March 8, 2023

Global Girls Collaborative Logo

Science, Technology, and Innovation. A project of the Global Girls Collaborative and Futuristas.

International Women's Day

March 8, 2023

International Women's Day celebrates the social, political, and economic achievements of women while focusing attention on areas requiring further action. This year's theme, #EmbraceEquity.”, aims to shift away from gender equality to the process of gender equity, and is a call to action to embrace equity within our own sphere of influence. Gender & Women's Rights Activities Packs are available for youth of diverse ages. Access resources to join an event and show solidarity by sharing resources or a photo with your arms crossed on social media using #IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity. Learn more.

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The Commission on the Status of Women and Futuristas' Feminist Guidance

From March 6-17, 2023, stakeholders from diverse sectors will gather for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). This year’s theme is Innovation and Technological Change and Education in the Digital Age for achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. The CSW will explore ideas for leveraging technology and innovation for gender equality. Futuristas developed a broad framework for focus and action related to gender and STEM, in alignment with the recent Report of the Secretary-General and UNESCO's Report on Gender and Artificial Intelligence. Read the blog to learn about resources to improve girls’ and women’s participation in STEM.

My Journey as a CEE Fellow: Empowering Women in STEM in Iraq

Picture of woman [Gulan Gawdan] with long, dark hair holding a certificate, standing next to a poster entitled Community Engagement Exchange Program

Contributed by Gulan Gawdan

As a Kurdish woman living in Iraq, my life has been marked by the constant struggle for stability and equal opportunities. Despite the challenges, I've been fortunate enough to have positive experiences that have shaped my life and perspective.

One of the most transformative experiences of my life was being selected as a Community Engagement Exchange (CEE) Fellow. While in the U.S., I was hosted by the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP). I had the chance to participate in training sessions on gender equitable and culturally responsive practices for engaging girls and youth in STEM learning, including topics such as stereotypes, STEM identity, role models, and collaboration. I also engaged in learning about NGCP’s work with the National Citizen and Community Science Library Network. Being part of the NGCP community made me realize that it is a place where gender, skin color, and race make no difference.

My experience with CEE and NGCP has given me the tools to work towards a more equitable future for women in STEM in my country. Despite the challenges we face, I am optimistic that young women in STEM will be at the forefront of bringing transformative and dynamic change to Iraq. Read the blog.


ITEEA 2023 Conference

Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 12-15, 2023

The conference is largest gathering of technology and engineering educators. The 2023 theme is Learn it, Try it, Teach it!: STEL Experiences to Advance Our Profession. Learn more.

Toronto Womxn in Data Science written in white text within a dark blue circle with orange web outline with green dots

Toronto Womxn in Data Science Conference & Awards

Toronto, Ontario, April 26-27, 2023

The conference brings together womxn in academia, industry, government, and start-ups who use data science in their work. The conference has three streams: business, technical, and ethics. Learn more.

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Ideate. Innovate. Implement. STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice 2023 Convening

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, May 1-3, 2023

The convening will bring together more than 100 international leaders from Community STEM Ecosystems to co-design a blueprint for STEM experiences for all STEM Ecosystems' youth, families and communities that enable them to join the rapidly changing global workforce. Learn more.

[Women Tech Conference] logo in purple, light blue, and white text.

Women in Tech Global Conference 2023

Online and hybrid in multiple locations, May 9-12, 2023

Through keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, and industry-specific summits participants will have the opportunity to learn about emerging technologies, powerful personal stories of women in tech, and network with diverse women from around the world. Discounted rates for individuals, groups, and students available. Learn more.

2023 ECSITE Conference

Kalkara, Malta, June 15-17, 2023

The European science engagement conference is open to all professionals who engage audiences with science and technology. This professional development opportunity offers an intense mix of intellectual stimulation, purposeful and creative sessions, business opportunities, and unparalleled networking. Learn more.


Girls in STEM: A (Data-based) Tale of Confidence & Satisfaction Resources

In this NGCP webinar, the Gender Scan team explored data collected from teenage participants from the Gender Scan 2021 survey. Findings underscore the need to build girls’ confidence in STEM, show them the global importance of STEM, and describe the role of educators, parents, and peers. Jennifer Breslin, Executive Director of Futuristas provided a snapshot of the global context relating to the gender disparities in STEM. Access the webinar recording and related resources.

[Pride in STEM] logo in black text with rainbow-colored line: red, orange, yellow, green blue, purple.

Pride in STEM

Pride in STEM, a charity run by LGBTQIA+ scientists and engineers from around the world, includes resources, blog posts, and events to showcase and support all LGBTQIA+ people in STEM fields.



STEM4ALL, a joint platform by UNDP and UNICEF in Europe and Central Asia, is a virtual public space for advocacy, research, and news to promote gender equality and inclusion in STEM. The platform aims to engage diverse stakeholders including women, girls, policy makers,and the private sector. Learn more.

The STARportal is Australia’s first centralised national portal for exciting and engaging STEM activities from around the country. This searchable database connects parents, students and teachers with their local and online STEM activities in real time.
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STARportal Logo
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This global e-newsletter is generously funded by the Fluor Corporation.

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