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The information appearing in this email is for general informational purposes only. Reference to any product, service, event or program is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement by The Glades Initiative.
Thurs, June 22
8:00 am Brown Bag Event, West County Senior Center, Belle Glade
Glades Area
Glades PATCH Meeting
The Glades PATCH (Planned Approach To Community Health) is a program designed to help the community evaluate, plan and implement health education and disease prevention and intervention programs. PATCH helps promote the health of the community to include social, emotional and physical well-being of its citizens. PATCH is a partnership of concerned citizens and organizations. This partnership provides a forum for identifying health problems, affecting the community and mobilizing the community to plan, conduct and evaluate intervention services. The meeting is open to all who wish to join.
WHEN: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 9:00 am - 10:45 am
WHERE: The Glades Initiative, Inc., 141 SE Avenue C, Belle Glade, FL 33430
Glades Interagency Network (GIN) Meeting
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
WHERE: The Okeechobee Center, 101 Everglades Street, Belle Glade, FL 33430
Making a Compelling Presentation Webinar
National Leadership Institute (NLI) - WEBINAR
Attend this dynamic national webinar for a discussion of some of the tips & tricks to preparing a perfect pitch and making a compelling presentation.
- Good storytelling tactics for face-to-face meetings
- Proper pitch planning
- Compelling presentation tips
- Involving the prospect
- Understanding the power of demos and visuals
- Managing the meeting to maximize results
WHEN: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
WHERE: Online
Brown Bag Event at West County Senior Center
Everyone who is 60 years or older is invited to come out to the West County Senior Center for a special event on Thursday morning. Put all of your prescriptions in a brown bag and bring them with you to the Senior Center to, among other things, review your medication's side effects, ensure that you are taking your medication correctly, and consider dietary concerns. A pharmacist will be on-site to provide professional medical advice. Participants will also receive a free hot meal during the event.
WHEN: Thursday, June 22, 2017 All morning
West County Senior Center, 2916 State Road 15, Belle Glade, FL 33430
Glades Technical Advisory Committee meets
This month's Glades Technical Advisory Committee meeting (GTAC) will be held in the City of South Bay. We are pleased to welcome as our GTAC presenter this month Lieutenant Wesley White, Field Supervisor, Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control.
The Office of Community Revitalization would like to thank Lt. White for joining us and encourage all interested residents and organizations to join us in South Bay.
WHEN: Thursday, June 22, 2017 9:30 am - 11:00 am
South Bay City Hall, 335 SW 2nd Ave, South Bay, FL 33493
For more information, contact Audley G. Reid Jr. PhD, Senior Planner, Office of Community Revitalization, areid@pbcgov.org |
Glades 2017 Community Awards - GIN
The Glades 2017 Community Awards Recognition Celebration is designed to bring the
Western Communities of Palm Beach County together to honor and pay tribute to
individuals, who have made outstanding contributions to local organizations and to the
Glades Communities.
WHEN: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
O'Say, 225 South Lake Avenue, Pahokee, FL 33476
New Birth Deliverance Baptist Church Pastor/Church Anniversary
New Birth Deliverance Baptist Church will be celebrating the 17th Anniversary of its pastor and church. The church invites the community to join in its celebration and worship.
Friday, June 30, 2017 7:30 pm. Guest speaker Pastor Lionel Camel.
Sunday, July 4, 2017
5:00 pm. Guest speaker Pastor Leslie Camel.
WHERE: New Birth Deliverance Baptist Church, 1650 S. Main Street, Belle Glade, FL 33430
For more information call: 786-266-1818 or 561-261-2300
Back to School Bash - City of Pahokee
The City of Pahokee asks residents to save the date for the
2017 Putting Kids First Back to School Bash. Residents will enjoy a fun-filled event with food, games, face painting, vendors, prizes and give-aways. The city will be giving away book bags and school supplies just in time for school.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
WHERE: Pahokee High School, 900 Larrimore Road, Pahokee, FL 33476
Betty Bell Scholarship - Families First
Families First of Palm Beach County is currently accepting applications for the Betty Bell Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to an individual who is currently enrolled in a Master's of Social Work program in an accredited university in Florida. The individual must have a history of and currently maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, and have intentions of seeking employment in Palm Beach County. Applications must be received by Tuesday, August 1st by 5 p.m.
Click here for more details and application instructions
Summer Food Program offers kids free breakfast, lunch
The Summer Food Service Program, which began on June 6 and runs through July 28, provides free, nutritious breakfast and lunch meals to all children up to the age of 18. No application is necessary and any child can stop by a location closest to them to receive a free meal.
Summer Food Service sites provide meals to all children in the immediate vicinity of the school, in addition to those enrolled in summer school/camp. A partnership between the School District of Palm Beach County and the Palm Beach County Library System also provides for free nutritious lunches and snacks to children during the summer. The Belle Glade Branch Library in the Glades is a participating location.
According to the USDA, "The Summer Food Service Program ensures that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session." The Library System is proud to partner with the School District to make sure that all Palm Beach County children are well-fed and well-read throughout the summer.
To see if your school is offering free meals this summer, and for meal times, click here |
PBSC enhances Glades career programs
"Two career programs, Welding and Cosmetology, at Palm Beach State College's Belle Glade campus are rolling out new options to better meet student needs ..."
Job Opening at The Glades Initiative: Food Bank Coordinator
There is currently a job opening at the Glades Initiative for a Food Bank Coordinator. Requirements include:
- Good organizational skills and time management
- Good computer skills and knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel
- The ability to lift 40-50 lbs
- A current Florida driver's license and good driving record
- Bilingual candidate preferred but not required.
- High school diploma/GED required, college preferred.
Click here for a full job description For more information or to send your resume, contact jobs@gladesinitiative.org
Job Opportunities
Food Bank Coordinator ~ The Glades Initiative, Inc. The Sun Classifieds Indeed Job Search Hot Jobs CNAs needed ~ Glades Health Care Center Program Supervisor ~ Families First
In Other Areas
Opportunity Early Childhood Education & Family Center
Wayside House, Inc. Job Opportunities
Other Areas________________________
LPBC Civic Engagement Proposer Workshops
LPBC is seeking civic engagement project proposals for the 2018 program year. The Leadership Engage class will complete several projects during the program year, with project activities beginning in September 2017 and concluding by June 2018.
As part of their participation in the 10-month Leadership Engage Program, class members commit to partner with Palm Beach County organizations to complete a civic engagement project. The projects offer organizations the opportunity to access high-caliber leaders as pro bono consultants who can support their work to address key community issues.
If you or organization you know is interested in submitting a RFP, you must attend one of the following workshops:
WHEN: Tuesday, June 20, 2017
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 pm
WHERE: Palm Beach Post, 2751 S. Dixie Hwy., West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Junior League presents nonprofit webinars
The Junior League of Boca Raton is pleased to present "Anticipating Funder's Needs (streamed webinar)" and "Disaster Preparedness for Nonprofits", two free workshops for nonprofits.
There is no registration fee for any of the workshops.
WHEN: Tuesday, June 20, 2017
:00 p.m. - 3:00 pm
WHERE: Online
Thursday, June 22, 2017 1
:00 p.m. - 3:30 pm
WHERE: Junior League of Boca Raton, 261 NW 13th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33432
Nonprofits First: Increase Your Nonprofit Know How-June & July Workshops
Economic Impact of Florida Nonprofits -WEBINAR
Nonprofits are more important than ever, not only through their various health, human service, and education, but also in their significant contribution to the overall economy. While there is considerable focus on the public and private sectors of our economy, the nonprofit sector's economic contributions draw little attention.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 10:00 am - 11:00 am
WHERE: Online
MY LIFE Palm Beach County Event
MY LIFE empowers youth to use their experiences and to create positive change for themselves, other youth and their communities. MY LIFE is a FREE, fun and inspiring group for youth between the ages of 13 and 23 who have experience with mental health, substance use, foster care and/or other challenges. Through regular events, performances, special events, social media, and presentations, youth utilize their lived experience to support each other in achieving their goals and dreams. MY LIFE and all related activities in the Palm Beach area are presented in partnership between Magellan Complete Care, Mental Health Association of Palm Beach County and City of West Palm Beach Pathway Initiative; with the support of a variety of other youth serving organizations.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
McDonald Wilson Center, 1501 N. Australian Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33401
For more information and to RSVP contact Jan Bogie: (561) 832-3755 or JBogie@mhapbc.org
Writing a Winning Business Plan Workshop
A step-by-step 2.5 hour workshop that arms each participant with the fundamentals on how to write an effective and winning business plan. This is useful for anyone in the process of starting a new business or for someone who started a new business in the past couple years. It also discusses the importance of the Business Plan, how to tailor it to the audience it's being presented to, and how SCORE will assist you as you develop your plan through free one-on-one mentoring.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Keiser University, 2085 Vista Parkway, Room 105, West Palm Beach, FL 33411
COST: $30 advance, $50 door
World Refugee Day & Citizenship Ceremony
Please join Palm Beach State College and The Palm Beach Refugee Task Force for World Refugee Day and Citizenship Ceremony. Member organizations of the Palm Beach Area Refugee Task Force, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Dr. Kathryn W. Davis Global Education Center are joining forces to celebrate the diversity of our community. There will be information tables from various service organizations to provide resources to refugee families. The morning will conclude with a swearing-in ceremony for new U.S. citizens. Sponsored by Global Education Center. This event is free and open to the public.
WHEN: Friday, June 23, 2017 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
WHERE: Palm Beach State College - Lake Worth Campus, 4200 S Congress Avenue, PSD 108, Lake Worth, FL 33461
For more information, call (561)868-3970 or email manzanej@palmbeachstate.edu
Workshop: Untangling Trauma for Children and Teens
This day-long workshop will focus on advanced Art and Play Therapy techniques to help untangle children's and teens' grief, loss, and trauma.
WHEN: Monday, June 26, 2017 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
WHERE: Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County, 2300 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Click here for more information or to register
Hats Off Nonprofit Awards - Nonprofits First
Hats Off, a hat-themed cocktail reception and awards celebration honoring 10+ local nonprofit organizations will be held in October at the Harriet Himmel Theater, CityPlace, West Palm Beach. Proceeds raised from this unique event benefit Nonprofits First Education Programs and Rising Leaders. These programs focus on the professional development, leadership, and training our nonprofit community volunteers and employees need to lead and succeed.
The event supports Nonprofits First's mission to strengthen the nonprofit sector by maximizing their capacity to deliver services through accreditation, leadership development, education, and management support services.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Harriet Himmel Theater, CityPlace, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Click here for more information, for nomination forms, and sponsorship opportunities
FREE Eye Care for Rest of 2017
The Florida Optometry Eye Health Fund in Coordination with Community Health Center of West Palm Beach will be offering FREE eye care to eligible residents for the rest of the year.
Rest of 2017
Community Health Center of West Palm Beach, 2100 W 45th Street, Suite A, West Palm Beach, FL 33407
For more information call: (561) 840-8681
FREE Hepatitis C Testing
Foundcare is offering FREE hepatitis C testing for the rest of the year
Rest of 2017
WHERE: Foundcare, 2330 S. Congress Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33406
For more information call: (561) 472-9160
Children's Services Council Monday Morning Update
Previous Postings - The Glades Area
FREE Legal Services at The Glades Initiative, Inc.
Need legal services? (Child Support, Fair Housing, Immigration, etc.)
Services will be provided by attorney working through the Legal Aid Society, Pro Bono Division, Richard Abedon. All services are offered in
English, Spanish, and Creole.
Call the Glades Initiative, Inc. to make an appointment and find out if you are eligible: (561)996-3310
Click here to learn more
Foster Home Recruitment - Camelot Community Care
Camelot Community Care is excited to expand our presence in the Glades. We license foster home in Palm Beach County for children removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. An orientation/information session has been scheduled for late July, with a training class set to begin soon after. Both events will be held in South Bay.
WHEN: Saturday, July 29, 2017 2:00 pm
WHERE: Tanner Park, 105 Palm Beach Road, South Bay, FL 33493
Registration: Please send email to jemartin@camelotcommunitycare.org Please put: SOUTH BAY EVENT in the subject line and advise of how many will be attending. Alternately, you may call the office to register (561) 649-0877.
Click here for a flyer
Street Beat Teen Leadership Summer Program
For teens grade 9-12, Street Beat offers leadership activities, mentoring, life skills, academics, and various field trips.
Contact us at summercamp@streetbeatincorporated.org
Click here for a flyer
West Tech Now Enrolling Students
The Sun Newspaper reports on West Technical Education Center welcoming new students:
"After nearly two decades of sitting empty, West Technical Education Center, fondly known as West Tech, is reopening its doors.
Career-focused academy programs in Construction and Mechatronics will be offered to public, charter and private school students entering grades 9, 10, and 11 for the 2017-2018 school year ..."
Click here for information on how to enroll in classes starting in August
PBC Human Services: Need funds to Move?
Currently Rental Entry Assistance Program funds are available for people to relocate. This is a once-in-a-lifetime type of assistance to move. There are eligibility requirements. Assistance available for first month rent, last month rent, rental security deposit and utility deposits.
First come, first served. The funds must be used before
June 30, 2017. Applications available through Palm Beach County Human Services.
You must call Palm Beach County Human Services - Western Service Area for an application and an appointment at (561)996-1630.
Post: 'Medicaid Cuts Hit 116,570 Area Kids'
The Palm Beach Post reports on the potential effects of a reduction in Medicaid spending and what that could mean for Palm Beach County's children:
"As Florida legislators voted to reduce Medicaid spending by $521 million Friday, a new report shed light on who is affected by budget battles in Tallahassee and Washington: Medicaid covers 41 percent of Palm Beach County children, or more than 116,000 ..."
Glades Adult Literacy: Free Reading Help for Adults
Basic literacy and pre-GED instruction, one-on-one tutoring, flexible scheduling, and lessons designed to meet individual goals.
COST: Free!
Contact the Glades Adult Literacy Project for more information: 561.996.3453
Click here for a flyer
25 Scholarships to Apply to Over the Summer Break
Click here for more details
Avoid the Summer Slide, Visit your Local Library
Have you heard about the "Summer Slide?" No, it isn't a new amusement park. The "Summer Slide" is a phrase used to describe the loss of reading skills that occur during the summer when children no longer have regular reading assignments. Basically, without practice, reading skills can decline.Parents and caregivers may find it difficult to motivate children to read throughout the year but this is especially true during the summer. Here are some tips to help your child not only retain their reading skills, but improve them ...
Take advantage of pop-up reading activities
. Whether it's trying out a recipe, looking at a road map, or following directions on household items, reading opportunities happen throughout your day.
Get caught reading
. Let your family see you reading. Good habits can be contagious!
Share a story
. Take turns reading with your child and enjoy a wonderful bonding experience.
Quantum in the Community Grant
If you're a nonprofit that works in Palm Beach County to meet the basic needs of our communities, you may be eligible for a Quantum in the Community Grant. Applications for 2017 Quantum in the Community Grants will open on June 12th. Applications must be received by Friday, August 18th.
Free Community Lunch for Seniors (60+)
Join West County Senior Center for a nutritious meal and the opportunity to socialize with friends on Monday - Friday at noon. West County Senior Center is located at 2916 State Road 15, Belle Glade, and Tanner Park Community Center, 105 E. Palm Beach Road, South Bay.
For more information on the lunch program for adults over 60 years of age or for volunteering opportunities, please call the Senior Nutrition Program at 561-355-4740.
Glades Adult Literacy Project: Be a Library Literacy Tutor!
- No special skills or degrees required
- Tutor training is offered throughout the year
- Instructional books and manuals are provided
- Scheduling is flexible - meet with your student during library hours
- Two hours a week can change someone's life forever!
- Tutoring is free
- Tutoring is one-on-one
- Students are adult English speakers who read below 8th grade
- Instruction is designed to meet the student's needs
- Students meet twice a week at the library
WHERE: Belle Glade Branch, 725 NW 4th Street, Belle Glade, FL 33430
Call (561)996-3453 for more information
Job Opportunities
Food Bank Coordinator ~ The Glades Initiative, Inc. The Sun Classifieds Indeed Job Search Hot Jobs
In Other Areas
Opportunity Early Childhood Education & Family Center
Wayside House, Inc. Job Opportunities
Glades Area Library Events: June 2017
See what's happening at your local library!
Click here to view
Previous Postings - Other Areas
Ethics Connections Program
Giving Voice to Values Seminar
We often believe we know what is right and want to do it, but experience external pressures to do otherwise. Learn practical approaches to recognize, clarify, speak, and effectively act on your values when those conflicts arise. (Four hours)
Pre-requisite: Ethical Lens Inventory™ Seminar
Thursday, July 20, 2017 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Palm Beach State College - Lake Worth Campus, 4200 S Congress Avenue, PSD 108, Lake Worth, FL 33461
Summer Reading Program: "Build a Better World"
The Summer Reading Program returns to the Palm Beach County Library System! All ages are encouraged to explore ways to "Build a Better World." Sign up at any Palm Beach County Library System location or Bookmobile stop from Mon, June 05 - Fri, July 28 and begin earning and tracking points.
Once completed, return your log or tracker to receive:
· A construction duck (ages 0-5), a basil growing kit (ages 6-11), or a multi-device charging pouch (ages 12 & up).
· A ticket to a Roger Dean Stadium baseball game on Sat, July 29.
· An invitation to an all ages, end-of-summer ice cream social.
· A voucher to the Great Book Giveaway (ages 17 & under).
· A Chipotle coupon.
The YWCA of Palm Beach County in Need of Used Tennis Balls
Attention tennis players! The YWCA of Palm Beach County needs a lot of used tennis balls!
Our West Palm Beach Child Development Center recently had a new floor installed. In order to keep the floor in great shape, we would like to put tennis balls on the legs of the children's chairs.
We would greatly appreciate your saving used tennis balls for us.
Posting Information: eBlast and Volunteers
Anyone wishing to add their local announcements or events is welcome to submit their information by Friday to be posted the following week. Please include a brief summary of the information to be posted with your contact name, phone number, and/or flyer.
*If you want to submit a posting please email us at updates@gladesinitiative.org or (561) 996-3310.*
Check the
Glades Community Calendar
additional activities scheduled in the Glades area:
Check out Volunteer Opportunities at the Glades Initiative
or opportunities with our Partners in the Glades
Donate to the Glades Initiative, Inc.