Dear Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua,
As you know, so much evil and sadness have covered the land of Israel these last several months. We have been battling a physical enemy that wishes to wipe the Jewish people off the earth. This is not a new tactic of Satan, and God was not surprised by this attack.
My faith is that God is at work behind the scenes. He is doing something that we do not see right now. I believe His hand remains upon Israel and this ministry and He has us here for such a time as this.
I have been thinking about this a lot recently as we go into the season of Purim. You may not celebrate this holiday as we do here in Israel, but for Jewish families, it is a special and joyous time as we celebrate defeating our enemies!
Each year at Purim, we remember Esther, the beautiful Jewish girl who became the queen of pagan King Xerxes. When her uncle Mordecai learns of Haman’s evil plot to kill all the Jews, he encourages Esther to persuade the king not to let this happen. Perhaps the reason she was made queen, Mordecai tells Esther, was “for such a time as this.”
Yeshua has been at work here in Israel and the hearts of the lost have been softened. They are searching for something to fill a deep void that many do not understand. It is so important that we offer them the hope and fulfillment they can only find in declaring Yeshua as their Messiah!
So this year for Purim, we are having a very special outreach at our coffee shop, HaOgen. We will not only provide good coffee, food, and fellowship but we will host a very special speaker and author that will expose the lies of other religions and how she found her true hope in Yeshua! We are believing this will be an incredible night!
While this season is usually a joyous day of celebration, there will be lingering sadness as 134 hostages are still being held by our enemy. We are still at war.
May I humbly ask you to pray for our Purim outreach as we welcome many lost and searching people this holiday? And to pray about supporting our ministry as we continue to meet needs in Israel every day, for such a time as this?
If you are able to give, please give online so we are prepared to meet every need.