Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

Thanks to the Blood of Christ and His Gift of Repentance we can have the mind of Christ.

Philippians 2:5 says: " Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus...."

Using that precious gift, and using the mind of Christ, the Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa held on a National Day of Repentance for South Africa on July 21 a zoom call attracting 300 participants.

At the very same time our ministry was holding a zoom call also!

Here is a report from Susan Hammer:
Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng here in SA, who is lately taking prayer for SA very seriously, and has been officially making a stand for Jesus in the face of all the government’s issues etc over the past few years, has also received Beverley’s voice message last week – how it got to him, we have no idea…
But anyways – he also had a Zoom call the same time we had ours between 15:00 to 17:00 on Wednesday, and Christine said she was on that call….and there were over 300 people on that call, praying and REPENTING for and on behalf of SA..!!!
And Beverley just sent me a WA message now, that he has sent her a message late last night, wanting to meet with her this week..!!!
She said he in particular saying that he is impressed with her obedience…

Powerful videos and updated information are on the website:

The Republic of South Africa was once a nation that strongly believed in their God, and many battles were fought and won by True Faith in their God. But this faith has been lost over the years, and many have fallen away and are questioning why they should believe. And only a small number of believers are still fighting the battle in prayer and intercession day and night for their beloved country. That fight for God's plan for His nation and His healing is what is keeping this nation from further break down. 


You showed them that their prayers are being heard in the heavenlies, and that there are still Christians across the world that truly care and want to join hands with them in agreement that the Republic of South Africa can once again be that Nation devoted and in submission to their First Love – Jesus Christ..!!

For we know that the Word is clear that when a nation starts to drift away from God, and His Righteousness is forsaken,  that nation cannot stand as before. For what you hate, you become. Therefore we need God’s Holy Spirit of Love, Forgiveness and Repentance to flow into the hearts of the people of the Republic of South Africa, and for the people that claim that they are Christian, to fully humble themselves before their God again, repent, and return to their First Love.

Here are key prayer points to add to any time of repentance the Holy Spirit may place on your heart. Clearly they could apply to any nation:

Pray that:
---------Peace would be restored to the Republic of South Africa
---------We and the peoples of South Africa would repent for seeking our own glory, especially when we have continued in the sins of our ancestors.
---------Jesus would be glorified among every culture group in South Africa, and that they would spread His riches around the world as evangelists and disciple-makers.
---------Jesus would be seen as having abolished in His flesh all enmity between peoples, having become our peace, having broken down the middle wall of separation, creating in Himself one new man, from the two, thus making peace, reconciling all people to God in one body through the cross. (Ephesians 2: 14-16)
---------This Truth, that Jesus abolished all enmity, would awaken and convict every soul in South Africa to repent, removing all division, bitterness, and hatred between white and black, and that discrimination will be totally abolished, through the Love of Christ Jesus, one for the other instead.
----------The Truths that He has made from ONE BLOOD every nation of men to dwell in all the face of the earth (Acts 17:26) , and that we are all made in His image (Genesis 1: 26), will add additional strength to abolish discrimination totally.
----------The spirit of self-gain and corruption will be destroyed from the head of the country down to the man in the street, through the Love of Jesus, each one caring for his neighbour and that the Republic of South Africa will become a county of spiritually mature people.
-----------All forms of sexual perversion, child and sex trafficking, woman and child abuse, abortions, and the killing of all innocents will stop. That God will protect our women and children. That His Love will move mightily on the streets of each major city where people are living on the streets, and are dependent on drugs, that they will be delivered from drug abuse.
-----------That Forgiveness, Repentance and Reconciliation will manifest between the different cultures, and that Bitterness and Hate will be removed from everyone's hearts, and Idolatry will be broken down between the cultures, and that the Republic of South Africa shall love and serve the Lord our God only.
-------------That the National Day of Repentance in South Africa on July 21, 2021 will open up so many hearts to call upon the Living God in sincere repentance that He will hear from heaven, forgive sin and heal His beloved South Africa, and that this God Solution from His Word ( 2 Chronicles 7: 14) will be an example to all nations today to do likewise.

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At the heart of our repentance ministry is the commitment not just to awaken the Bride about the Power of Repentance, but also to provide events by which His Gift of Repentance can be put to use--- really applied in each of our lives, so that repentance will become a part of our spiritual life, and a witness to others of our changing character, that much more like Christ as His Ambassador.

In repentance we grow in Christ. To that end, one of our projects is Global Days of Repentance. Those of us particiapting, over 900 now in 47 nations, grow in Christ having spent some time repenting and then interceding for that nation in focus. That nation can then be blessed with sincere intercession from members of the Body of Christ who have personally repented in advance, thereby cleansing their vessel for Powerful Holy Spirit intercession.

This Global Day of Repentance for South Africa on July 21 was another in a series of Global Days of Repentance by which we can grow in Christ through times of repentance and Holy Spirit-inspired intercession on a given nation.

If you have not yet joined our global day of repentance intercessors, please do join us:


Each Wednesday at 2 PM Eastern time USA we hold a one hour zoom call, focusing on a particular sin which, in private, we can confess to the Lord and then choose, again in private, to remove. Joy follows repentance! Please email us for details:

Pastor Jeff

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
"The Gift of Repentance" a half hour TV program can be seen on Saturday mornings 9:30 Pacific

Do you see repentance as vital for our times? To our knowledge National Day of Repentance is the only Christian ministry focusing solely on repentance and applying it in our lives. No church, no denomination supports us, only YOU! Though we work as volunteers, costs and requests for food pour in each day. Would you please pray for us? And then give from a cheerful heart as the Lord leads? THANK YOU--every small amount counts!

God bless you.

Pastor Jeff
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