GLOBAL News, April 2022
Botswana Cancer Initiative Leader Discusses Parallels with AIDS and Progress on Oncology Workforce Training: Building on the success of the country’s response to HIV/AIDS, the Botswana-Rutgers Partnership for Health—a collaboration between Botswana’s leadership and Rutgers Global Health Institute—is poised to address cancer in a similar way.

Safe Passage: Atnre Alleyne and Tatiana Poladko, who met as students at Rutgers-Camden, left their home outside Kyiv, heading west with their three young children and Poladko’s elderly father. Read about their incredible journey.

Professor of History Wins Prestigious Iran World Book Award: Susan Mokhberi, associate professor of history at Rutgers University–Camden, has been awarded the prestigious 2022 Iran World Book Award at the 39th Annual Iran Book of the Year Awards.

Has the Current Crisis Transformed Zelensky Into Ukraine’s George Washington?: Rutgers professor Alexander J. Motyl, a specialist on Ukraine, Russia and the U.S.S.R., wrote an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times.

Celebrating Women of Rutgers: In celebration of Women's History Month in March, here are some stories of our diverse scholars and alumni who have opened new fields of research, worked to improve public health and made a difference at the university and beyond.

Featured Global Events
The Department of African, Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Literatures (AMESALL), Global Africa and the Humanities presents the third symposium in its series, with the theme, “Afrofeminist Ecologies: Relations, Disruptions and Futures”

RU Social? New Media

YouTube: Rutgers Got Talent is back this year! Students: be sure to submit your videos by April 4. The live event will be on April 26 (see below).

TikTok: Experience the Carnival of Venice alongside Jennifer studying abroad in Italy!

#carnevaledivenezia #piazzasanmarco

Instagram: Rutgers Global hosted the Global Spring Festival where we celebrated many different global spring traditions, including Nowruz, the Persian new year celebration. We set a special table, the Haft Sin, and asked students to share some new year wishes. Here are a few:
"I wish for peace in Ukraine and for different countries to come together in friendship to tackle the challenges of our time."
"I wish good health (mental, physical, and social) to all RU students and their families!"

Facebook: A group of Rutgers students is in Costa Rica on a spring break study abroad adventure with Professor Lintner called "Tropical Environments and Society." Here are some photos from their visit.

For more on this program, visit:


Twitter: Lives in Translation
@LiTRutgers is looking for volunteer student translators and interpreters who speak Ukrainian, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Czech, Romanian, or German to help those fleeing Ukraine:


Rutgers Global is on LinkedIn! Stay connected.
For Faculty & Staff
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program 2023-24 Competition Open

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program's 2023-24 competition is open, featuring over 400 awards offered in more than 130 countries in all world regions. Fulbright U.S. Scholar Awards allow U.S. citizens to teach, research, and carry out professional projects abroad. Applications are due September 15, 2022.

Visit the Fulbright Scholar Webinar Schedule for details about events throughout the competition, featuring specific countries, regions, and disciplines.
More Global Events
Working with International Students Workshop, 4/6/22, 9:00a.m. -12:00 p.m. (ET), Virtual

Rutgers Global -- International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) is offering a workshop on working with international students.

Afternoon Yoga, 4/8/22, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET), Busch Student Center MPR-B

Join us for an afternoon yoga session for students, scholars, and their families and friends. No experience necessary.

International Scholar Speaker Series, 4/11/22, 12:30-2:00 p.m. (ET), Virtual

Join us for a conversation with Mustafa Saqib and Sanaa Talwasa about their journey from Afghanistan to Rutgers

Conversation Circle, 4/14/22, 8:30-9:30 a.m. (ET), Virtual

Did you know there are Rutgers students currently experiencing their first semester in China? Spend the hour online chatting with some of the students taking part in the Rutgers Overseas Semester Experience (ROSE), sharing stories with them in English.

Rutgers Got Talent, 4/26/22, 7:00-9:00 p.m., College Ave. Student Center, MPR

Rutgers Got Talent encourages students to share their many talents via video and compete to win a $200 gift card. Video submissions due by April 4.

Friendship Fridays in April!
4/15/22: Learn ASL
4/22/22: Culture Day
4/29/22: Ice Cream Social

4:00-5:00 p.m., Various locations

Join Rutgers Global for this weekly “pop-up lounge” open to all Rutgers students and scholars, Fridays. Enjoy games, activities, and conversation—and make new friends from around the world!

Other Events:

Be sure to visit the main Rutgers University Events Calendar here.

Here is the events calendar for the Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life.

Check out the Rutgers Global Events Calendar. 

Study Abroad Advising
If you aren’t sure which program you would like to apply to, or if you would like to get a head start on planning for your abroad experience, the first thing you should do is speak with one of our Rutgers Global-Study Abroad advisors!
We are always looking for globally-oriented stories and events to share in Global Connections. If you have suggestions for submissions, please email them to
Rutgers Global is the university-wide office for international affairs at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The office provides extensive study and service-learning abroad opportunities, academic support for international students, visa and immigration processing for international students and scholars, international partnership facilitation, and on-campus global programming that helps to educate students and professionals alike. Rutgers Global is committed to comprehensive internationalization for both students and faculty, creating resources and opportunities to enhance our global engagement at home and abroad.