Global Great Commission Network Update
January 2023 Newsletter #34
2023 New Year Greetings from the Global Great Commission Network (GGCN)!

The Global Great Commission Network is a cooperative effort to fulfill the vision of the Tokyo Declaration. The Tokyo Declaration, a major outcome of the Tokyo 2010 Global Mission Consultation, concluded with a three-paragraph commitment. The last paragraph pledges:

  • Finally, we recognize that finishing the task will demand effective cooperative efforts of the entire global body of believers. To facilitate cooperation and on-going coordination between mission structures worldwide, we agree to the necessity of a global network of mission structures. With this in mind, we leave Tokyo pledging cooperation with one another, and all others of like faith, with the singular goal of “making disciples of every people in our generation.”

This commitment to "cooperative efforts" is central to what the GGCN is today and what we pray to increasingly see in practice in Great Commission endeavors.

The next section speaks to some of the ways the GGCN is unique in our efforts to facilitate a global, cooperative network.
We desire to facilitate the flow of information from member to member, from ministry to ministry.
Dr. Randy Mitchell, GGCN Global Ambassador
Some Ways that GGCN is Different or Unique:

  • GGCN functions without a top-down agenda. The ministry and outreach of GGCN is driven by local, grassroots involvement.
  • GGCN does not have a formal membership or member fees. We simply ask that individuals and organizations consider signing and pledging to adopt the principles of the Tokyo Declaration.
  • GGCN functions through the service of volunteers and participants with limited overhead expenses. The expenses that we do have are focused on providing the Connect online platform for "Connection, Communication, and Collaboration."
  • GGCN exists to serve the needs of all Great Commission practitioners, whether individuals or mission structures.
  • GGCN fund-raising is primarily a local, grassroots issue. You do not see end-of-year solicitations from the GGCN, for example.
  • GGCN provides a voice that the global church is called to unity and collaboration as a core part of the Great Commission.

This is your encouragement to jump in and build relationships with others, both in your area of ministry and around the world as part of the Global Great Commission Network..

How To Connect With and Be Part Of The Global Great Commission Network (GGCN)

There is a role and a place for you in GGCN. Get started or expand your participation in various ways including:

  • Join the several hundred co-laborers around the world who have signed the Tokyo Declaration.
  • Register and be active on Connect, reaching out to and building relationships with Great Commission co-workers around the globe.
  • Plug into existing GGCN local expressions (Africa, India, etc.) or seek how you can help organize grassroots movements in your area with GGCN identity and values.

We look forward to hearing from you and to your participation and engagement with the Global Great Commission Network,

David Hupp, Facilitator for the GGCN Global Steering Team