November 2023

Giving Thanks for Relationships: A Thanksgiving Reminder

This year, we're rerunning an article from last year's STA Women in Finance newsletter on the importance of expressing gratitude in both professional and personal settings. On behalf of the STA WIF Committee, we wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

- Inessa Ruffman, STA WIF Chair

For those of us in the U.S., on Thursday we will celebrate Thanksgiving. This is traditionally a day spent in the company of family and friends giving thanks and expressing sincere appreciation for the support and love we provide each other.

Yes, Thanksgiving is a wonderful day to be with those closest to us, but like all holidays it will come to an end and in the morning we will return to our daily routines, otherwise known as work: the place where we spend more hours with our colleagues in a week than we do with some aunts or uncles in a year.

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” - John F. Kennedy

No matter what time zone we live in, our workday is long and filled with high stakes and critical decision making. We face an increasingly competitive landscape and unpredictable markets, yet our industry still provides much to be thankful for, beginning with the opportunity to forge meaningful and lasting relationships.

These relationships can be seen in many lenses: the client who becomes a close friend; the co-worker who feels like family and makes the day enjoyable; the mentor who gave a one-time pep talk over coffee or another who provided guidance over the course of a decade; the organization that allows us to network and build more relationships; and, the bosses and managers who support our careers every day.

But how often do we stop to show appreciation to all these people? And when we do, is the expression just an email or some other type of electronic communication?

John F. Kennedy said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” We should feel gratitude for being able to do what we enjoy and for those around us. But when we express gratitude, it should include an action on our part. Beyond merely saying what you are grateful for, show it; live it. Be extra kind to your co-workers who bring you joy during the year. Mentor someone who could benefit from your experience and knowledge. Volunteer your time to the organizations that support your network. Give back in any way to this industry that gives us so much. 

On behalf of the entire STA Board, STA Affiliates and the STA Women in Finance Committee, we wish you, your families and your colleagues, a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! 

Check out the latest edition of STA WIF's "Changing the Face of Financial Services" interview series, featuring

Kathryn Rooney Vera, Chief Market Strategist at StoneX

Kathryn Rooney Vera

Chief Market Strategist


Read Interview

Articles of Interest


Women Bear the Brunt of Financial Stress in the US Economy, Study Says

The Hill

The economy looks a lot better than it did last year, but persistent inflation, ballooning debt and dwindling savings have hit women especially hard. Nearly 6 in 10 women are living paycheck to paycheck, compared to 41 percent of men, according to a recent study by Varo Bank, Morning Consult and THRIVE Financial Empowerment Services of 1,004 Americans who regularly spend most or all of their income.


Women Do Ask for More Money - But Get Turned Down More Often, Study Shows

Yahoo Finance

Tingting Zhou, a human resources consultant based in New York City, admits that she didn't negotiate for pay when she was offered her first job. "It all happened quite swiftly, and I found myself at a loss for words in the moment, ultimately accepting the offer as presented," the 33-year-old told Yahoo Finance. Her reticence cost her around $5,000 in annual salary, she said, limiting how much she could set aside in a retirement plan and setting a lower bar for future annual raises. Zhou has never made that mistake again.


Why ‘Girl Maths’ Trend is Damaging to Women’s Financial Wellbeing

Financial Times

There is one bad habit that I will admit to which is that I can spend hours scrolling my life away on TikTok. I get engrossed in the funny videos of cats, what the latest fashion buys are and recipes for dishes I will probably never make. However, one trend interrupted my endless scrolling and made me stand up and pay attention. It is called ‘girl maths’ and while at first it appears to be harmless fun, it is demeaning and puts a black mark on women’s financial wellbeing.


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