Community Brief
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Glenridge Middle Community Member

Welcome back! The second semester is upon us. Students that have semester courses will switch to their corresponding course starting tomorrow. There is nothing that needs to be done. When students arrive in their first period classroom, they will check Skyward to see if their schedule has changed. Not all students will have a schedule adjusted. The courses that we have to switch are PE and our Computer courses. These are semester-long courses that meet our I.B. requirements. 

I am looking forward to seeing both staff and students tomorrow. A quick reminder that grades closed for quarter two, but report cards will not be issued until later this month. We will send invitations out to our quarter 2 Lion Leaders after report cards are finalized.  

We will begin basketball season with tryouts on Wednesday after school. All participants must submit their sports physical and complete the Aktivate website prior to trying out. If you have any questions, please email Coach Stock:  

Daniel Kempinger
Lion Spotlight
Orchestra Students have some fun at the Holidays
Just before the winter break, our orchestra students had some fun finding creative ways to play their instrument incorrectly or in a silly way. However, they still have to be able to play the instrument. Pictured above are: Phah Smitasin, Isla Yeomans, Isla Santos, Emmy Fairchild. 
Lions Serving the Community
Ms. K and Ms. Moenssens had students make holiday cards before the break—about 40 students came through to make holiday cards and drink hot cocoa. Mrs. Moenssens delivered the cards to a local retirement community.
Instructional Highlight
Art class with Ms. Lunsford - "Clay Towers"
Danny Arango
Addie Osbahr (adding weight to tower), background – Haley Fundora
Danny Arango, Timur Paznikov, Grant Brady (left to right in image)
Staff Spotlight
Principal Kempinger visits the Midwest over the break
Mr. Kempinger braved the winter weather in Illinois over the break to see his wife’s family. Here they are taking a family photo out by the lake. The flannel was coordinated.
Superintendent's Initial Message of 2024 (Monday, Jan. 8):
As the second semester begins, Superintendent Vazquez discusses what’s on tap, including graduation dates, spring break, magnet applications and more.
No school on the MLK holiday next Monday, Jan. 15th:
Food for Thought at the New Year
1) Student health & safety. Worsening eyesight projected for the coming years:
Source: Statista Read full article

Lions, when able, remember the "20-20-20 rule" with screen time to protect your vision from eye strain...
2) There is no school on Monday, January 15th given the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. MLK, Jr. was Time magazine's Person of the Year for 1963 and one of the youngest recipients in the history of the recognition.
Source: chartr  Read full article
3) College & Career. Check out the rapid growth in the percentage of Orange County persons 25 years and older who have an Associate's Degree or higher (2022 latest count = 48.4%):
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED Database
Heather Mitts On Determination
Tell me I can't, then watch me work twice as hard to prove you wrong.
~ Heather Mitts, soccer player

Karen Lamb On Taking Action
A year from now, you may wish you had started today.
~ Karen Lamb, author

Alan Mulally On Accomplishment
For the great achiever it's all about me; for the great leader it's all about them.
~ Alan Mulally, former Boeing and Ford CEO

Robin Sharma On Attitude
Give out what you most want to come back.
~ Robin Sharma, author

Vince Lombardi On Goals
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
~ Vince Lombardi, NFL football coach
Welcome back and Happy New Year!
Daniel Kempinger, Principal
Glenridge Middle School
Monday, January 8, 2023
Glenridge Leadership Team
Principal: Mr. Daniel Kempinger -
Assistant Principal: Dr. Kimberly Bispott -
Assistant Principal of Instruction: Mr. Thomas Hames -
8th Grade Dean: Ms. Ms. Camille Cassara -
7th Grade Dean A-L: Ms. Camille Cassara -
7th Grade Dean M-Z: Mr. Steven Schulties-
6th Grade Dean: Mr. Steven Schulties -
6th Grade / 7th Grade M-Z School Counselor: Ms. Jayne Ness-Lee -
8th Grade / 7th Grade A-L School Counselor: Mr. Dwayne Noble -
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Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS - Glenridge Middle School is forbidden without written consent. Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and especially Glenridge Middle School. Please contact Principal Daniel Kempinger with any questions or for further information.
Glenridge Middle School
2900 Upper Park Road,
Orlando, FL 32814
Phone 407-623-1415
Fax 407-623-1417