GLOBAL News, January 2022
Meet Riva Touger-Decker, Whose Collaborations in Six Countries Address Nutrition, Tech, and Health Disparities: As a core faculty member of Rutgers Global Health Institute, Touger-Decker has a reputation for collaboration throughout the university and among its international partners.

The Spring Study Abroad Fair is On!: Even though Covid is yet again closing doors on in-person events, the team at Rutgers Global will not let the latest variant put a damper on the Spring Study Abroad Fair, which is happening virtually on January 26 from 4:30-7:00 p.m. (ET). 

Rutgers MBA Students Win First Place at International Case Competition: The Rutgers MBAs advanced to the final round where they won the first-place prize of $7,500. Students from the University of Southern California won second, and a team from the National University of Singapore was the third-place winner.

Rutgers‒Camden Researcher Investigates Cause of Neurodegenerative Diseases: Rutgers‒Camden biologist Maria Solesio’s lab is conducting vital research to learn more about the impaired cellular mechanisms in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease patients, which could result in life-changing treatments.

Reminder: Apply for Rutgers Global Grants: These modest seed grants are offered yearly to Rutgers faculty from all campuses, including tenured, tenure-track, clinical, and NTT faculty. Applications are due by January 28, 2022.

Featured Global Event

Visit this webpage for more details and to register!
RU Social? New Media

YouTube: We were excited to welcome our international students to Rutgers for the spring semester. Miss our virtual orientation? Here is a video with more information.

TikTok: And that's a wrap! As many of our study abroad students make the journey home, take a look at some of the highlights from their time abroad. We'll be back next semester with more videos from our next cohort of students studying abroad in the spring! #RUStudyAbroad #RUGlobal

Instagram: A team from @rutgersu led by Eric Garfunkel, Vice President for Global Affairs, met with colleagues from @ajmanuniversity in the UAE to officially sign the agreement between the two universities. Wonderful to meet our colleagues in person on their beautiful campus! #RUGlobal @rutgers_engineering

Facebook: The Spring 2022 Study Abroad Fair is now virtual! We'll still have plenty of fun giveaways, including study abroad scholarships and swag! See below for details on how to enter our raffles and get a sneak peek at some of our prizes. Make sure to stop by virtually on Wednesday, January 26th anytime from 4:30 - 7:00pm EST. Registration is required, RSVP at #RUGlobal #RUStudyAbroad

Twitter: RT @MasonGross: Thanks to Shakespeare's Globe in London for partnering with @RutgersU
 to change our theater students' lives + break open their worlds, year after year; the transformation is stunning. Watch for Rutgers Theater Co.'s production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in April on campus.


Rutgers Global is on LinkedIn! Stay connected.
For Faculty & Staff
Vartan Gregorian Research Grants in the IIE Scholar Rescue Fund: Applications now open
In honor and memory of Dr. Vartan Gregorian’s lifelong work to promote global peace, expand access to international education, and preserve the lives and work of threatened scholars, as well as his service on the IIE Board of Trustees, IIE has launched the Vartan Gregorian Research Grants in the IIE Scholar Rescue Fund. Applications are now open and will be accepted through February 15, 2022.
Around 4 IIE-SRF partners will be selected to receive grants of up to $25,000 that will help fund original research or other projects that deepen our knowledge of the threats faced by academics in diverse contexts across the globe and/or that explore innovative ideas for supporting these scholars. IIE-SRF welcomes proposals that broadly explore the displacement of academics or attacks on higher education and scholarly inquiry worldwide, including the factors that lead to such attacks or their effects. Relevant issues include those in the context of targeted threats against academia and academics or protracted conflict and higher education emergencies.

More Global Events
Friendship Fridays: Updates for the Spring Semester

Join Rutgers Global for this weekly “pop-up lounge” open to all Rutgers students and scholars, Fridays from 4:00–5:00 p.m. EDT. Enjoy games, activities, and conversation—and make new friends from around the world! Many events are scheduled virtually, but check back for updates.

Weekly Virtual English-Spanish Language Exchange Series: Intercambio Lingüístico, 1:30-2:30 p.m., Fridays via Zoom

Meet our Spain Resident Director, Laura Gatzkiewicz, along with students from two of our semester exchange programs at the Universidad de Valencia and the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. You can practice your Spanish while helping them practice their English, and learn more about studying abroad in Spain. Occurs weekly on Fridays.

Other Events:

Be sure to visit the main Rutgers University Events Calendar here.

Here is the events calendar for the Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life.

Check out the Rutgers Global Events Calendar. 

Study Abroad Advising
If you aren’t sure which program you would like to apply to, or if you would like to get a head start on planning for your abroad experience, the first thing you should do is speak with one of our Rutgers Global-Study Abroad advisors!
We are always looking for globally-oriented stories and events to share in Global Connections. If you have suggestions for submissions, please email them to
Rutgers Global is the university-wide office for international affairs at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The office provides extensive study and service-learning abroad opportunities, academic support for international students, visa and immigration processing for international students and scholars, international partnership facilitation, and on-campus global programming that helps to educate students and professionals alike. Rutgers Global is committed to comprehensive internationalization for both students and faculty, creating resources and opportunities to enhance our global engagement at home and abroad.