It's time to register for Girls Day Out 2022! This year’s date is Saturday, September 24th. This event is open to girls ages 3-19. Our theme for this year is “Saved by His Grace”. Our theme scripture is Ephesians 2:8, “For grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves. It is the gift of God…”. For more information, online registration, to download a registration packet visit or simply scan the QR code on the flyer.
The registration fees are as follows; Early Bird by September 1st $20, September 1st - 17th $30 and after September 17th/at the door $40. One adult per every five girls registered is eligible to attend Girls Day Out for free if the registration is postmarked or completed online by September 1st. The registration fee includes worship services, games, crafts, carnival rides, lunch and other activities.
We will have a Mini Mall at Girls Day Out with various items available for purchase.
Girls Day Out themed t-shirts are available for purchase on the attached registration form or on the online form. Pricing, design and other information is located on the Girls Day Out Facts Sheet. Shirts will only be guaranteed for registrations postmarked or completed online by September 17th. There will be a very limited number of shirts available at Girls Day Out so pre-ordering is recommended.
Liability Release Forms will be required for all girls in attendance. These forms can be found on our website. Please bring these completed forms with you to Girls Day Out.
At Girls Day Out we will be taking up an offering for this year’s YWEA/Girls on a Mission Project. For more information on this year’s project please visit
If you have any questions regarding any of the information provided, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your support of Girls Ministries. I look forward to see all of you at Girls Day Out! I believe we are going to have a wonder time!
Jennifer T. Fickett
Girls Ministries Coordinator, SC