A Move of God South of the Border
by Missionaries Mike and Pam Lumbard
I never get tired of how God gets ahold of a heart and changes a life. Our churches are filled with stories of people transformed by Jesus. Maybe you are one of those stories? For me, a great example in the Bible is the one about one of the criminals who died on the cross by Jesus. After hearing the criminal’s request that Jesus would remember him when He came into His Kingdom, Jesus said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Do you realize that one of the last things Jesus did before He died was to welcome another person into God’s family? Like the rest of us, the man on the cross next to Jesus had done nothing to deserve God’s love and grace. The transforming power of God’s grace reaches even a criminal sentenced to death.
Ministering in the Streets
One day we met Oliver, a grown man who could not stop crying. His entire family had been killed in a car accident. His grief was so heavy that he eventually lost everything that was remaining in his life, including his job, and was left living on the streets of Tijuana. Oliver did not even want to live without his wife and kids. He prayed every night that he would die in his sleep. He believed his kids would be ashamed of him if they saw him at that time. My friend Armando and I talked to him about the hope that God provides. We talked to him about the comfort that God can offer and invited him to follow Jesus. After he prayed with us, his tears stopped, and he promised that each day he would pray for God to guide and direct him. When I saw him a week later, he did not look like the same man. There was a big smile on his face, and he is now praying every day.
Vacation Bible School children.
Children participating in VBS.
Feeding Kitchen
In east Tijuana, Pastor Abelino and his wife started feeding children who were in need. Several MOVE and church groups from the U.S. came and built them a beautiful feeding kitchen where they can prepare and serve meals. The staff also feeds the children spiritually with their version of a kids’ club or a VBS. The children are learning to follow Jesus, and they even memorize Scripture. One of the significant aspects of this ministry is that after the children are introduced to a relationship with Jesus, they take Jesus back into their unchurched homes. Last week nine more children accepted Jesus. The process of transforming this community continues one child at a time.
Children worshiping.
Children accepting Jesus.
Zone Red Ministry
Zone Red is a unique ministry in the heart of Tijuana, one block from the red-light district. In fact, next door to Zone Red is a house of prostitution. The ministry began when it was discovered that there were unsupervised children roaming the streets, many in need of food. Some of them were children of prostitutes. As ministry volunteers began feeding these children, they discovered that many of them were not in school. The ministry decided to develop a school and began educating them. The Zone Red ministry continued to expand to include feeding anyone who is in need. Today over two hundred meals are served three times a week.
The driving force behind this ministry is the love and dignity its volunteers show to everyone that comes. They know that God loves even the most unlovable people. They strive to show that same love and respect to everyone they work with and everyone who receives a meal. Not only does the ministry provide good, quality meals, but its volunteers also sweep and clean the sidewalk and the street up and down the block to serve the neighbors as well. The sidewalk in front of the Zone Red building is scrubbed before serving meals. The orderly lines they maintain enable them to serve one person at a time. The staff of Zone Red talk with people, pray with them, and call them by name. Several people show up early to help sweep and collect the bags of trash.
The kingdom of God is changing the atmosphere in the middle of an area of the city known for drugs, prostitution, crime, and homelessness. In just two weeks, 51 people made the decision to let Jesus lead their lives. When we offered ten Bibles to anyone who needed a Bible, almost forty men rushed up to get one. We have purchased one hundred more Bibles so everyone can have one.
It has amazed me that men are hungry for God. In two weeks of ministry in several different places, 88 people prayed to give their lives to Jesus, and all of them except three or four were men. I am also seeing that consistent ministry over time begins to soften even the hardest hearts and the hardest communities. Finally, people are still looking for hope, and that is the message that God is speaking through all of us. 
Please pray for us as we train disciples for Christ. We ask for God to continue to lead and guide us as He uses us for His glory. We appreciate every heart that continuously donates and prays for missionaries to make this possible.

Mike and Pam Lumbard
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15

Mail-In Donations
Payable to:
Open Bible Churches
2020 Bell Ave, Des Moines, IA 50315
Memo: Lumbard DM


The war continues in Ukraine and there are still millions leaving the country in search of shelter and safety, which has caused a big demand for humanitarian aid. The fighting forces of Ukraine have demonstrated amazing valor and persistence. We want to come along our Ukrainian brothers and sisters to help them during this time of crisis. We have Open Bible churches in Krakow, Poland, that have provided shelter for hundreds of refugees who need necessities such as clothes, shoes, food, and water.
Our Open Bible church in Lutsk is also receiving displaced Ukrainians from the eastern part of the country. In addition, people are traveling to places like Ternopil where one of our Open Bible Churches has helped relocate 130 people from the church in Mariupol. They have been providing them with food, clothes, blankets, and hygiene products. They are even providing humanitarian aid for other people in Mariupol and other cities in southeastern Ukraine.
We have over 40 churches in Ukraine and most of our Open Bible people from the churches have not left Ukraine. They need our financial assistance to obtain basic items for survival after the invasion from the Russian troops.
Psalm 146:7 says, “He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry….” Would you consider giving to Ukraine Relief Aid? The funds received will help hundreds of pastors and their families and communities. Our priority will be to provide food and necessities for their survival.
Thank you for partnering with us. Together we can make a lasting impact through Ukraine Relief Aid and help our Open Bible family as they endure this tremendous hardship and time of great need.
If you would like to give to Ukraine Relief Aid, please
Open Bible Churches | 2020 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50315-1096