Expanding during the Pandemic
In spite of the fact that I'm housebound and my physical world is shrinking, my vocabulary is expanding. Just a few weeks ago I barely knew what Pandemic meant, nor did I realize what Social Distancing was. My whole way of thinking has turned topsy-turvy. Yesterday, while watching a Hallmark movie I found myself cringing every time people shook hands or gave each other a brief hug.

This pillow is perfect for such times as these.

What else has changed? I and those who aren't working outside their homes are met with vast quantities of time. Usually a gift. Right? Ah, finally time to ... Well, what have you wanted to learn to do? Knit, paint or draw, take dance lessons. Sign up for an exercise class? No, those last two require close proximity so we'd better skip them for right now unless we're content with a YouTube partner.

No TV up on the Island. How about a board game or puzzle instead

I keep telling myself that I should be using my time more wisely. Organize my cupboards and sort through the clothes I don't wear. Write a new book! Not that my head isn't always meandering through a storyline or tinkering with names and new locations. And I'm taking my early morning walk every day. Exercise is important during stressful times as long as we practice social distancing.

I wonder how you're spending your days if you're self-quarantined as my hubby and I are. Enter my $100 Amazon Gift-card Giveaway to purchase needed art or craft supplies, be they watercolors, yarn, or music. Plus receive one of my signed novels, either An Amish Christmas Kitchen, Starting from Scratch, A Letter from Lancaster County; or one of 3 books from The Legacy of Lancaster County Trilogy - Leaving Lancaster, its sequel, Pennsylvania Patchwork, or Forever Amish; or A Portrait of Marguerite. US and Canada only, winner has three days to respond.

Click here to enter on my blog!

Warm Wishes,


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A Letter from Lancaster County

" Many read books for an escape from every day problems, some books are a distraction, Ms. Lloyd's truly whisk a person away and puts you IN the stories! .
 Cindi L., 5-star Amazon review


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