Monday, August 3, 2020
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The information appearing in this email is for general informational purposes only. Reference to any product, service, event or program is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement by The Glades Initiative.

~~~  This Week ~~~  
Monday-Friday  8:00 am     Free Walk-Up COVID-19 Testing, C.L. Brumback at Lakeside Medical
Monday-Friday                    Summer BreakSpot (For children), Read post for locations, time
Mon & Wed  10:00 am         Webinar: Free Memory Screenings
Monday-Friday 11:00 am     FLIPANY Feeding Sites Open (For children), Read post below for locations
Tue, Aug 4  9:00 am            Free Drive Thru & Walk-Up COVID-19 Testing, Pahokee Center
Tue, Aug 4  9:30 am            Webinar: Divas in the Trucking Industry
Tue, Aug 4  10:00 am          Webinar: State of Glades Region
Tue, Aug 4  7:00 pm            Webinar: Successfully Marketing Your Business
Tue, Aug 4 & 6  10:00 am   School Feeding Sites Open (For children), Read post below for locations
Wed, Aug 5  9:30 am           Food Distribution(For all), The Glades Initiative, Belle Glade
Thu, Aug 6  1:00 pm            Webinar: Usa YouTube Para Crecer / Use YouTube to Grow
Thu, Aug 6  1:00 pm            Webinar: Reopening and Staying Open

Glades Area
Open to All: Food Distribution Every Wednesday at The Glades InitiativeTGIFOODFOODHERE

For the past year and a half, and continuing into the future, The Glades Initiative offers weekly food distribution to anyone in need. Those coming in cars are asked to line up beside the office for drive-through pick-up on Wednesdays from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM. Both drivers and walkers will receive food bags on a first-come first-serve basis.

Our staff and volunteers will wear personal protective gear as we handle and distribute the food bags. We ask that drivers and their passengers remain in their vehicles and practice social distancing measures to keep everyone safe.

WHEN: Every Wednesday | 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: The Glades Initiative, 141 SE Avenue C, Belle Glade, FL 33430
CONTACT: For questions, call us at 561-996-3310
Walk-Up Testing at C.L. Brumback Primary Care Clinic at Lakeside Medical CenterCLBRUMBACK

Residents can take a COVID-19 test at the walk-up testing site at C.L. Brumback Primary Care Clinic at Lakeside Medical Center. Testing is by appointment only for any age; patients need not be symptomatic.

WHEN: Monday-Friday (by appointment only) | 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
WHERE: C.L. Brumback Primary Care Clinics at Lakeside Medical Center, 39200 Hooker Hwy, Belle Glade, FL 33430
CONTACT: 561-642-1000

Click here to learn more
Webinar: Free Memory Screenings MEMORY

AFA's memory screening department is now offering free, confidential memory screenings every Monday and Wednesday through secure video-conference technology. Screenings take approximately 10-15 minutes and are conducted in real-time, one-on-one.

WHEN: Mondays and Wednesdays | 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Click here to learn more
Free Drive Thru & Walk-Up COVID-19 TestingWALKUPCOVID

Florida Community Health Centers, Inc. continues to provide FREE Drive Thru/Walk-Up testing for COVID-19 (appointments are preferred). You can still be tested even if you aren't experiencing symptoms. Only two tests are administered per car. 

WHEN: Tuesday, August 4 & 6, 2020 | 9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
WHERE: Pahokee Center, 170 S Barfield Highway-Suite 101, Pahokee, FL 33476
CONTACT: 561-924-6100

Click here to learn more
Webinar: Divas in the Trucking IndustryDIVAS

Attend the workshop series "Divas in the Trucking Industry" via zoom. Registration is required.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 | 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
COST: Register at 

Click here to learn more
Webinar: Successfully Marketing Your BusinessMARKETYOURBUSINESS

This workshop will give you the skills you need to successfully market your product or service and accomplish the following objectives: - identify customers and their needs - determine pricing, packaging, and distribution for your product/service - create a promotional plan for your business - get your business online.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 | 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Click here to learn more
Webinar: State of Palm Beach County's Glades Region Development Presented by BDBBDB

From the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County: Join a discussion on specific challenges and opportunities in the Glades Region of Palm Beach County. Exacerbated by the current economic impact of COVID-19, this region's unique needs affect the future of the entire county's development. Local business leaders are coming together to create the needed solutions. This area offers many different opportunities with its legislation and resources which has drawn promising projects that create a positive outlook for the Glades' future. 

WHEN: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
COST: Free to Glades residents

Click here to learn more
Webinar: Usa YouTube Para Crecer Su Negocio / Use YouTube to Grow (Bilingual)YOUTUBE

Obtenga las mejores prácticas para crear un canal de YouTube y contenido atractivo que promueva sus productos y servicios y tambien aumente el conocimiento de su marca.

SCORE West Palm Beach invites you to a bilingual workshop! Learn how to grow your business.

WHEN: Thursday, August 6, 2020 | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
CONTACT: Richie Repetti,, 561-833-1672

Click here to learn more
Webinar: Reopening and Staying OpenREOPENING

If you're like many businesses, you are probably working overtime to navigate the ever-changing landscape created by C19. Whether you've already reopened or will be opening this summer, August will be an ideal time to assess what you've experienced already and develop a strategic plan for the rest of the year.

WHEN: Thursday, August 6, 2020 | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Click here to learn more
Webinar: Human Trafficking Coalition of the Palm Beaches

Join the Human Trafficking Coalition of the Palm Beaches for their monthly coalition meeting. The Human Trafficking Coalition of the Palm Beaches will be providing a brief overview of each of the FREE trainings/presentations that it offers. As a part of this, you will get an overview of our human trafficking presentations/trainings for: Youth and school staff; Hospitality staff (approved by the Florida DBPR to meet FL Statute Section 506.096); Medical staff; Community members.

WHEN:  Wednesday, August 12, 2020  | 10:00 a.m.

Click here to learn more
Webinar: How to Certify Online, Step by Step

The next quarterly training by Palm Beach County's Office of Equal Business Opportunity (OEBO) will teach participants how to certify online. Click below to see all of OEBO's upcoming trainings.

WHEN:  Monday, November 23, 2020  | 11:00 a.m.

Click here to learn more
Food Distributions in the GladesFOODLIST

The Glades Initiative Food Distribution Every Wednesday (Open to Everyone)

For the past year and a half, and continuing into the future, The Glades Initiative offers weekly food distribution to anyone in need. Those coming in cars are asked to line up beside the office for drive-through pick-up on Wednesdays from 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM. Both drivers and walkers will receive food bags on a first-come first-serve basis.

Our staff and volunteers will wear personal protective gear as we handle and distribute the food bags. We ask that drivers and their passengers remain in their vehicles and practice social distancing measures to keep everyone safe.

WHEN: Every Wednesday | 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: The Glades Initiative, 141 SE Avenue C, Belle Glade, FL 33430
CONTACT: For questions, call us at 561-996-3310


Palm Beach County Food Finder Map

An interactive tool using Google Maps to help people easily locate free food and hot meals in Palm Beach County. This online tool was created to connect individuals seeking food resources to sites near them. Information is English, Spanish, and Creole. United Way updates the information listed on this map weekly. However, locations and hours of distribution may change. Please consider calling the site prior to visiting to verify information listed. Please note that sites may have specific requirements such as ID.

CONTACT:   To access the United Way of Palm Beach County's Food Finder map, click here


Flipany Grab 'n Go Sites (For Ages 18 and under)

Attached is a list of locations for Grab 'n Go Feeding Sites in the Glades. 

WHEN: Monday - Friday | 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Click here for more information about site locations


School Sites Free Meal Distribution Tuesdays & Thursdays (For Ages 18 and under)

Free Meal Distribution Continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 52 school locations throughout the summer. Distribution is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Each day, parents and guardians who pick up food will receive a kit with three days' worth of meals for each child. Meals are FREE to anyone 18 years of age and younger (22 years of age and younger for ESE students), regardless of financial need. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the summer heat, beginning Tuesday, July 7, distribution times will be 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at all open feeding sites. Parents who pick up meals next week will be notified about this change.

WHEN: Tuesdays & Wednedays | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

  • Belle Glade Elementary, 500 NW Ave L, Belle Glade, FL 33430
  • Glade View Elementary, 1100 SW Ave G, Belle Glade, FL 33430 (Starting Thursday)
  • Gove Elementary, 1000 SE Ave G, Belle Glade, FL 33430
  • Pahokee Elementary, 560 E Main Pl, Pahokee, FL 33476
  • Rosenwald Elementary, 1321 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, South Bay, FL 33493
Click here for more info


Hunger Relief Update - July 27, 2020

Below you will find (1) information about the Palm Beach County Food Finder Map (2) a list of food resources (3) additional food resource news and (4) resource and stakeholder updates from DCF.

Click here to read the Hunger Relief Update
Sign up for a Free Virtual Health Workshop

LORHN is now offering all three of its health education workshops virtually. Workshops are open to adults (18+). The 'Your Health Matters' workshop helps individuals understand how to navigate the healthcare system and information about local resources available to access care and maintain good health. The other two workshops are designed specifically for Type 2 Diabetics or anyone living with any chronic condition (asthma, COPD, heart disease, anxiety, depression, etc.).
Individuals can sign up and will be contacted when a class begins, or, LORHN can organize a private session for a group of 8+.

CONTACT: Tiffany Parrish 561-557-9273 or Learn more & sign up:

Click here to learn more
Do You Have Unclaimed Money? Check This List!

The Palm Beach County Clerk & Comptroller has thousands of dollars in unclaimed cash bonds, juror checks and other deposits. Could some of that cash be yours? Visit their website to review our list of unclaimed funds to see if your name is on it. The deadline to submit a claim is September 1.

Click here to learn more
PBC Operations Coronavirus Update

Learn about Palm Beach County's latest efforts with regard to COVID-19. 

Click here to learn more
League of Women Voters News

The League of Women Voters shares their monthly update on the progress of its 2020 Voters Guide.

Click here to learn more
Center for Child Counseling Newsletter

Learn about services, workshops, and much more presented by the Center for Child Counseling.

Click here to learn more
CSC: Monday Morning Update, August 3 , 2020

Read the latest from the Children's Services Council: CSC Statement and COVID-19 Resources.

Click here to learn more
Job Opportunities

In the Glades                                                 
Other Areas
Mandel Library of WPB August Virtual Programming

The Mandel Library of West Palm Beach has published its Virtual Programming for August. 

Click here to learn more
Previous Postings - The Glades Area
In Need of Masks? Contact The Glades Initiative, Inc.

If you or people you know need masks, The Glades Initiative has masks and will share them with anyone in the Glades who needs them. These are the white two-ply reusable washable masks given by the health department. Call or come by to pick them up as long as supplies last. 

If you are with a group of vulnerable people and need more than 20, call us first and we will do our best to help you get what you need.

WHERE: The Glades Initiative, Inc., 141 SE Avenue C, Belle Glade, FL 33430
CONTACT: 561-996-3310
The Glades Initiative is Here to Help You With Census

Need assistance with completing the Census 2020 questionnaire? The Glades Initiative will be here and available to assist you with your Census 2020 application over the phone.

It's quick and easy. The 2020 Census questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete.
It's safe, secure, and confidential. Your information and privacy are protected. Why do Census? Your participation is important because it helps to direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public services.

CONTACT: 561-996-3310 (Services available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole)

Click here to learn more
Online Community Service Opportunities for Teens

The Palm Beach Sheriff's Office is offering online community service opportunities for teens via Zoom. These hours are accepted by the Palm Beach County Office of the State Attorney.

CONTACT: To register for the workshop, contact Marcia Bahia at and provide: Full name - Date of Birth - Email Address - Phone Number - Probation Officer (if applicable)

Click here to learn more
PBC Resident Acquires West Nile; DOH Issues Advisory

The Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County (DOH-Palm Beach) today advised residents there has been an increase in mosquito-borne disease activity in areas of Palm Beach County. A locally acquired human case of West Nile illness has been confirmed and there is a heightened concern additional residents may become ill.

Click here to learn more
Faith Community Census Call to Action

From the Lake Okeechobee Rural Health Network: In Florida, the Census has a big impact in our communities by affecting funding for schools, roads, hospitals, and much more. Participating in the 2020 Census helps ensure everyone is counted and plays their part in the future of our state and community. Rural communities and counties are historically under counted which leads to less funding for much needed services and resources. As a trusted voice in your community, we ask you to help share this information and encourage residents to complete the 2020 Census.

Click here to learn more
PBC Food Bank Specialists Available to Help

The Palm Beach County Benefits Outreach Program is a free service offered by the Palm Beach County Food Bank to assist with SNAP (food stamps) and Medicaid applications and cash assistance. Languages available: English, Spanish, and Creole.

CONTACT:, or call 561-670-2518, ext. 310

Click here to learn more
Click here to learn more (Creole)
Click here to learn more (Spanish)
Virtual Training: How to Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19

This introductory course presents the latest evidence-based information on COVID-19 including the principles of infection control and prevention, and adequate and correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Registration fees apply.

CONTACT: Monica Rodriguez,, 561-737-6336 ext.147

Click here to learn more
Free Virtual Summer Camp for Children and Teens

The Federation of Families is offering free virtual summer camp (life skills training, anger management, relaxation, solution focused training, arts and crafts, virtual field trips, fitness, dance, cooking,and many more) for Elementary and High/ Middle school students.

CONTACT: Nicole King, Youth/Family Prevention Coordinator,, 561-506-7144

Click here to learn more
Support for Youth Caregivers

Does your middle or high school student who attends school at Lake Shore Middle School or Pahokee Middle/High help you care for a loved one at home who has any type of a health condition? If so, he or she is not alone!  More than 10,000 kids all over Palm Beach County do this too. Sometimes, kids worry more than you may imagine so meeting other kids who have similar home responsibilities helps them and also you! 

Some of the free services offered by the American Association of Caregiving Youth (AACY) include fun activities, tutoring, respite, mentoring and providing access to support for your caregiving family that you may not otherwise know about.  

CONTACT: Please visit our website or give us a call at 561-391-7401 to learn more
Every Residential Address in PBC to Receive a Mask in the Mail

Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners approved a countywide mask mail out program for every residential address to receive four masks; two cloth masks and two pleated masks. The county is currently under a State of Emergency as a result of COVID-19 and issued a mandatory facial covering order effective June 25, 2020.

Click here to learn more
Anti-Bullying Virtual Workshop

From the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office: Your children will enjoy this educational and fun Zoom session! To schedule group sessions (up to 10 children per session), contact us.

CONTACT: Marcia Bahia at

Click here to learn more
Jim Moran Institute Small Business & Nonprofit Executive Programs

Operating a small business or nonprofit is stressful enough on top of the new challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to help companies navigate through the opportunities and challenges ahead.

Click here to learn more
COVID-19 Guide for New Immigrants

Click below to access a FAQ (frequently asked questions) sheet regarding COVID-19 for new immigrants. In addition, the American Red Cross has also made a guide for the immigrant population. 

Click here to learn more
Click here to learn more from American Red Cross (English)
Click here to learn more from American Red Cross (Spanish)
How Can the Clerk & Comptroller Help You? New Video Series Highlights Essential Services

Navigating the legal system can sometimes be challenging. The Clerk & Comptroller's new video series makes it easier than ever to access the office's services and online resources from the comfort of your own home. The "How Can We Help You" video series guides viewers through the Clerk & Comptroller's most frequently searched tools and resources.

Click here to learn more
EveryParent: COVID Got You Stir Crazy?

Explore local, in-person adventures from EveryParent. With COVID-19 in the mix this summer, finding ways to get children away from their electronic devices is harder than ever. Here are a few great places you can go - in person - with your children in Palm Beach County. Some are even free!

Click here to learn more
Center for Child Counseling Newsletter

Find out what's happening at the Center for Child Counseling by reading their latest newsletter.

Click here to learn more
Nonprofits First - Community Update July 24, 2020

Read Nonprofits First's latest COVID-19 Community Update. 

Click here to learn more (COVID-19 Resources)
CSC: Monday Morning Update, July 27, 2020

Read the latest from the Children's Services Council: CSC Statement and COVID-19 Resources.

Click here to learn more
Job Opportunities

In the Glades                                                 
Previous Postings - Other Areas
Posting Information: eBlast and Volunteers
Anyone wishing to add their local announcements or events is welcome to submit their information by Friday to be posted the following week. Please include a brief summary of the information to be posted with your contact name, phone number, and/or flyer. Advertise

*If you want to submit a posting please email us at
or (561) 996-3310
If you would like to submit your volunteer opportunities on our site below, please email us at

Check the Glades Community Calendar 
for additional activities scheduled in
the Glades area
Check out Volunteer Opportunities at the Glades Initiative or opportunities with our Partners in the Glades
Donate to the Glades Initiative, Inc.