Volume 045 March 2024
There's no such thing as work-life balance. There are work-life choices, and you make them, and they have consequences.
- Jack Welch, former Chairman and CEO of General Electric

Happy March and beginning of spring. The final month of the first quarter of 2024.

We are all going to be taking a collective journey this month recognizing women on International Women's Day, passing though the global equinox, moving into a new season, experiencing a lunar eclipse, changing the clocks in many places, and celebrating the traditions of Ramadan, Holi, and Easter.

It's normal that traditionally this time of year we experience rapid shifts all around us. We start off in Pisces season, a mutable sign bringing in energies that support adaptation into the new season. We are clearing out to make space for the new seeds being planted in the ground and in various areas of our lives that we will spend the coming weeks and months nurturing. As the energy and growth begin to accelerate, things remain a little murky through the watery element of the season, be patient and keep on loving; clarity and more solid ground are on the way.

Mark this newsletter and share it with friends. It contains lots of useful information for March including menu ideas, calendar, and monthly challenges.

How did you do with Purification last month? I spoke with many people who are cleaning out in a way that we haven't for some time, a deeper more thorough reset.

The focus of March is BALANCE. The clearing out that's been going on has supported bringing us back into balance and we may need to continue that into the new month as we approach the global equinox in which the day and night come into balance.
While we strive for balance, it's important to remember that balance is also elusive and we are in a constant state of moving in and out of balance. Balance can also be tricky because sometimes being out of balance in the short term is the right balance in the big picture. Consider the yin/yang symbol. It's balanced, yet it's also in motion as it's filling in one side and releasing in the other side and a continuation of this cycle.

We are all familiar with the expression work hard, play hard. That means that it's important to understand what your main purpose is in this season of your life and find the balance accordingly. That will be different for each one of us.

And while balance doesn't mean equal parts and constant stillness, it means that there must be motion and ebbing and flowing according the the important parts of our lives. After all, Albert Einstein famously reminds us, "Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving."

As I write this, I am enjoying a few days in San Francisco connecting with friends here and then moving on to visit family and friends on a little North American tour.
Wishing you all an empowered and balanced transition into the new season.


New Intake Sessions starting week of March 25 through mid-May.

In order to manage my calendar with my own work life balance, I will be doing new client intakes at specified times during the year. This provides more clarity for myself and my schedule which enhances my ability to serve clients throughout the seasons.

Get started with an intake and a bundle of sessions and reach significant progress on your health goals by summer!

Spring GIVEAWAY: FREE 12-Week Health Coaching package
Book a Free Discovery Call and have a chance to win a complementary 12-week health coaching package valued at £795 ($1000/€925).

Are you curious and want to know what it might be like to work with a health coach, click on the link below to book a FREE consultation.


Mini-sessions are available on an ongoing basis. Not ready to commit to a full program? A quick chat with a couple of specific questions can provide a lot of clarity and point you in the right direction.

There's also lots of health advice out there that isn't necessarily good for everyone. In the current environment of over-saturation of information it's super easy to go down rabbit holes and even unnecessary or potentially harmful detours.

We've experienced that first hand in our own family. What you read about in headlines or social media rarely tells the whole story and is specifically meant to benefit someone, not likely yourself or myself.

25-minute sessions for voice call or video call to ask me anything and get tips and tricks to navigate through any issues that are currently coming up.

All calls are confidential and appropriate for yourself or challenges a child or other person in the family are dealing with. I have extensive personal experience with mental health like anxiety, depression, or mania, family wellness, inflammation, weight management and pre-diabetes, stress, and hormone balance.

Cost: £20 per session

--> --> How to sign up?
Great question. Just click on the link below. Pop me an email and we'll get you scheduled in. Be sure to send a couple of preferred time windows.
1:1 Health Coaching

A Health Coach is an expert at sorting through the details to identify the source of the challenges and works together with you create a plan towards an obtainable solution.

All 1:1 clients get fully customized support to find the most simple adjustments to reach their health and wellness goals through a variety of holistic modalities.

Want your family to be in a better mood or your team to be more productive? Or do you just want to team up with others towards better health and increased energy? Diet and lifestyle choices make a huge impact especially in terms of longterm vitality.

This can range from a one-time workshop or talk to a full extended program with weekly sessions.

All of my work is totally bespoke to you and your group. Email me at [email protected] to discuss how we can work together.
MARCH 2024

Focus of the Month: BALANCE

February and March - Season of clearing and purification in preparation for the celebrations of renewal to come in late March and April. While January is the beginning of the calendar year, Spring is the beginning of new life after the darkness and hibernation of winter.

March - The final month of the first quarter of the year leading us to the Equinox, a day of equal light and dark in all places.

8 March - International Women's Day - A celebration and call to action for the dispatch of women's social, economic, political, and cultural equality worldwide.

10 March - New Moon - This New Moon in the emotional water sign of Pisces encourages us to come to terms with and work through and release emotional stagnation and experience our divine authenticity.

10 March - Ramadan begins - Holy fasting month of the Islamic tradition.

10 March - Daylight Savings begins - USA/Canada

17 March - St. Patrick's Day - Ireland celebrates its patron Saint Patrick who brought Christianity to Ireland and beyond. Don't forget to wear green!

19 March - Equinox - Day and night are of equal length. First day of Spring.

19 March - Aries Season begins - a Cardinal sign representing beginnings and initiation energy. Also a fire sign adding some heat and passion to the ideas and projects that have been percolating and ready to be expressed. Aries is ruled by Mars and empowers self-confidence and leadership bringing in fresh energy.

21 March - Persian New Year (Nowruz) - A Zoroastrian celebration based on the Iranian Solar Hijri calendar around the Spring Equinox.

24-30 - Holy Week - The final days of the Lenten fast and a time of discipline and reflections on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ in the Christian tradition.

24-25 March - Full Moon - This month's full moon in Libra gifts us the opportunity to celebrate the balance that we've been focusing on all month.

25 March - Lunar Eclipse - Eclipses carry the potential to accelerate change and forward motion in our lives.

25 March - Holi, Hindu Festival of Colors - a vibrant celebration in India and beyond, where participants joyfully douse each other with colored powders and water, symbolizing unity, forgiveness, and the arrival of spring.

31 March - Easter Sunday - A celebration of new life following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Christian tradition.

31 March - Daylight Savings Time begins - UK/EU
Challenges of the Month - BALANCE

It's important to remember that our body, mind, and spirit are all connected. Many things will support more than one simultaneously. Also, when we focus on one area we may find ourselves uplifted in other areas as well.

FAMILY CONNECTION: Share the monthly challenges and ask family members which one they are most interested in trying out. This is a great way to connect collectively or individually. You can get a pulse on how everyone is doing while strengthening honest and open communication which gives everyone the opportunity to support one another. That's a WIN - WIN - WIN in my books!

  • MIND
  1. Consider the most categories in your life which may include: SELF - FAMILY - PARTNER - WORK - PLAY - FITNESS - SPIRIT - COMMUNITY - LOVE - SLEEP - HEALTH - ART - NATURE - TRAVEL
  2. Assess your categories. Are there any important categories in your life that need more attention?
  3. Decide one next step towards a greater balance of the most important things in your life.

  • Take a true day of rest. Depending on your traditions, that may be a Saturday or a Sunday or choose any day. Truly slow down, connect with the Divine, get into nature, be playful. Most importantly, honor the idea of a day of rest which means no work for that one day.
  • Take a day of rest the next week and the next week too!

  • BODY:
  • Practice standing on one foot each morning. How long can you do it?
  • Take an inventory of your diet. Is there something you can add or reduce to make it more balanced?

I love focusing on just a couple of things at a time. Remember this is about building strong foundations one brick at a time. Continue to stay well hydrated, get plenty of movement throughout the day, don't skimp on sleep, and practice gratitude.
Featured Blog Post: Important Role of Omega-3's
Remember that eating protein before something very sweet reduces blood sugar fluctuations which often lead to unstable energy.

These menus, like my coaching sessions, are made for you to customize them according to your likes and preferences and what fits best into your life and your regular meals. They are a framework meant to be adjusted.

Get in touch if you would like more menu support or would like a specific recipe.
Email me at [email protected]

Avocado Toast
Add chicken sausage or other protein to preference
1/2 grapefruit

Chicken Salad your style or Chicken wrap
Carrot sticks
1-2 dates with almond butter

Blood orange (or other fruit)

Roasted broccoli
Potato and leek purée
Apple crumble

After dinner/bedtime beverage:
Warm milk with honey or chamomile tea
There are dozens of routes you could take to navigate health challenges, and you need to know which one will work best for you and your situation.
In my experience, it's the simple tweaks that can really move the needle here and they might be in your blind spot.
Get in touch to discover what will work best for your unique self!
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