Hello from Friends! Here is a quick look at what's new in our work to fight AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria in the age of COVID-19.
New Infographic: Investing in Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response
Should the Global Fund Play a Role
in Future Pandemics?
There have been numerous calls over the years for the Global Fund to build on its work beyond AIDS, TB and malaria and do more on pandemic preparedness and response. Friends President and CEO Chris Collins argues, "there is enormous opportunity to advance progress on AIDS, TB and malaria, identifying synergies between pandemic preparedness ...and ending longstanding epidemics."
Human Rights are Essential to True Pandemic Preparedness and Response
"Human rights – rights that belong to all people, including marginalized populations — are fundamental to effective preparedness and response against future pandemic threats, and to all institutions engaged in global health work," writes Friends President and CEO Chris Collins along with Chief Policy Officer Mark Lagon in a new blog post.
Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands Meets with U.S. Lawmakers, Officials in D.C.
Last week, Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands traveled to Washington D.C. to discuss the importance of U.S. leadership in the work of the Global Fund. He met with key stakeholders and policymakers on the Hill including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Executive Director of the USAID COVID-19 Task Force Jeremy Konyndyk.
Read About the Latest Impact of the Global Fund's COVID-19 Response Mechanism
Malawi: Ambulances and emergency supplies donated during Delta variant surge
Eswatini: Adapting HIV services during lockdowns
India: Procuring and distributing oxygen therapeutics in India
Uganda: Bolstering Uganda's rapid COVID-19 response
Watch: Dr. Anthony Fauci on Pandemic Preparedness and the Global Fund (CSIS)
On August 3, Chief Medical Advisor to the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci discussed the future of pandemic preparedness at a CSIS panel.
"Remember, when the Global Fund got set up, it started off to be the Global Fund for HIV, and then we expanded it to malaria and tuberculosis. I think there’s no reason to think that it isn’t possible to include in that pandemic preparedness."
Friends Applauds the House Appropriations Committee Maintaining the U.S. Contribution to the Global Fund
On July 29th, the House Appropriations Committee passed a historic funding bill for fiscal year 2022. The bipartisan bill ensures that the U.S. remains a leader in global health by maintaining funding for the Global Fund at the current fiscal year 2021 level of $1.56 billion. This bold investment will be central to advancing the global fight to end AIDS, TB and malaria in the age of COVID-19.
Must Read
In Haiti and Beyond, We've Made Progress on Pandemics for 20 Years. We Must Keep at It. (Miami Herald)
Vice President of Missions at Cross Catholic Outreach David Adams published an op-ed celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Global Fund and the benefits it has produced in communities across Africa, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean. He writes:
- "In the 20 years the Global Fund has been in existence, deaths due to AIDS have dropped by 41 percent, TB by 25 percent and malaria by 46 percent."
- "Incredible gains have been realized, but we must keep at it. We must empower proven and effective institutions that are dedicated to protecting human life."
How COVID-19 is Affecting AIDS, TB and Malaria
With U.S. and other donors' support, the Global Fund's COVID-19 Response Mechanism is stepping up to protect AIDS, TB and malaria responses from the impact of COVID-19.
In a Q & A published by Global Citizen, Chris Collins describes the inequitable impact of COVID-19 on AIDS, stating, "HIV already disproportionately impacts adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa. When COVID-19 hit, and lockdowns began, face-to-face peer support groups had to stop, making it more difficult to access HIV treatment." Read more here.
AIDS: In Eswatini, young women are leading the fight against HIV and COVID-19 (Global Fund)
Tuberculosis: What the COVID-19 fight holds for TB (POLITICO)
Malaria: COVID-19 mRNA technology being used for potential malaria vaccine (RBM Partnership)
We're tracking the intersection of COVID-19 and AIDS, TB and malaria. See regular updates on our website.
Delta variant has spiked COVID-19 deaths in Africa by 80% in one month, WHO says (CNN)
Failure to help poor countries fight COVID-19 could cost global economy $4.5 trillion (Guardian)
Alarms don't ring themselves, health workers do: Raj Panjabi (Devex)
Better late than never: Indonesia readies HIV prevention drug PrEP (JakartaPost)
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