July 2022
Blood Is Thicker Than Water...
We know budgets are tight right now. Print this month's Peds Pearl and post in your break room by clicking the link below for the PDF version. It might not be the big, full color, 11x17" posters that come in the book, but it's something you can do now... and it's FREE!
Monthly Peds Pearls... IN PRINT!
"Tear-Out Tips, Tricks & Treasures from the Trenches"
A pediatric emergency teaching tool that is written in short, easy to understand pages with useful pediatric information that can be read quickly and put into practice immediately! 

52 full-color 11x17 tear-out posters that can be placed where education really gets done... Bathrooms, Break Rooms, or Bulletin Boards! Learn live or in the loo! :)
Peds Education On Just $1 Per Week!

The original Peds Pearls and 52 MORE pearls of pediatric wisdom in Peds Pearls 2... from the desk of Scott DeBoer and other medical experts!

"These books should be required reading for all emergency staff!..."
-Bonnie Lundblom,
Nurse Consultant: eBroselow
888-280-PEDS (7337) | PediEd.com | info@PediEd.com