Protecting Land & Water | Advocacy | Balanced Growth
A gift to Upstate Forever protects our region's character for future generations

As 2019 draws to a close, we're reflecting on all of this year's successes. Thanks to your support, this year Upstate Forever has:

If you have given this year, we thank you . Your additional gift will go directly toward protecting critical lands and saving special places.

If you have not yet given this year, please consider a tax-deductible gift in support of maintaining the character of our beloved Upstate!
Support UF while you shop
Making some last-minute holiday purchases? When you do your online shopping through Amazon Smile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Upstate Forever! Be sure to use each time you shop and select Upstate Forever as the organization you wish to support.
Another way to support UF
If you are 70 ½ or older, you can use your individual retirement account (IRA) to support Upstate Forever. Making an IRA charitable rollover gift to us will lower the income and taxes from your IRA required minimum distributions. Contact Aldon Knight at [email protected] or (864) 250-0500 to learn more.
Greenville needs safe places to walk & ride
Thank you to Frank Mansbach & Mary McGowan from Bike Walk Greenville for this thoughtful opinion piece discussing the need for safer walking and biking infrastructure. UF stands behind efforts to expand mobility choices for residents, including more people-oriented land use decisions and infrastructure investments. Read the article
The energy debate in SC
In one recent week, almost every aspect of the current energy transition debate was illustrated through both the media and through presentations to the South Carolina Public Service Commission. Director of Energy & State Policy Shelley Robbins breaks down what happened and what it means in an informative blog post. Read the blog
Voice your opinion on coal tar pollution in Greenville
Coal tar pollution on the Bramlett property upstream from Greenville's Unity Park is an issue that has rightly sparked community concern. Our friends at the South Carolina Environmental Law Project have created a petition you can sign to voice your opinion. Good things happen when a community shows how much they care. Sign the petition
Learn from our Land Trust
UF's Land Conservation team is working on its first newsletter! It will feature stories from local landowners, conservation groups, and other interesting tidbits, all centered around how we can be better stewards of special places in the Upstate. To be added to the list, send your name and address to Caitlyn Smith at [email protected].
You're invited to the ForeverGreen Annual Awards Luncheon

Monday, February 24
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Embassy Suites
670 Verdae Boulevard
Greenville, South Carolina 29607

Each year, Upstate Forever's ForeverGreen Annual Awards Luncheon celebrates individuals and organizations for significant contributions in fields related to conservation and sustainable growth.

In addition to the awards program, this year’s ForeverGreen Luncheon will feature a special celebration to honor Upstate Forever’s founder and conservation hero Brad Wyche. 

Now through 5:00 pm on January 31, early bird tickets are available at a discounted rate of $35 each. To learn more about the 2020 ForeverGreen Luncheon or to purchase tickets, click here.
May you enjoy a wonderful holiday season and a happy, healthy new year

The holidays are a time of rest and reflection, gratitude and resolution. As we take a moment to look back on the progress made this year and set goals for the year to come, we also have to thank you, dear friends. Because of your passion and support, we can together ensure the Upstate is healthy, vibrant, and prosperous for generations to come.

From all of us at Upstate Forever, thank you and happy holidays!
Get Legislative Action Alerts
While the South Carolina Legislature is in session from January through May of each year, Energy & State Policy Director Shelley Robbins shares a weekly Legislative Update with Action Alerts on critical, time sensitive issues and provides the tools you need to contact your elected officials. Sign up now
Didn't get our newsletter?
The Upstate Advocate is Upstate Forever’s twice-yearly publication, published in April and October and sponsored by Pacolet Milliken Enterprises. You can find it online at our website, or if you'd like to be added to the mailing list for future issues, email Ava Thacker at [email protected].
More news & updates
Create a lasting legacy
When you make a planned gift to Upstate Forever, you help us achieve our goals for current and future generations while enjoying a wide variety of tax benefits. Visit our planned giving site to learn about bequests, IRA rollovers, charitable lead trusts, and other ways to give. Read more
Upcoming Events
ForeverGreen Annual Awards Luncheon : Monday, February 24, 2020 at the Embassy Suites on Verdae Blvd in Greenville. Read more
Do you know about our other mailing lists?

Greenville County Comprehensive Plan Updates
Upstate Forever wants to help demystify and empower citizens to influence the Comprehensive Plan update process. Join this dedicated mailing list to receive updates and alerts for all Greenville-based comp plans.

Planning & Growth Updates for Spartanburg County
Spartanburg County is growing rapidly, with more than 60,000 new residents projected by 2040. Whether you live or work in Spartanburg County or just care deeply about its future, our Land Planning & Policy team will keep you informed and actively engaged in shaping Spartanburg's future growth.

SC Legislative Updates
While the State Legislature is in session from January through May of each year, we dispatch a weekly Legislative Update recapping each week's important energy and conservation news. We also issue Action Alerts on critical, time-sensitive issues and provide the tools you need to contact your elected officials.

The Water Log (NEW!)
Water is our planet's most precious natural resource, and Upstate Forever is working to safeguard both the quantity and quality of water in our region. Our Clean Water team sends out a periodic newsletter dedicated to clean water issues and advocacy.

To sign up for one or all of the above lists, please click here and select the list(s) you'd like to join .
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Your tax-deductible gift to Upstate Forever will go directly toward protecting critical lands and saving special places in the Upstate.
Click the icons below to learn more about our work
Upstate Forever is a nonprofit conservation organization that protects critical lands, waters, and the unique character of Upstate South Carolina.  Over the past two decades, we have worked to protect the natural assets that make the Upstate so special — our farmlands, forests, natural areas, rivers, and clean air. We are committed to ensuring that our communities are vibrant and retain their green spaces, outdoor heritage, and unique identities in the face of rapid development and significant sprawl. Our vision is an environmentally healthy, economically prosperous Upstate that offers a high quality of life now and for future generations.

For more information, visit our website at or send us an email .