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November 2023


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Collegiate Scholarships Offered:

The Rip Corley & Santé Center for Healing Scholarship in memory of Santé’s co-founder Rip Corley, LMSW, RN. This $500 award will go to an individual in recovery from addiction for at least two years, having completed at least one year in college and pursuing an undergraduate degree from an accredited college and/or university.

The Dr. Deb Corley & Santé Center for Healing Scholarship in honor of Santé’s co-founder/co-owner Dr. Deb Corley, PhD, LMFT, LCDC, LSOTP, CSAT, CMAT. This $500 award will go to an individual pursuing a graduate degree towards work in the mental and behavioral health field. Eligible programs include: social work, psychology, nursing, counseling, marriage and family therapy.

The Sam Slaton & Santé Center for Healing Scholarship in celebration of Santé’s CEO Sam Slaton, M.ED., LPC-S, MBA, MHSM for years of leadership. This $500 award will go to an individual pursuing a graduate degree towards health care management. Eligible programs include: public health, healthcare administration, healthcare management, health systems management, health services administration, Healthcare MBA.

Important Dates for Santé's Scholarships:

  • Submission period: September 5, 2023-December 1, 2023
  • Award Announcement: December 8, 2023
  • Award Date: December 19, 2023

Click here or the below button for eligibility requirements and other information.

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Santé Center for Healing measures client satisfaction to provide top-tier client care services, measure staff and organization performance, and improve client care experience. Residential clients are asked to take a survey at discharge. Results are based only on those that agreed to participate. Those who responded "very" or "mostly satisfied" are: (click here or see below image)

Step 11

“Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” 

Spirituality and addiction treatment, is it necessary for one to have a Higher Power or to practice spirituality to get sober and have a lasting recovery? The short answer is no, one does not need a Higher Power and/or spirituality to have recovery from addiction. Studies show that incorporating spirituality into one’s addiction treatment plan greatly increases the probability of having a lasting recovery from the disease of addiction, hence the reason why a majority of treatment centers offer a 12 Step or spirituality component. Addiction robs us from experiencing the essence of life, the ability to experience true joy and happiness, the ability to have value in relationships, and the ability to have a spiritual connection, the ability to live free. Sobriety and ultimately recovery allows us the ability to connect spiritually, once the oppressive veil of addiction has been removed we can begin to seek what spirituality is and what role that can play in one’s recovery. Spirituality is not religion although they are commonly used as the same word; spirituality is choosing anything greater than yourself, like one’s sobriety. Spirituality is a proactive journey of mindfulness, allowing us to connect to something greater than ourselves, it is a support, and ultimately spirituality can be the catalyst that allows us to truly feel and experience the joys of life that the disease of addiction had taken from us.

Often Santé's first level of programming for our clients, our on-site medical detox is staffed by the medical team. They are trained in helping clients cope with the symptoms of early drug or alcohol abstinence. Santé's medical experts understand how withdrawal works and why it’s so dangerous when individuals think they can do it alone. Without medical assistance and oversight, the symptoms are unpleasant and could even be life threatening. Santé's compassionate professionals help to reduce withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, aches and pains, cold sweats, cravings, insomnia and restlessness. The medical team monitors vitals, perform withdrawal assessments, and provides general medical care. Medicines may be given to make symptoms less severe and decrease the risk for complications.

Why Medical Detox?

Getting sober is easier than staying sober. Santé’s detox is a natural transition into residential level of care where clients come to realize alcohol and other drugs are only a symptom of underlying problem or issues. Detox is an early step in assisting clients to recognize why they initiated substance use and what their life's possibilities are in long-term recovery.

Please click here or the below button or call 1.800.258.4250 for additional information.

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We love the relationship we have with our Alumni. It is an honor and joy to celebrate in their successes and to stand by them in hardships. Here is some of what they have recently shared.

Thank you for encouraging your Santé alumni to attend the Annual Alumni Weekend Retreat. This annual retreat offers alumni from all over the country the return to Santé for renewal, opportunity to reconnect with each other and recommit as needed to their recovery.

The picture above is from our October 20th Friday night dinner, an event with alumni speakers, entertainment, chip distribution and more. Saturday morning, the 21st, was service work at Thrifted It (where proceeds benefit those who cannot afford treatment). Saturday afternoon focused on recovery strengthening workshops back on campus, and Saturday night was filled with opportunities to share experience, strength and hope with current residential patients.


Santé’s Alumni app provides daily affirmations and a platform for affirmations and recovery strength, the support group meets weekly, service and fellowship opportunities are offered quarterly… but we always love the Annual Alumni Weekend Retreat!   


The next Annual Alumni Weekend Retreat is scheduled for October 18 & 19, 2024. 

Every Tuesday Night

Alumni Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 8 PM CST

November 15, 2023

SIPER (Santé Institute for Professional Education and Research) - 1 CE Hour

12 PM - 1 PM CST, Via Zoom

"Relationships in Recovery"

Caroline Watson Kobylinksi, MA, LPC, LCDC, EMDR Certified

Click here to register

December 8, 2023

TEA (Trauma Education Association) - 3 Ethics CE Hours

11:30 AM - 3 PM CDT, Via Zoom

Michael H. Flynn, JD, PHD and Tamara Allen Bush, LPC-S, NCC, CSAT

More information and registration coming soon

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You are mission-inspired and results-driven. You chose your profession and calling for all the right reasons. Your work helps people in their most hidden and painful problems every day.

The importance of your work is underscored by how incredibly hard it is. Any given day might bring massive challenges with your clients or patients. Who else is in it for all the right reasons? Who can you trust to work alongside you, providing evidence-based and trauma-resolution care? Who provides the best opportunity for long-term recovery?

Google provides 350,000,000 results when searching “addiction treatment.” This is an overwhelming number of options that you can ascertain for quality, but can your clients or patients?

They look to you to:

  • Distinguish clinical experience and expertise from nonessential amenities and impersonal call centers; 
  • Connect them to higher levels of care ready for the increasing complexity of their problems and to discover and begin to heal from the root issues underneath, therefore decreasing the likelihood of relapse; 
  • Recognize other facilities may dress the part but lack integrity.

They look to you. And you look to Santé Center for Healing for expertise, integrity and long-term recovery…for all the right reasons.

Santé Center for Healing: What We Treat…

Santé Center for Healing: Continuum of Care... 

Santé provides quality care and programs for long-term recovery. If there is anything we can do to improve, please reach out to us. When you reflect on our continued collaboration and/or our shared clients who are doing well, share the experience on  Facebook or Google.

Take a Virtual Tour of Santé Center for Healing
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Jesse Cordova

Director of Business Development


[email protected]

Elizabeth Bradshaw, MBA

National Marketing Coordinator

West Coast, Central US, East Coast


[email protected]

Shanea Couch, MS

Regional Marketing Coordinator

Austin, San Antonio, Houston, South TX


[email protected]

Stephanie Crawford
Regional Marketing Coordinator
Dallas Co., Collin Co.,
East TX
Lauren Cunningham
Regional Marketing Coordinator
Denton Co., Tarrant Co., West TX