The Ohio State University
Celebrating World Rabies Day

Ohio State’s College of Veterinary Medicine’s shelter medicine club and international veterinary student association hosted GOHi’s rabies coordinator, Ato Ashagre Kibret, and dog behavior and handling expert, Daniel Stewart on September 28 for a webinar to discuss work related to the Global Alliance for Rabies Control. In celebration of World Rabies Day, Kibret and Stewart shared their collaborative work and the importance of rabies education and prevention during the webinar.

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Fellow spotlight: Seleshe Nigatu

Seleshe Nigatu is an associate professor of veterinary public health at the University of Gondar, College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences. He is working with the TARTARE Dairy and Beef teams in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. The project aims to develop and implement a risk-based framework for food safety management and resource allocation with the goal of reducing foodborne illnesses and deaths and increasing equitable consumption of a safe, affordable and nutritious diet.

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October 8
Education and Capacity Building in One Health: Lessons from the Field
Join the discussion at 2 p.m. EST as panelists reflect and share their ideas for the future of One Health, including Wondwossen Gebreyes, GOHi executive director.
October 30-November 3
World One Health Congress
The 6th World One Health Congress will be held virtually.
April 8-11, 2021
Global Health & Innovation Conference
The world's leading and largest global health conference as well as the largest social entrepreneurship conference.