"Greetings! I am one of the donors to the FSPA — kind of like a drop in the ocean. I am employed by the sisters, working as a nurse at Villa St. Joseph. I hope my biggest contribution is through a trusted partnership in care, service and relationship, a sort of gift of myself.
When one of my coworkers mentioned the "Faithful Friends" means of routine giving, it seemed like the most reasonable thing in the world. This program helps support the sisters in their retirement. I also gave on GivingTuesday [an annual event] when there was a donation match to help make the most of my gift.
Working with the sisters has been profoundly transforming on a personal level. They have shown me so much about how to age gracefully, suffer uncomplainingly and be as joyful as possible. After spending years of caregiving and closeness, it is sad when they pass away. Sometimes I send a memorial donation in honor of a sister who has passed.
If you get a chance, take the time to engage with the sisters and their projects in the community. We all have a responsibility to make the world a better place, and your force for good will be multiplied by working with the sisters. And you might feel a little bit transformed too."