
Dear God, help us as we search for the truth within the parable, even when the words seem harsh. Help us to sift through, and at times simply endure the harder parts of Scripture so that we may hear your voice. It is your voice of truth that calls us to show our love to you by the manner that we love and care for others. In your holy name we pray. Amen

Call to Worship:
L: In love and joy God calls us together.
P: And so we meet this day, as friends, as neighbors, as sisters and brothers in Christ.
L: Called together by God, we bring our offerings to God
P: We bring our songs, our hearts, our prayers, our lives.
L: We are ever grateful for the opportunity to both give and receive
ALL: Let us worship God
A Time of Centering Prayer
You are invited to join us ten minutes before our Sunday service for a time of centering prayer. We are taking these few minutes before the service begins to prepare our hearts and minds for worship.
We will meet in the Amaryllis Room. All are welcome.
On Sunday August 28th we will welcome Samantha Evans to Grace as she brings the message while Pastor Jen is away. This will surely be a special service and a wonderful opportunity to catch-up!

Next week's newsletter will be completed much sooner than usual and will likely be a condensed version, as the editor takes a few days off. If you have something that needs to be included, please turn it in by Tuesday at 10am.
Monthly Missions

In August, we will be collecting funds to purchase gift cards for local teachers connected to Grace.
Thank you so much to those who have already given so generously to this worthy cause! We will collect for this mission through the service on the 28th.

*If you are giving a special "missional gift", please make a note on your offering.
Make a Joyful Noise!

It's not too late to join the beginning bell ringing class. We meet Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. in the bell room for one hour.
Information from Ardie Morris (218) 330-8565

We know that the floors in the Fellowship Hall are in desperate need of cleaning. We had made arrangements to have this carpet cleaned a few weeks ago, and then Covid changed our plans. We are now back on the schedule with the cleaning company, and they will be cleaned on August 24th.

*We will need help on Sunday after Fellowship time to remove all of the tables and chairs, and again on Thursday(25th) at some point to put things back for Sunday. Please speak with Don Catchpool if you can help with this.
Church Directory

We are working on getting our church directory updated. If you have had any changes to your information, please let the office know so that we have the most current and accurate data. At a future date, we will be making copies available to those who request it. If you do NOT want to have any or perhaps only certain parts of your information made public, please let us know. We want to balance community and respect your privacy.
Sunday mornings we have returned to live streaming our Sunday services, but we realize that there are still some issues popping up some Sundays. On our website you can usually watch the recorded service after 10:30am or so. There is a link to our site at the end of this newsletter.
We continue to work on making the online experience better and appreciate both your grace and feedback as we make improvements. Soon, we will be updating our internet capabilities and are hopeful that this will fix some of the issues.
We are grateful to be able to offer our services online and appreciate any gifts received to help this ministry grow and continue.
If you have something that should be added to this newsletter from your group or mission, please speak with Pastor Jen or email the details to her at The E-Grace is generally completed by noon on Thursdays, so articles need to be given to me by Thursday morning at the very latest.
If you wish to connect with me directly and it is not an emergency, please know that I will respond as needed during pretty regular office hours. I am in the church most weekdays from at least 10-12, call ahead to be sure, as my weeks vary. Ann has my detailed schedule and can find me if needed.
-Pastor Jen

Contact us concept with wood block and symbols at_ e-mail address and phone

Important note
If you are mailing something to the church, you must use our P.O. Box for the address. We do not receive mail at the church, and if you use the physical church address it will get returned and could delay your notices to us or offerings.
P.O. Box 276
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
Contact Information
 Grace United Methodist Church 
29318 Patriot Ave - P.O. Box 276
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
Phone: 218-568-5755