Strangers No Longer
December 2022

Make checks payable to Strangers No Longer, 19972 Shrewsbury Rd, Detroit, MI 48221

We at Strangers No Longer missed "Giving Tuesday" because we were preparing for the very successful Assembly for Human Dignity. So today is our "Giving Tuesday."

(Click here for a summary of our Assembly last Friday.)
WHY INVESTMENT? Because you are investing in an organization that:
  • stands for your values of the Common Good (or "the Kingdom"); 
  • gets things done -- real public commitments from legislators to re-introduce legislation for Drivers Licenses for immigrants, and others;
  • unites Catholics (priests, sisters, lay leaders, immigrants, non-immigrants, youth) around the inspiration of Pope Francis;
  • provides leadership training for parishioners, immigrants, high school students 
  • Catholic Campaign for Human Development (USCCB), 
  • Catholic Foundation of Michigan, 
  • Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  • Center for Disease Control CDC) for our outreach to farmworkers.
  • Parish, High Schools, and Immigrant Women Circles will decide the level of their investment (dues) early next year.
INVESTMENT IN EXACTLY WHAT?  Here are the exciting projects and programs in 2023 that we can accomplish with your help:

  • $3000 to contract with a Mexican-based psychotherapist to work weekly with Immigrant Women Circles of Support facing trauma.

  • $2000 for an in-person Leadership Retreat for Immigrant Women Circle Leaders

  • $55,000 for staff and travel costs to support Immigrant Women Circles.

  • $30,000 to hire a part-time organizer of Circles of Support in Grand Rapids, Gaylord/Traverse City and Saginaw Dioceses.

  • $8000 for staff travel to expand our work in Grand Rapids, Gaylord and Saginaw Dioceses.

  • $6000 to allow us to continue Health Promotion outreach to Farmworkers and essential workers in North Macomb.

  • $12,000 to augment our Health Promotion work in Grand Rapids, Traverse City and Saginaw (9 apprentices for 5 growing/harvest months @ $500/month each).

  • $7000 for our Catholic High School Students’ Leadership Conference (February) and Immersion Trip (July).

  • $4000 to fund our 2023 Assembly for Human Dignity.
We maintain a huge focus on our monthly Circle Leadership Formation events which were critical for the success of our Assembly last week. We respond as we can to assist those Circles who relate to Families in Crisis. We celebrate: mark your calendar for our Second Annual Spring Banquet on Sunday, April 16, 2023.

Partner with us as we continue our work in 2023--INVEST NOW!

Everyone at Strangers No Longer wishes you and your loved ones a blessed and happy Christmas season. We thank you for your continued generosity.

Bill O'Brien, Exec. Dir.
Strangers No Longer

Make checks payable to Strangers No Longer, 19972 Shrewsbury Rd, Detroit, MI 48221

19972 Shrewsbury
Detroit, MI 48221