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The Weekly Newsletter for Park Road Baptist Church

July 5, 2023

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Happy Fourth!

As is our tradition, the Dean family gathered at Lake Greenwood, SC, where my parents have had a little house for 50 years. It was a little house when they bought it in the early 1970s, with four small rooms, maybe 1,000 square feet. When grandchildren started coming along, we expanded twice, just to accommodate. It’s still a lake house, simple but comfortable, but it’s been the gathering place for many years. It would not be right not to be there on Memorial Day, The Fourth, Labor Day, or some combination of those holidays.


We missed the big fireworks show on the lake. It’s actually pretty grand, down between the trestle and the big bridge, but this year it happened on Saturday night. (First of July fireworks? Go figure, but it is South Carolina! 😊) Instead, “Daddy A” brought a small assortment, so his grandson, my great nephew, Noah, would be able to enjoy, and as far as Noah was concerned, we might as well have been in DC or New York City. “They were great!”


Over the weekend, we celebrated mostly by eating. Oh my. Amy prepared an amazing pasta bar. My sister’s all-you-can-eat breakfast and Mexican night were to die for. Phillip smoked Boston butts all night for his amazing barbecue, and Tara provided four different sauces and all the fixings. We may not eat again for a week.

I had not barefooted last summer before “the ankle incident” on my slalom ski, which put me off the water from mid-July to April, so Monday was my first short run in over a year. Whew… I have to admit that I breathed a little sigh of relief that this 59-year-old body can still walk on water (as long as the boat will still run 38 mph). That’s probably what made it a complete celebration for me. How could we celebrate any holiday, especially the mid-summer spectacular without some smooth water and a little time on my feet!?


It's the best way to celebrate. At the lake. With family. And a lot of good food.


I like to think this is what our forebears had in mind, even though they could hardly have conceived of the standard of living we enjoy - the ski boats and lake houses and the endless helpings of food. As we gather, I always give thanks – and that giving thanks always gives me a bit of pause. Maybe giving thanks should always cause us to pause.


What I know is that I have benefitted from the blessing of having been born within the randomly conceived boundary lines that define one very large parcel of land as The United States of America. I have benefited from this place, despite all the blood and sweat and toil that lies behind those random lines – from a Trail of Tears to World Wars. I have benefitted from being born in the most prosperous era of this nation’s history. My parents learned their discipline, their thrifty living, as children of the Great Depression, and I have benefited from one of the periods of the greatest financial growth human beings have ever known.

How lucky am I.


It is luck, right? Which is part of the “pause” when I give thanks. Why me? Why here? Why now? And what about all the rest? Why not them? And, given my great fortune, what is my responsibility?


So, while I am sincerely grateful, I never approach this grand, national celebration without some honest reflection and recognition, which leads to some feelings of shame and regret. So many have benefited. So many have suffered. Being honest about all of that, it’s hard to know how exactly to give thanks, isn’t it?


Those of us who are willing to mix our gratitude with a bit of honest contrition are sometimes accused, but I am reminded of the words of the late, iconoclastic pastor of the Riverside Chuch in the City of New York. William Sloane Coffin once said “There are three kinds of patriots, two bad, one good. The bad are the uncritical lovers and the loveless critics. Good patriots carry on a lover's quarrel with their country.”


I don’t want to be either an uncritical lover or a loveless critic. I am grateful.


I feel like it’s the kind of patriotism we need these days. - Russ

Welcome, JD - FINALLY!

You’ve been hearing about JD McDonald for a while now, and he has finally arrived. After meeting with the youth in Birmingham, AL for our recent Mission Trip, JD flew back to Waco, TX, packed up his truck, and drove across the country to move in and begin work. Sunday was his first official day with us in worship. Amy “interviewed” JD for the Children’s Time, inviting everyone in the congregation 18 years and younger to join them up front. JD joins us as our full-time Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families (You can reach him at [email protected]). We learned Sunday that JD is from Tennessee and enjoys gardening and music and fishing and hiking. We all look forward to getting to know him better. Sunday will be the perfect time to do that as we host a Welcome Reception for JD in Helt Hall immediately following worship: THIS SUNDAY, July 9. Come and introduce yourself to JD for the first of many times as he learns our names and faces. His first week is starting strong as we prepare to take our youth to Unidiversity in Maryville, TN, while Russ goes with our children to Camp Prism in the NC mountains. Welcome, JD! We are so glad you are with us.

Sunday Worship

July 2, 2023

PRBC Intergenerational Retreat - Sept 1-3

Come and enjoy a weekend of fun, fellowship, and deepening connection. The theme “Practice Makes Possible” will explore different ancient and modern rituals that help us engage our faith and daily commitments in new ways. 


“If we want to live a life of meaning and contribution, we have to become intentional about cultivating sleep and play. We have to let go of exhaustion, busyness, and productivity as status symbols and measures of self-worth. We are impressing no one.” Brene Brown, Dare to Lead


You can expect the sessions to be fun, engaging, interactive, and times for reflection. The retreat will also be filled with good food, music, and plenty of games for all ages.

Thanks to a generous donor, you can come and enjoy the weekend at no cost to you! So, mark your calendars and plan to join us on Labor Day weekend! Please make sure to reserve your spot by signing up in Helt Hall after Sunday Worship, calling or emailing ([email protected]) the church office.

Fun Food Friday - This Friday

For our next foodie outing we’re going to The Penguin Drive-In. This long-time Charlotte favorite relocated to East Boulevard a few years ago. They kept some of their favorites, and also upscaled the menu a bit. Some of the new items come with an upscaled price, but for $14.99 on the lunch menu you get: “any burger, toasted sub, Nashville hot chicken sandwich, or 2 hot dogs. The entrée comes with seasoned crispy fries and a coke product or iced tea.” Sounds like a deal these days! Please signup – whether you plan to meet in the parking lot at 11:30a and ride the bus, or meet at 1531 East Blvd. at 11:45a.

Friends at Home

Please check in on each other via phone,

email, text, Zoom, or letters.

Thank you.

We list an individual each week that we call our “Friends at Home” with their contact information.

Drop a card or give a call to check-in. Even if you do not know someone personally, a contact from someone from their church is always an encouragement.

Coming Up at Park Road

Sunday Worship

Facebook Live and In-Person


First Wednesdays

Dinner and Vespers

(Community Center)

5:30p Dinner / 6p Vespers

First and Third Tuesdays

Coffee and Kibitz Bible Study

(Community Center - Room C503)


Tuesday and Thursdays


(Community Center)


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Grace and Peace to You

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Park Road Baptist Church 

 3900 Park Road | Charlotte NC | 28209

Tel (704) 523-5717 

Fax (704) 523-8481

[email protected]