'Tis the season to help animals in need!

We never take a break from rescuing animals in need and we couldn't do it without your generous donations. Read below about some special animals in need and how to be a superhero to animals this holiday season!

ALSO, keep an eye out for our brand new website, launching in a couple days!
ASR depends on donations to rescue animals, feed them, medicate them and more! Donate easily and  securely through PayPal.
On Tues, 11/29,  people & businesses from around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving. Consider ASR!
Send a holiday gift! Purchase much needed supplies for our rescued animals: like food, kitten formula, medical items & toys!

ASR is a 501(C)(3) non-profit charitable organization.
All donations are tax-deductible. Our Tax ID# is 30-0546535

Letter from ASR Founder and President, 
Amy Strickland:

Thank you for giving this year!

2016 marked Animal Shelter Relief's (ASR) 8th anniversary, and we are coming to the end of yet another successful year of saving lives! In eight years ASR has saved the lives of 1556 individual, unique, loving and deserving animals. So far, in 2016, we have rescued 209 animals. I could not be more proud of these numbers, for they represent the tireless efforts of scores of volunteers, myself included. They also represent good people like you, who have adopted from ASR or supported our work through generous donations. These numbers show how a community of like-minded people can come together and-in their own special way-make a difference in our corner of the world, and I thank you for being a part of it.
ASR depends solely on donations; we receive no government funding, but because no one at ASR receives a paycheck, and because we have no brick and mortar shelter to maintain, your donation goes directly to saving these animals. It pays our medical bills, which run in the thousands every month. It buys food and supplies for foster families who would otherwise find fostering cost prohibitive. Your donation is our lifeblood. Won't you help ASR make 2017 our best and most successful year ever by making a tax deductible donation or a monthly recurring donation? We are counting on you!
I hope you enjoy meeting some of our beautiful adoptable animals in this email, and I hope you'll stop by one of our adoption fairs and say hi.
Happy Holidays and thank you!

Earl & Misty's Story

Earl and Misty are two 8 year old siblings that were surrendered to a local animal shelter because their family was forced to move and could not find cat-friendly housing. Animal Shelter Relief (ASR) worked with their family for 3 months to try to find placement so that they wouldn't have to be surrendered to the shelter, but it is not easy finding a home for 2 middle-aged, adult cats when there are so many kittens grabbing the spotlight. In addition, Earl suffered from seizures when he was younger and has been on anti-seizure medication for the last few years, which has altogether stopped the seizures, but there is the cost of the medication: $78 per month.

Moving day came and Earl & Misty were brought to the animal shelter. The caring shelter staff called ASR immediately, as their cages were full and they could not place an older cat with a health issue such as Earl's. ASR has only one foster home that can take older, adult cats, and this wonderful foster home agreed to take them. The shelter staff warned us that Earl and Misty were extremely traumatized from their 2-night stay at the shelter. We weren't surprised at this news since they had lived their entire lives in one home, but we were shocked at just what an emotional toll this life change took on them. Both kitties refused to eat, or even move, for a week. We rushed them to our veterinarian, who ran various tests and blood panels which were only slightly abnormal. Our vet determined that it was simply stress. So, we went to work trying to make them more comfortable, and helping them to eat and gain back weight.  

It's been two months and Earl is doing really good. He had a turnaround a few weeks ago and has gained back the several pounds that he lost. We know now that Earl wants nothing more than a warm lap and to purr away the day!

Misty however, could not overcome the trauma of her upheaval. She came to us as a 22 pound, stunning Calico, but she lost 8 lbs in only 6 weeks. Tragically, after a lifetime of health, Misty suffered a stroke 2 weeks ago and died.

We are happy that we were able to give Earl and Misty a second chance, even if there was nothing more we could do for poor Misty. Now we are focusing on Earl and finding him his forever home. It may take awhile, but we know there's someone(s) out there who will love and appreciate him.

In the meantime, Earl's monthly medications are a problem for ASR's shoestring budget. If you cannot adopt Earl, would you be willing to sponsor him and help ASR pay for his anti-seizure medication? You can make a recurring donation via Paypal earmarked for our special orange boy. Let's make 2017 the best year yet for Earl!
Coconut's BIG Scare!
Silly Coconut gave us the biggest Halloween fright:
this clumsy trickster swallowed a mystery object!

Three nights at the vet, emergency surgery and $4100 later, he's on the mend...phew.

Coconut's Halloween Scare!
Watch the fundraiser video.
Minnie loves to cuddle and spend time with her adult. She enjoys car rides or just snuggles on the couch. Minnie does fine with cats and perhaps another similar size dog.

This 'mask & mantle' is a rambunctious, loving girl. She is very playful & curious, and she gets along great with her fellow foster kittens. Mazzy is super cuddly, enjoys being held and will snuggle with you all night. 

Not only are her eyes unique but she has an amazing personality to accompany them. She is super playful and fun but will also curl up with you for a nice cuddle. Great all around cat that loves people, dogs!

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