: Family order entry deadline in M2OS.

October 27: Troop order entry deadline in M2OS.

November 14-17: Snack deliveries to Service Unit Fall Product Manager (SUFPM).

December: Reward deliveries to SUFPM. 

December 7: Final date to deposit money into Troop account. Finance Inventory Issue Form Due.

December 15: ACH withdrawal from Troop Account.

Please e-mail with any questions and for a packet (provide number of girls selling).

Meet our new mascot

​Olive the Ocelot. 

She will help you

​"Own your Magic".

Visit the web page for more information

Upcoming Events - quick links

Save the Dates!

September 19 (6:30 p.m.)

Snacks & Magazines Rally (Aka, Fall Product Rally)

September 23 (9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)

Plymouth on Parade

September 25-October 22

Snacks & Magazines (Fall Product) Sales

September 28 (6:00-7:30 p.m.)

Fall Kick Off & Recruitment Meeting

October 27 (Tentative)


November 18 (8:00-10:00 a.m. set up; 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. sale; 2:00-3:30 p.m. clean up)

Holiday Bazaar

December 1-3

Winter Adult & Me Overnight

Visit our Website
Follow us on Facebook





Fall Product