University of Pittsburgh 
University Center for International Studies 

Global Studies Center
Fall 2017

September 6, 2017
In This Issue
From the Director
Dear Global Studies colleagues, students, and friends: 

The start of a new academic year is always filled with anticipation and possibility.  That's especially true this fall, as the Global Studies Center embarks on some exciting new initiatives.

Before I get to those, I want to share a piece of fantastic news that some of you may have missed last semester: Pitt was recently selected as one of the four winners of the 2017 Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization by NAFSA: Association of International Educators.  The award goes to colleges or universities "that are making significant, well-planned, well-executed, and well-documented progress toward comprehensive internationalization-especially those using innovative and creative approaches."  We're proud of the part that Global Studies plays in these efforts and committed to continuing this work in the months and years to come.

As part of that work, we're launching a new initiative this fall, Global Across the Curriculum (GXC), a seminar designed to help faculty globalize existing courses or develop new ones from a global perspective.  This year's seminar is full, but we plan to offer it regularly each fall semester, so plan ahead if you are interested. 

The Center has just concluded a six-month strategic planning process, one that will guide our work going forward.  As part of that plan, we've identified three research initiatives - on Migration, on the Transformation of Cities, and on Creative Pedagogies for Global Studies - that will help us to focus our programming, grants-making, and other activities.  These initiatives are based on extensive consultation with our faculty colleagues and intended to help coalesce the work many of you are already doing in these areas and to provide expanded opportunities for graduate students to get involved in global studies-related research.  So, for example, this year's Humanizing the Global, Globalizing the Human faculty development seminar will focus on the theme of migration, and we'll be highlighting both migration and cities in our programming.

We'll also be launching a new monthly series, Hot Topics/Global Perspectives, to provide a forum in which all members of the University community can meet to discuss the latest news in an informal environment.  Hot Topics will be a moderated discussion that invites participants to think and learn together about important issues from a global studies angle; instead of expert presentations, we envision lively and intelligent interchange among everyone in the room, anchored by the participation of our faculty affiliates.

For students, there are exciting changes in store with the launch of a new UCIS app, which will help to monitor progress toward certificates, inform you of upcoming events and programs, and much, much more.  We'll offer another in our installment of mini-courses on Muslims in a Global Context, with a focus, again, on migration.  Also, we're delighted about the creation of an affiliated Global Studies student club; for more information, please contact Anastasia Bodea Crisan at

In this newsletter, you'll meet our new Global Studies Faculty Fellow, Müge Finkel (GSPIA) and the recipient of this year's Global Academic Partnership award, Heath Cabot (Anthropology), learn about their exciting projects, and find out how you can apply.  You'll also meet our new UCIS Visiting Professor for Contemporary Issues, Jared McCormick, as well as our new Heinz and Malmberg Fellows and our 2017-18 Global Studies Student Ambassadors, who help keep our programs running.  The newsletter is full of news and announcements, as well as a new one-page printable calendar featuring information on many of our upcoming events in a convenient printable format.  Make sure to follow our weekly updates, however, as we're always adding events and reminding you of important dates and opportunities.

As ever, I invite you to reach out to us if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for collaboration.  You can contact me on or 412-648-7409.

GSC Faculty Fellowship
The Global Studies Center proudly announces  Dr. Müge Kökten Finkel, assistant professor of international development in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, as the  2017-18 GSC Faculty Fellow

Each year, the GSC selects one outstanding University of Pittsburgh faculty member whose scholarship advances the Center's mission.  With GSC's support, Finkel will convene  a workshop on gender equality in public administration  with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)   on November 8-10 Participating scholars and policymakers will discuss preliminary findings from a student working group, building on previous UNDP presentations and seminars on the importance of good data to monitor and promote progress toward diverse representation within government institutions.  The comprehensive event ranges from identifying best practices in Nordic states to tackling the unique challenges of countries affected by conflict, with the aim of establishing a broader gender inequality research lab to align academic capacity with practitioner needs . As part of her fellowship, Finkel will also develop a related mini-course on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (tentatively planned for spring 2018). 
The Faculty Fellowship is designed to promote transnational research and includes a course release; up to $15,000 toward scholarly events (e.g. workshops, conferences, exhibitions, performances, or seminars); and an additional $5,000 for related research, travel, and curricular development. Applications for the next academic year will be available here and are due November 1, 2017. You can direct questions to Jessica Pickett in the meantime.

Global Academic Partnerships
Dr. Heath Cabot, assistant professor of anthropology, has been awarded a Global Academic Partnership (GAP) grant for her ongoing work on refugees in Greece as an emerging frontier of humanitarian governance. GAP funds will support collaboration on a new refugee crisis observatory at the University of the Aegean, as well as related activities on Pitt's campus through spring 2019. This exciting project comprises a central component of GSC's migration initiative and complements Cabot's larger research agenda, which she discusses at greater length in a recent interview.
Another ongoing GAP project on " Human Security and Violence in 21st Century Cities: From Vulnerability to Resilience" led by professors Phil Williams, Taylor Seybolt, and Michael Glass is entering its second year as part of a GSC initiative on the transformation of cities. A related graduate student working group is taking forward preliminary findings from the November 2016 conference, with a follow up event planned for March 2018.
The GAP provides $40,000 over the course of two years to support ongoing campus programming that amplifies the Global Studies Center's transnational themes and enriches the intellectual environment at Pitt. This award is generously sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the University Center for International Studies to help Pitt faculty develop interdisciplinary research collaborations, curriculum development, student exchanges, and other scholarly ties that enhance the University of Pittsburgh's international profile through institutional partnerships. Proposals for the next grant competition are due March 1, 2018. Please contact Jessica Pickett for further details on the application process.
Global Across the Curriculum
The Global Studies Center is pleased to announce a new initiative, Global Across the Curriculum, an interdisciplinary seminar intended to help faculty incorporate global perspectives into their undergraduate courses. The seminar, which launches this fall, provides a great opportunity to meet and work with colleagues from a variety of disciplines and to learn more about the Global Studies Center and the many resources it offers faculty and students.  Participants will work with Global Studies core faculty members and instructional design specialists on their globally oriented course, workshop their syllabi with other participants, and receive a $1,200 stipend for their participation. This year's seminar is full, but we will issue next year's call for applications in the Spring.
Migration: a faculty development seminar

The Global Studies Center proposes to conduct (in cooperation with the H u manities Center) a faculty development seminar: Migration. This seminar is part of  our ongoing Humanizing the Global, Globalizing the Human initiative. The purpose of this seminar is to bring colleagues from the humanities and the social scienc es (as well as cognate professional schools) together for a series of lectures and workshops in which they will jointly explore questions that highlight the urgency of thinking globally about the humanities and humanistically about globalization. 

Throughout the year, we bring internationally-renowned scholars to campus to speak to our theme from their own (inter)disciplinary perspectives. Each of our guests presents a public lecture on Thursday afternoon at 4:30pm. In addition, each will lead a workshop with seminar participants on the Friday morning (from 9-11am; coffee and pastry provided). This year's seminar will again feature four visitors. Details and information about how to participate will be coming soon.

Jared McCormick will be joining the Pitt faculty as Visiting Assistant Professor of Contemporary International Issues/Anthropology. He completed his Ph.D. in Social Anthropology at Harvard University (2016). His research explores issues of tourism, sexuality and imaginations of place in Lebanon and was made possible by the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the ZEIT Stiftung Bucerius fellowship in Migration Studies. He also completed a secondary degree at Harvard in Critical Media Practices, developing a digital interface around historic imagery of tourism in Lebanon. Jared is also the co-director of marra.tein, an initiative that encourages innovative thought and dialogue by hosting researchers/artists at a dedicated residency space in Beirut.

Upcoming Fall Events

International Career Toolkit Series
Friday, September 15
3:30 - 5:00pm (first of year long series)
4217 Wesley W Posvar Hall
This GSC-sponsored series introduces students to the many careers available in the international field as they have the opportunity to meet and interact with a variety of professionals. This year we'll be making monthly sight visits to government, private sector and NGOs in Pittsburgh and will host our annual career networking trip to Washington DC, in addition to hosting our monthly panels.  Students will gain insight on career choices, what specific careers entail, how to articulate and prepare for short and long term career goals, as well as how to utilize the resources at Pitt to make their goals a reality. September's event will focus on the do's and don'ts of submitting competitive applications to graduate school, in October we'll present on pursuing graduate studies overseas and in November we'll host a series of career panel presentations by UCIS alumni.

A Conversation with Jeffrey Sachs 
Tuesday, September 26
4:00 - 5:30pm
125 Frick Fine Arts Join development economist and advocate Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University) for a discussion with Pitt faculty experts about the purpose and process of Sustainable Development Goals, ranging from global health and natural resource management to gender inequality and the role of data itself, including the implications for the transformation of Pittsburgh and the globalization of universities like ours.
Hot Issues, Global Perspectives 
Monday, October 2, November 6, December 4 
1:00 - 2:00pm
4130 Wesley W Posvar Hall  Grab a coffee and join GSC for the first of our monthly series where we host an informal discussion about a pressing issue of the day. Get global insight and bring your thoughts to share or questions to have addressed.  Cookies served!  
Muslims and Migration
Friday, November 3 - Sunday, November 5 
Friday 5:00 - 9:00pm; Saturday 8:30am - 5:00pm and Sunday 9:00am -1:00pm
This mini-course ( one-credit) series is for students, educators, and the broader community to learn from faculty experts and practitioners about issues of critical importance to the understanding of countries with significant Muslim populations. Students should register for these weekend courses as you would for any other course.Registered students are required to complete specified follow up assignments to receive full credit, while teachers and community members are not required to pay tuition, we ask that you register. For more information contact, Veronica Dristas,
Global Trivia! International Week 2017
Thursday, October 19
9:00am - 10:30pm
William Pitt Union Ballroom
Students will test their their knowledge of global facts and minutia. Grand prizes include study abroad scholarships  and ice cream! Teams  will complete against each other by answering questions from the following six categories:
  1. Current Global Issues
  2. World Geography 
  3. World Cultures
  4. World Sports
  5. Global Pittsburgh
  6. Global Displacement 
To register teams of five for Global Trivia and/or for more information about all of the events occurring during International Week, visit 

For a full list of upcoming GSC events during the Fall and Spring terms, please click here.

Community Engagement 
Global Issues Through Literature, 2017-2018
Authors Under Authoritarianism
What is life like under authoritarian regimes, especially for writers whose aim is to loosen, bend, and even break the rules? Do harsh regulations constrict or condone innovative artistic practices? How can authors subvert authoritarianism through writing? What happens if they get caught? This year's Global Issues Through Literature series, a reading group designed for K-12 educators to learn and use new texts in the classroom, will try to understand the role of literature as document, commentator, and critic of restrictive regimes. We are excited to partner with City of Asylum to offer exclusive encounters with certain authors. On October 27, we will meet with Khet Mar on her short novel Night Birds, and on November 6, we will meet with Osama Alomar on his book Teeth of the Comb and Other Stories. For more information, contact Lisa Bromberg (
Interested in having a Pitt intern in your world language classroom?
The GSC is overseeing the launch of a new internship program for Pitt undergraduates interested in exploring a teaching career in world languages. We are currently recruiting PPS teachers who would like to provide undergraduate students with an opportunity to work alongside them in the classroom. If you are interested, contact Lisa Bromberg (

Malmberg and Heinz Fellows
AY 2016 - 2018 Carl Malmberg Fellow
Mahao Mahao   
Mahao Mahao comes to the University of Pittsburgh as the
Carl Malmberg Fellow. Mr. Mahao hails from Lesotho and South Africa, where he is a graduate of South Africa's University of the Witwatersrand. His decision to pursue a Masters in International Development at Pitt's GSPIA
(Graduate School of Public and International Affairs) was informed by his desire to expand his expertise after establishing the Siyaphila (We are Alive) Youth Literacy Program, a free tutoring program that links tertiary students with underprivileged students in South African townships. Mr. Mahao has a deep rooted passion for Development Policy, Human Rights, and Environmentalism, and he is a NextGen Climate volunteer in Pittsburgh. While at Pitt, Mr. Mahao will also be pursuing both an African Studies and a Global Studies Certificate.

AY 2016 - 2018 Carl Malmberg Fellow
Hanifa Nakariowa
H anifa Nakiryowa  is currently a H. J. Heinz fellow at GSPIA from Uganda pursuing a  Master of International Development, majoring in Human Security Studies. Prior  to joining GSPIA, Hanifa completed a Global Change Leaders certificate program at the COADY International Institute in Nova Scotia Canada and a master's degree in Economics at University of Nairobi. She has also worked as a UNICEF-FBO  partnership program monitoring and evaluation specialist, human rights adv ocate for Acid Survivors Foundation Uganda, as well as a part-time tutor at the  Islamic  University in Uganda. This exposure helped her develop her passion as a   children's/women's rights advocate, motivating women and girls to exercise their rights for dignity. It is with this experience that she founded the Centre for Rehabilitation of Survivors of Acid and Burns Violence (CERESAV), an NGO in Uganda that advocates against violence against women and children, concentrating on acid attack violence. Her goal is to gain valuable exposure to knowledge required to address gender-related challenges facing women and children in institutionally oppressive societies.

New H.J. Heinz Fellows
Olha Kotlyarskaia 
Olha Kotlyarska graduated from Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine) with a Bachelor of Law degree. She represented her law school in three international moot court competitions, which featured issues of EU law, public international law, and international commercial arbitration. She was also a junior associate at the Vasil Kisil & Partners law firm in Kyiv. Ms. Kotlyarska is currently pursuing the LLM degree at the University of Pittsburgh's School of Law with the purpose of developing deeper insight in international and comparative law. Her interests include public international law, in particular international refugee law, and moot court competitions. 
Dan Basil
Dan Basil graduated from the University of Nairobi with a bachelor's degree in Education (Literature and English) and is serving as a Fulbright Teaching Assistant in Swahili. His research explores educational practices Kenya can adopt from American institutions of higher learning to aid in educational development. He has won several regional writing competitions and has contributed articles to Kenya's Standard Newspaper. He has also launched Focused Futures, an organization that links African youths to their chosen future goals.

FLAS Recipients
Fall 2017  
Thomas Schierberl (Political Science, Arabic, 3rd year)
Sarah Sellers (French, Arabic, 2nd year)
Jules Van  Heusden  (Political Science and Chinese, Chinese, 4th year)

Allison Hall (School of Law and School of Social Work, Arabic, 4th year)
Miranda Hogsett (School of Education, Arabic, 3rd year)
Alicia Houser  (Graduate School of Public & International Affairs, Swahili, 2nd year )
Katelyn Sives (Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and Graduate School of Public Health, Portuguese, 5 th year)
Priyanka Srinivasa (Graduate School of Public & International Affairs, Hindi, 2nd year)
Meghan Yost (Graduate School of Public & International Affairs, Turkish, 2nd year)
Student News
UNDERGRADUATE : How did you spend summer 2017?

Anastasia Bodea Crisan '19 (A&S, Politics and Philosophy) interned at the law firm Mayer Brown JSM in Hong Kong, the 17th largest law firm in the world, working in the Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions department as well as Labor and Employment and Intellectual Property. She gained insight into the world of Big Law and will use that experience to further shape her studies in the years leading up to law school.

Amina Chtourou' 20 (A&S, Neuroscience) held two jobs as a teacher's assistant at a preschool and sales associate at Famous Footwear, and traveled to Tunisia where she worked at improving her Arabic language skills.

Noah Coco '19 (A&S, Economics, History, BPHIL IAS), as a recipient of a Nationality Room Scholarship, spent the first five weeks in South Africa, studying American foreign policy and volunteered at an after-school program for local primary schools, and then traveled to Beijing, China, spending two months as a FLAS recipient, studying intensive Mandarin.

Olivia Darr '18 (A&S, Communications and Rhetoric), participated in the Pitt's first Sweden study abroad program, located in Uppsala, about 45 minutes from Stockholm. On weekends she traveled to Stockholm and the surrounding area, learning about the country and Scandinavia.

Lauren Dutton, '18 (CBA, Business, A&S Economics) interned with PNC's Business Credit division traveling to companies outside of the region, testing to approve for customized loans. On Fridays she enjoyed working in the PNC Tower, one of the nation's largest mixed-use green buildings.

Melana Dayanim '19 (A&S, Political Science) spent the summer based in Namulanda, Uganda as a part of Project TEN (a multi-faceted, long-term sustainable development initiative that brings together volunteers from all over the world), teaching English at four schools in and around Entebbe and Kampala.

Fiona Eichinger '19 (A&S, Biology, BPHIL IAS ) interned at a Welcome Center in Berlin dedicated to refugee integration and partnership. Her responsibilities included training women in computer skills, teaching English, tutoring in German, and leading a weekly Women's Language Café and Neighborhood Café.

Dylan Falk '20 (A&S, Microbiology) started his summer with a "Maymester" in Cuba studying revolutionary history and race relations at la Universidad de Habana, and later interned at the Chester County Fund for Women and Girls.

Ami Fall '19 (A&S Political Science, Psychology) interned with the ACLU of Michigan  working on a class action lawsuit seeking to halt the deportation of Iraqi immigrants and interned with Michigan House Representative Yousef Rabhi. 

Meg Harris '18 (A&S, Political Science) worked as a research assistant for the United Nations Development Program's Gender Equality in Public Administration Initiative through GSPIAs Ford Institute and in July, studied language and culture at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.
Amiya Kalra '19 (A&S Environmental Studies) worked as a counselor and garden helper at Journey's End Farm Camp in Sterling, Pennsylvania.
Sloane Kozyak '19 (A&S, German and Political Science) enjoyed her days volunteering at the Sto-Ken-Rox Boys and Girls Club, and working at Pitt's Office of First Year Experience as a First Year Mentor, helping first year students transition to college.
Jessica Kerstetter '19 ( A&S, Biological Sciences), studied in Sydney, Australia and interned at a chiropractic and physical therapy clinic, and traveled throughout the country. Upon her return, she worked with kids with Spina Bifida at Camp Spifid.

David Leftwich '18 (A&S, Political Science and Psychology) with the assistance from the David C. Frederick Public Service Award, served as a research intern with the Hudson Institute in Washington D.C. studying global philanthropy and remittances under Dr. Carol Adelman at the Center for Global Prosperity, and researched for Dr. Richard Weitz at the Center for Political-Military Analysis. In addition as part of Marquette University's Les Aspin Summer Program through the Pittsburgh Foundation's J. Steele Gow Political Scholarship, took a weekly class on public policy.

Xinyu Lu '20, (A&S, Psychology) found her work as a groundskeeper with Pitt eye-opening, having the opportunity to get to know the lives of students and the grounds crew staff.

Rose Luder, '18 ( A&S, Biology), spent half of her time working at Cybergenetics, and took courses with Pitt's Summer Edge in Public and Global health. She also worked at non-profit that used computer technology to analyze DNA in order to exonerate innocent people, and assisted with a CMU based project to make the Friendship neighborhood a more beautiful and health-promoting space.

Lauren Manning '18 (A&S, Chinese,
BPHIL IAS ) Participated in the Taiwan-United States Sister Relations Alliance (TUSA) Ambassador Summer Scholarship Program, studying Mandarin and volunteering in Tainan, Taiwan.
Melanie Malsch '20 (A&S, Environmental Sciences and BPHIL IAS) was a Communications Assistant in the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Embassy in Astana, Kazakhstan, assisting with the planning of World EXPO 2017. With the Expo theme of Future Energy, she got insight on the participating countries' ideas for cleaner and greener living.
Paidamoyo Muzorori '18 (A&S, Biology) worked at a Home-Health Care agency providing geriatric care for seniors, including personal care, encouraging healthy behaviors and companionship.

Mason Palissery '17 (A&S Political Science) studied Russian at Pitt's Summer Language Institute and studied abroad in Russia. She continues to work for Pittsburgh Councilwoman Darlene M. Harris.

Olivia Peters '18 (A&S, Classical Studies and Religious Studies ) served as a Residence Assistance with the Pitt's Governor's School for International and Global Studies, studied Swahili and continued her research with GSPIA's Ford Institute.

Salina Pressimone '20 (A&S, Political Science, BPHIL IAS ) interned at the International Center for Transitional Justice in New York, researching post-conflict strategies, and assisted with marketing and communications, volunteered at the Children of Promise Stable, and worked at Cold Stone Creamery.

Alesandra Roberto, '18 (A&S, Communication/Psychology/Linguistics) studied Arabic at an intensive 2-month language immersion program at the University of Wisconsin's Arabic, Persian, Turkish Language Immersion Institute.

Cory Stillman, '20 (A&S, Film Studies) in Amsterdam, spent a month studying the Dutch and U.S. television industries, comparing and contrasting the economic and creative dimensions of each

Mariel Tabachnick '19 (Anthropology, BPHIL IAS) was a Policy and Advocacy Intern with Pathfinder International, a non-profit that expands access to contraception, promotes healthy pregnancies, saves women's' lives, and stops the spread of new HIV infections. At Pathfinder, she attended panels and conferences shedding light on the global health field.

Kesley Toplak '19 (Swanson School of Engineering, Bioengineering) studied abroad at ORT Braude College in the town of Karmiel, Israel, completing a course on Implant Biomechanics and conducted research under the direction of two Braude professors on hydrogels to be used in the invertebrael disks to reduce back pain. She also volunteered at a local nursery and traveled extensively throughout Israel.

Chukwuemeka K. Ukaga, '18 (Swanson School of Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering & A&S History of Art & Architecture ), volunteered for a new organization called Black Tech Pittsburgh, seeking to find ways to include Pittsburgh's black community in the current tech boom, worked as the Carnegie Museum as a Pre-Camp counselor, and was a fellow in the 2017 Hesselbein Global Leadership Academy.

Davis Weaver, '19 (A&S, Political Science) as Pitt's first Swiss Nationality Room Scholarship recipient studied International Studies and Multilateral Diplomacy Program with SIT in Geneva Switzerland, taking classes in international relations and French as well as conducting research on the geopolitical incentives for intervention in the 2011 Libyan Civil War.

Darius Bittle-Dockery '20 (GSPH, Behavioral and Community Health Sciences & A&S, Medical Anthropology) taught Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, interned in the Consumer Innovations (CI) Department at UPMC on the Population Health & Engagement Optimization Team, focusing on creating a project management (PM) workflow, and creating a division-wide population health implementation strategy with UPMC's Community Strategy Group.

Clay Cook '19 (GSPH, Behavioral and Community Health Sciences) spent the past two years living and working in the Republic of Moldova as a Health Education volunteer with the Peace Corps. During this period he co-taught health education courses to 5-9th graders. He enjoyed his Peace Corps experience so much that he'll be extending his assignment one more year before returning to complete his master's degree.

Andrea Hanna, '20 (A&S, Communications and Rhetoric) delivered a conference paper on Early Christian Panegyric Under Constantine at the 3rd Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition at Duquesne University and interned with the Global Studies Center to assist with updating website content, and studied French.

John Kennedy '18 (A&S, Creative Writing) conducted archival research in Chile around politics and literature, with a focus on a comparison of the way newspapers treated the Allende Presidency in Chile with the Jacobo Arbenz Presidency in Guatemala, and researched the magnum opus poem "Altazor" in its initial manuscript forms and how that preceded its published form.

Aishwarya Kumar '19 (GSPIA, Governance and International Public Management) interned with the Quaker Valley Council of Governments under the Local Government Academy in Pittsburgh and participated in the Hesselbein Student Leadership Summit 2017.

JoEllen March '19 (GSPIA, Policy Research and Analysis) with a Critical Language Scholarship studied Arabic in Meknes, Morocco for 8 weeks.

Anjali Martin '18 (GSPIA, Human Security) collected data in Malawi for her master's thesis, and studied agricultural interventions in semi-arid environments, interviewing farmers and experts from government and NGOs.

Hanifa Nakiryowa 'Dec 17 (GSPIA, International Development-Human Security Studies) interned at the Pittsburgh Foundation Center for Philanthropy assisting with special initiatives and data analysis for their Development and Donor Services Department.

Adam Shirer, '18 (Law), with a Critical Language Scholarship, participated in the US State Department's Turkish immersion program in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Diego Villada '18 (A&S, Theater Arts) was a awarded a Summer Diversity Research Fellowship through Pitt's Dietrich School, a Public Humanities Fellowship from the Humanities Center and Kelly Strayhorn Theater of East Liberty, received a Research in Diversity Grant from Pitt's Research Council AY17/18, conducted field research on Cultural/Tourism Performance in the USA, and was an understudy at the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera.

Global Studies Student Ambassadors (GSSAs)
Meet our Fall 2017 Ambassadors:

Our ambassadors support and enhance our work in so many substantial ways. We welcome them to our Center and thank them for their contributions.

Noah Coco '19, is pursing a BS in Economics and a BPHIL/IAS, along with studying Chinese. This summer he studied abroad in South Africa and China.

Melana Dayanim, '18 is pursuing a BA in Political Science and studies Hebrew. This summer she worked in Uganda with Project TEN.

Megan Harris, '18, is pursuing a BA in Political Science. She studies French and Japanese. This summer she studied abroad in Japan.

Lauren Manning, '18, is pursuing a BA in Chinese. After her study abroad last spring in China, she continued her studies this summer in Taiwan.

Joel Gareau, '18 GSPIA, is pursuing a Masters in International Development, with a major in NGO and Civil Society.

Evan Kalember, '19 GSPIA, is pursuing a Master's in Public Administration, Energy and Environment


For a full list of graduate and undergraduate funding applications and deadlines, please click here.
For a full list of faculty funding applications and deadlines, please click here.
For a full list of community college and MSI faculty funding opportunities, please click here.