When creating a Go-Bag, it's important to consider who it's for. Keep in mind the different toiletry, clothing, and medical needs of your recipients' gender and age.
Women may need different toiletries than men, and your grandmother may need different clothes than your nephew. Does your recipient use an inhaler? Do they wear glasses? The more you consider your recipients' needs, the more prepared they will be for a wildfire.
Additionally, include a written list of items that you recommend your recipient add such as:
- Financial and medical records
- Necessary medications
- Prescription glasses
- Extra credit cards
- Inventory of home contents
- Designated out-of-area contacts
- Family heirlooms and photos
- Copy of their passport
Lastly, you can write a thoughtful card or include a comforting note such as "I hope you never have to use this Go-Bag, but I'm happy you're prepared. Below is my contact information, I'm here whenever you need me."