Give Grandly is this Saturday!

We are so grateful to be participating in the 2023 Give Grandly. We could not do the work we do without the charitable donations of community members like you! Please consider making a donation to support the Silver City MainStreet Project at

We are so excited for our Silco Theater 100th Anniversary Gala on Wednesday! Tickets are going fast, so be sure to get yours soon!

Buy your tickets here or see us in person at the Murray Ryan Visitor Center. We are excited to dress up, enjoy incredible desserts, and watch amazing performances!

Check Out New Businesses Downtown!

Join us in welcoming Shane Dalton and his Dalton Gallery to downtown Silver City! Shane is an amazing desert landscape artist. Shane is a local artist that does prints as well as original works of art. Check out his gallery at 215 W. Broadway and YouTube channels, Dalton Gallery and Space Galleria.

Join us in welcoming Lorie Ranker and her Globe Galleria to downtown. Globe Galleria features Art and hand crafted works from New Mexico based artists. Check out their handmade-vintage apparel at 110 W. Yankie on Thurs, Fri and Sat from 11 am - 4 pm and Sun 11 am - 3 pm.

Join us in welcoming Roxanna Madrid and Santiago Arredondo and their restaurant Roxy's to downtown Silver City! Check out their great diner vibe and homestyle food at 619 N. Bullard from 7am - 2pm daily.  Open for dinner Thursday Friday Saturday 4pm-730pm. Follow them on Facebook at

Join us in welcoming Chrystal and Shanon Muehlhausen and their business scratch pop-up/Spicey Me Foods to downtown Silver City, located at 100 W. 8 St. Scratch is proud to bring new events & opportunities for yummy, homemade food to downtown Silver City.

Their specialty spice blends are amazing! Check out their website to see their upcoming events.

We are so excited to welcome Nathan Howard and Two Piece Fried Chicken to downtown Silver City, located at 601 N Bullard St, Suite E! Two Piece Fried Chicken is a restaurant located in The Mint Chip Creamery that specializes in fried chicken, but also serves southern food, Indian food, and more! The Chef, Nathan Howard, uses seasonal ingredients and 20+ years of experience working with a variety of cuisines, to bring high-technique, flavor-packed, and always made from scratch dishes to Silver City.

Starting in April they will be opened 11am - 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Follow them on Facebook at

Join us in welcoming Hilary Klein and Franky Deangelis and Wild Gila Studio (211 A N. Texas St) to downtown Silver City! Wild Gila Studio is a working studio and gallery displaying art by Hilary and Franky. Hilary's work specializes in southwest flora and fauna while Franky's work is wildly abstract with an urban edge. You can see this amazing art by appointment by emailing! Check out their instagram @wildgilastudio io and etsy shop at

Volunteer at the Murray Ryan Visitor Center!

The Murray Ryan Visitor Center is looking for volunteers! Our volunteers get to meet interesting people from all over our country and even the world. They also get to know their neighbors and our community better. 

Our volunteers often commit to 2 – 4 hours, once or twice a week and the scheduling is very flexible. If volunteering sounds fun to you, come in to talk to Noah (Tuesdays-Saturdays 9-5).

Noah encourages all residents and visitors to frequent our website, and go to the calendar and event pages to see what is happening in Silver City and Grant County. Please call 575-538-5555 if you have questions or come by and say hello to Noah or Chris or one of the wonderful volunteers!

The Silco Theater, 311 N. Bullard Street 

To find out what is playing, please visit or call 

575-956-6198, or contact Kim at to book your next birthday party or special event! Follow us on Facebook at Silco Theater - MainStreet



Each Thursday at 7pm, The Silco Theater will have a showing of films from over the years and around the world. The Silco Film Club aims to bring you some of your favorites, as well as introduce you to cinema you haven’t seen before.

The Silco Film Club is a private event—only members will be admitted to screenings. 



Memberships come in the form of punch cards. You have the option of supporting the Silco at a 3, 6, or 12-film level. With your prepaid card, you can then choose which films you would like to come and see. Click HERE to see the list of films in our current lineup.

3-film Membership: $27

6-film Membership: $54

12-film Membership: $108


We will not sell memberships the night of the film.


You can purchase ticket online at:

If you have questions or issues regarding membership purchase, please contact us at or call (575) 956-6198.

Brochure Rack Program

Want to get information out about your program or organization? Silver City MainStreet offers the Brochure Rack Program with 25 locations throughout Grant county. The racks are regularly stocked with your information. Renee is managing the program and you can have your rack card promoted for the entire year or just a month. It's only $30 per month to participate!

Contact Renee at

What is Silver City MainStreet?  


Silver City MainStreet is a non-profit organization that is a part of a state and national organization committed to working with our community to revitalize our downtown. We promote a community driven program combining historic preservation with economic development. We do this through collaboration and promotion of downtown events, improvements to and preservation of our historic district, and the development of new and creative uses for downtown buildings. By working together, we can make downtown Silver City vibrant!



 To encourage a vibrant, historic downtown Silver City that is recognized as the

heart of our diverse community. 


Our Vision


Silver City MainStreet will be a highly visible, respected, credible community economic development program that is recognized for our ability to bring economic vitality and growth to Silver City's downtown while preserving and enhancing local culture and historic resources.