October 11, 2022

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Science, Technology, and Innovation. A project of the Global Girls Collaborative and Futuristas.

International Day of the Girl

October 11, 2022

The 2022 theme is, "Our time is now—our rights, our future". In commemoration of the 10th anniversary, the theme is a reflection on the barriers to girls' rights to education, physical and mental wellness, and protections needed for a life without violence, as well as a call to action rooted in girls' resourcefulness, creativity, tenacity, and resilience.

In the last 10 years, there has been increased attention to girls rights and needs by governments, policymakers, and the general public. However, investments in girls’ rights remain limited and have been exacerbated by crises of climate change, COVID-19, and humanitarian conflict. 

Girls are ready for a decade of acceleration forward. Get involved and share stories, blogs and videos of inspiring girls who are changemakers, and the inspiring networks and organizations that are resourcing girls, letting girls lead, and strengthening services for girls. Join a global virtual event celebrating International Day of the Girl. Read more.

NGCP is hosting a Community Engagement Exchange Fellow

As part of the Community Engagement Exchange Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) is hosting Gulan Gawdan from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Gulan serves as Library Director at the American University of Kurdistan, and has a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Duhok. She is committed to supporting empowerment opportunities for young Kurds and Iraqis in STEM, and shared the following, "I believe that by becoming a strong female leader empowered by a quality academic education, it can inspire young girls and contribute to positive changes in my country". NGCP's goal is to learn from Gulan's experiences and to support her by providing resources to design and implement equity-focused programming for girls upon her return home. Learn more.

High School Student and Founder of Nano Labs asks,

“What would happen if girls supported girls?”

hands making a heart shape

Contributed by Zhifan Y.

 As someone who had a bitter experience with elementary school science, I did not expect that my taste would change over several years. In grade 7, however, my interest path began to shift. It was largely because I started experimenting using my own hands and eyes. My way of learning science transformed from memorizing vocabulary and laws to understanding through hands-on learning. 

As a high school student, I wanted to start an initiative for peers who are just as interested in science as me and for students who want to see if STEM is right for them. I founded Nano Labs in my sophomore year, where as a team we offer hands-on learning and raise awareness of accessible STEM. We upload one video weekly that runs through experiments in chemistry, biology, physics, neuroscience, or mathematics. We hope our audience not only enjoys the fun the experiments bring but also learns something new from every activity. Inspiring girls is our goal, and we are taking action to make dreams come true. Read more.


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NCGS Educating Girls Symposium: Meaning, Mission, and Making Connections

Nashville, Tennessee, October 24, 2022 

The National Coalition of Girls’ Schools (NCGS) symposiums are professional development offerings for educators, counselors, and administrators serving PK-12th grade youth globally to convene and exchange best practices for teaching and working with girls. This symposium will explore conversations related to inclusivity, belonging, and accessibility. Registration closes October 17, 2022. Learn more

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Gender Summit 2022

Online, October 31, 2022

The Gender Summit is a platform for dialogue where scientists, gender scholars, and policymakers examine gaps and biases in research evidence relating to sex and gender. The summit includes keynotes, plenary and parallel sessions, networking opportunities, and an exhibition. Register is free. Learn more

Women in Tech Festival   

London, United Kingdom and Online, November 3 and 9, 2022

Through keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, and fringe events participants will have the opportunity to explore personal growth, learn about technology innovations being led by women in the industry, and help create an inclusive industry that enables a vision of success and provides participants with the toolkit to make it happen. Group discounts available. Students with a student email address qualify to attend for free. Learn more.

International STEM in Education Conference

Online, November 23-26, 2022

The 2022 conference theme "STEM futures – expanding our horizons", provides opportunities for STEM researchers and educators worldwide to share research findings and consider how practical initiatives can strengthen STEM education in the future, including new trends in research on interdisciplinary learning and web-based scientific inquiry learning environments. Registration closes November 15, 2022. Learn more.

2022 International Women in Aviation Conference

Long Beach, California, February 23-25, 2023

Conference will include professional development seminars, education sessions, exhibit hall, scholarship awards, and 2023 Pioneer Hall of Fame inductions. Learn more.

ITEEA 2023 Conference

Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 12-15, 2023

The conference is largest gathering of technology and engineering educators. The 2023 theme is Learn it, Try it, Teach it!: STEL Experiences to Advance Our Profession. Early bird rate ends December 1, 2022. Learn more.

2022 ECSITE Conference

Kalkara, Malta, June 15-17, 2023

The European science engagement conference is open to all professionals who engage audiences with science and technology. This professional development opportunity offers an intense mix of intellectual stimulation, purposeful and creative sessions, business opportunities, and unparalleled networking. Call for proposals closes on October 31, 2022. Registration opens in February 15, 2023. Learn more.


Gender Analysis Toolkit for Prioritising SDG Goals and Targets

This toolkit from Portia and UN Women, highlights gender gaps in approaches to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) analysis, and provides recommendations for integrating gender perspectives to improve implementation strategies to better ensure gender inequities are made visible and valued SDG goals and targets. 

Pinays Can STEM 

Pinays Can STEM is an online community that aims to empower and encourage young Filipinas in STEM by connecting Pinays, women or girls of Philippine origin or descent, to opportunities, resources, and activities related to STEM, including blog posts featuring the experiences and interests of young women in STEM.


TechGirls, an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in partnership with Virginia Tech University, is an interactive technology and computer camp and cultural immersion experience for girls ages 15-17 from eligible countries/territories. Girls participate in skill-development workshops with tech professionals, engage in job shadow experiences in various cities, and visit sites in Washington D.C. Learn more about the program and eligibility requirements.

The STARportal is Australia’s first centralised national portal for exciting and engaging STEM activities from around the country. This searchable database connects parents, students and teachers with their local and online STEM activities in real time.

UNESCO: Minding the Data: Protecting Learners’ Privacy and Security

This report provides an overview of the opportunities and challenges related to digital learning. Key findings underscore the gender skills gap, as women are more likely to report lack of skills as a barrier to Internet use. This gap spans across the skills spectrum from using devices and Internet access to computer programming, and is more pronounced for women who are older, less educated, poor, or living in rural areas and developing countries.

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This global e-newsletter is generously funded by the Fluor Corporation.

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