University of Pittsburgh 
University Center for International Studies 

Global Studies Center
Fall 2018

September 7, 2018
In This Issue
From the Director
Dear friends,

Welcome back! At the Global Studies Center, we are looking forward to an exciting year and wanted to share some news, dates, and opportunities with you as the new academic cycle begins .

First, news. We're thrilled this fall to launch our newly-approved undergraduate Certificate in Global Health. This 18-credit certificate explores the transnational processes underpinning the global burden of disease, social determinants of health, and related inequalities in access to high quality medical care through interdisciplinary coursework and experiential learning. A highly flexible structure makes the certificate well-suited to students in the natural and health sciences. This freestanding certificate is independent of our existing Global Studies certificate; we'll continue to offer the Health and Well-being track for students interested in the GS credential and a focus on advanced language learning.) Contact Elaine Linn, Asst. Director for Academic Affairs, at with any questions.

The new certificate is part of GSC's expanding engagement with topics of global health; other projects include a focus of neglected tropical diseases under the leadership of our 2018-19 Faculty Fellow, Mari Webel (History), a Social Science Research Initiative grant that ties healthcare and migration through a focus on global governance led by Heath Cabot (Anthropology) and Michael Goodhart (Political Science), a conference on health and migration, spearheaded as part of that initiative by Osea Ginutella (Economics), and a one-credit mini-course (see below). We anticipate many future opportunities for collaboration, and encourage interested faculty to reach out about ways of getting involved.

Also this summer, Jessica Pickett, our Director of Research and Global Programs who did a great job shepherding this Certificate into being and helping with other strategic initiatives, left to launch a consulting firm. Her final day with us was August 31, and we miss her greatly. Jessica, we wish you the best of luck in your new endeavors.

Once again, 60 high-school students from across the state came to Pittsburgh in June for the second iteration of the newly revived Pennsylvania Governor's School for Global and International Studies. This four-week program offers an intensive introduction to transnational thinking and issues, concentrated language study in Arabic, Mandarin, or Portuguese, and a course in argumentation skills. We look forward to building this program and partnering with the University to recruit some of these outstanding young scholars to Pitt.

Next, dates. We invite you to join us for our annual welcome reception on Thursday September 13th at 4:00 pm in 4130 Posvar Hall. We'd also like you to save the dates for our upcoming Hot Topics/Global perspectives series for the coming year. We'll meet on the final Wednesday of each month at 4:30 pm in 4217 Posvar Hall (September 26, October 31, November 28, January 30, February 27, and March 27). These conversations are for the entire university community. Join us for coffee, cookies, and conversation about pressing current issues and the larger trends and processes in which they're embedded.

Also, mark your calendars for this year's Humanizing the Global, Globalizing the Human lecture series, on Thursday November 29, Thursday January 24, and Thursday February 28. The theme for the year is Inequalities, and we'll feature three distinguished guests speaking on topics of inequality from varied disciplinary perspectives. Faculty members can also take part in the Friday morning seminars with our speakers.

There are many other exciting programs scheduled for this term. You can check for new dates and more information on our web page.

Next, opportunities. In addition to the programs just mentioned, we'll again hold competitions for the Global Studies Faculty Fellowship, for the Global Academic Partnership (GAP) grant, and offer small grants for research and travel to faculty and graduate students. You can learn more about the GAP and Faculty Fellow programs below and on the web.

Finally, we have just launched a new web site, which we hope will provide you with easier access to more of the information you need. We appreciate your patience as we work out the kinks, but I invite you to check it out here.

We're looking forward to a great year and to working with many of you in a variety of capacities. If you have feedback on what we do, suggestions for speakers related to our initiatives in Global Health, Migration, or Cities in Transformations, or other ideas for programs and partnerships that fit our mission, please reach out. We welcome and encourage your suggestions as we continue to build a dynamic community of interdisciplinary scholars.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Goodhart, Director
BRAND NEW Website!

The Global Studies Center is more than happy to announce our brand new website is now officially live! Check us out:

The Global Studies Center's support of the Faculty Development Seminar, "Humanizing the Global, Globalizing the Human," now in its fourth year, in partnership with Pitt's Humanities Center, will continue, with three more events scheduled through the fall and spring. The popular and provocative lecture series which begins in the fall examines the global and humanistic themes of Inequalities
November 29 , 4:30-6:00PM, 602 Cathedral of Learning, "Writing Beyond the Margins: Dalit Literature in India",  presented by Laura Brueck

Laura Brueck, Chair, Asian Languages and Cultures Department; Associate Professor of South Asian Literature and Culture at Northwestern University. Dr. Brueck specializes in modern and contemporary Hindi literature, with a particular focus on literatures of resistance, popular literatures, and translation studies. 

January 17, 4:30-6:00PM, 602 Cathedral of Learning, "A Bio-Social Strategy for TB Elimination", presented by Salmaan A. Keshavjee
S almaan A. Keshavjee, Associate Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School. Dr. Keshavjee's research spans four areas: (1) multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) treatment and policy; (2) health-sector reform and access to health care and medical technology in transitional societies, with a special focus on countries of the former Soviet Union (Central Asia and the Russian Federation); (3) the role of non-governmental organizations in globalization and the formation of trans-border civil society; and (4) modernity, social institutions, civil society, and health in the Middle East and Central Asia. In addition to being an active clinician, his methodological expertise is in ethnography, participant-observation, and qualitative interview techniques.
February 28, 4:30-6:00PM, 602 Cathedral of Learning, "New mosques, new neighbors? The domestication of Islam and the politics of proximity", presented b y Patricia Ehrkamp.
Patricia  Ehrkamp, University of Kentucky Department of Geography.
Dr. Ehrkamp's research considers how immigration changes contemporary European and U.S. American cities and polities. She has argued that in order to understand immigrant geographies research needs to consider how immigrants and non-immigrant residents in cities of the United States and of Europe create spaces of everyday life, and how these new spaces of everyday life shape wider debates about citizenship, belonging, inclusion and exclusion. Her recent work on debates about minarets and mosque construction projects in Germany and Switzerland examines how understandings of secularism, religion, and gender shape contemporary liberal democracies in Europe.
NEW at Global Studies: The Undergraduate Certificate in Global Health
We are pleased to announce GSC will offer an Undergraduate Certificate in Global Health starting this fall. The 18-credit certificate is designed for students wanting to get equipped with the analytical tools and professional skills necessary to address our world's most compelling issues. Students with an Undergraduate Certificate in Global Health will explore the transnational processes underpinning the global burden of disease and the social determinants of health, as well as related inequalities in access to high quality medical care. Certificate requirements and more information is found here .

Hot Topics/Global Perspectives
Hot Topics/Global Perspectives provides a monthly forum for discussing how events hitting the headlines at the time - as well as others that aren't but should be - relate to global and transnational processes.

The hour-long discussions, facilitated by Global Studies faculty, are informal and designed for everyone at Pitt - students, staff, and faculty. Come talk about the hot topics that concern you. Share your thoughts and questions. Enrich your sense of what it means to think and act in global terms. And, above all, discuss and debate how a global perspective can provide new insights on pressing issues and events.

The discussions take place from 4:30 to 5:30pm on the last Wednesday of each month in the fall and spring semesters -- in the fall, on Sept. 25, Oct. 31, and Nov. 28; in the spring, on Jan. 30, Feb. 27, and Mar. 27. The location: 4217 Posvar (enter the UCIS offices and look to your right).

Global Academic Partnership (GAP)
Global Academic Partnership (GAP) grants aim to amplify the Global Studies Center's transnational themes (global health, migration, cities in transformation) through interdisciplinary research collaborations, curriculum development, student exchanges, and other scholarly ties that enhance the University of Pittsburgh's international profile. One grant in the amount of $40,000 will be awarded to support ongoing campus programming in a variety of innovative formats that enriches the intellectual environment at Pitt over the course of two years ($10,000 in the first year and $30,000 in the second). This award is generously sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the University Center for International Studies to help Pitt faculty develop meaningful institutional partnerships with foreign universities, governments, international organizations, NGOs, and/or think-tanks. Review the grant guidelines, complete the GAP application form, and submit your proposal online here.
Faculty Fellow
Each year, the Global Studies Center selects an outstanding University of Pittsburgh faculty member whose scholarship supports the Center's mission. This award is designed to advance the GSC's research initiatives and showcase GSC faculty. The initiatives with special focus for the AY 2019-20 are: Global Health, Migration, and Transformation of Cities. The GSC Faculty Fellow will deliver one public lecture in the course of the award year. In addition, the Fellow will participate in several (3-4) major Center events pertaining to her or his research (to be arranged in consultation with the Director). The Fellowship will support: research and projects related to one or more AY19 GSC themes; domestic and international travel; and development of a new or significantly enhanced course with substantial coverage of one or more GSC themes. The fellowship includes a course release; up to $15,000 to organize a scholarly event (e.g., workshop, conference, exhibition, performance, seminar, research collaboration); and an additional $5,000 for travel, research, and curricular development.
Global Health Mini Course
Friday, November 2 - Sunday, November 4
University of Pittsburgh 2400 Sennott Square
1 credit mini course

With each global health crisis, the interconnectedness of populations around the globe becomes more pronounced. Diseases not only affect the health of communities, but they have a profound impact on political, economic, and social stability within countries and regions. This course engages the interdisciplinary nature of global health by approaching the issue through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) developed by the United Nations. The SDGs range in focus from good health and well-being to gender equality to clean water and sanitation to affordable, clean energy. By engaging the ways that health has a stake in these goals, the course will bring the expertise of faculty from the University of Pittsburgh and CMU as well as practitioners to understand and address the issue surrounding global health from a myriad of perspectives and avenues. With an applied focus, the course will assist students in engaging and advocating for a community on a global health issue through a policy memo.  This iteration of the course will examine food insecurity and malnutrition as a part of the larger discussion on how to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages. SDGs 2 and 3 will be the primary focus of this offering.

To register before Friday, September 14 (add/drop) Political Science 1903/29734). To register after September 14, contact Veronica Dristas, Associate Director.
Upcoming Fall Events
Welcome Back Reception
September 13, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, 4130 Posvar Hall
Join the Global Studies Center for our annual welcome reception. Meet current and new students, faculty, and staff. Lean about GSC new initiatives and enjoy conversation and refreshments.  
Human Rights Panel   
September 19, 4:30 pm, Alcoa Room, Barco Law Building
Given the recent withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council by the US and current plight of immigration families, cities around the country-including Pittsburgh-have been stepping up to declare their commitments to global human rights by signing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and by joining a growing global "Human Rights Cities" movement. As we recognize the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, this panel reflects on shifts in global human rights strategies that have been working to "bring human rights home" in cities around the world and to advance thinking about global human rights principles. Panelists will provide insights into global and local work for human rights and explore how community-based human rights initiatives might support work in our city and elsewhere to realize the vision of the UDHR authors. They will also identify some of the key obstacles and opportunities for achieving dignity and justice for all people. Panel will be moderated by Dr. Michael Goodhart. 
  • Noble Maseru, Director, Pitt Center for Health Equity- Health as a Human Right
  • Carlos Torres, Director, City of Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations
  • Dawn Plummer, Director, Pittsburgh Food Policy Council
  • Leigh Patel, Associate Dean of Equity and Justice, University of Pittsburgh School of Education
Hot Topics/Global Perspectives 
Wednesday, September 26, October 31, November 28 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm, 4217 Posvar Hall
Grab a coffee and join GSC for the first of our monthly series where we host an informal discussion about a pressing issue of the day. Get global insight and bring your thoughts to share or questions to have addressed.  Cookies served! 
Networks Amid Global
September 27, 28, 29
Workshop on Networks Amid Global. Researchers are invited, particularly junior scholars, scholars from underrepresented groups, and scholars from countries of the global South, to learn on how data from The Transnational Social Movement Organizations (TSMO) and Inter-Organizational Network Databases are being used. These databases have explicit aims to promote social or political change, but also consider how TSMOs are connected to other international organizations. To learn more visit

UCIS 50th Anniversary Celebration 
October 13, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm, Cathedral of Learning 1st Floor Commons
In 1968, the University Center for International Studies (UCIS) was created as the University of Pittsburgh's encompassing framework for all its multidisciplinary international programs. To commemorate our 50th anniversary, UCIS will be holding a celebration open to both the University and larger Pittsburgh community. Join us for an afternoon of international performances, sweet treats from around the globe, children's activities, and more!  

Housing Summit
November 10, All Day, Frick Fine Arts Building
Gianpaolo Baiocchi is a sociologist and director of the  Urban Democracy Lab at New York University. He researches civic life and participatory democracy, and his recent books include, We the Sovereign (Radical Futures), Popular Democracy: The Paradox of Participation (co-authored with Ernesto Ganuza), and The Civic Imagination: Making a Difference in American Political Life (co-authored with Elizabeth Bennett, Alissa Cordner, Stephanie Savell, and Peter Klein). Baiocchi works in support of the national Homes for All Coalition, and he wrote their report,  Communities Over Commodities: People-Driven Alternatives To an Unjust Housing System.
Community Engagement
Pitt Park(ing) Day
September 21, 9:00am - 3:00pm, BQ Lot, University of Pittsburgh
Join the University Center for International Studies' (UCIS) outreach team at Pitt's Park(ing) Day event. In addition to UCIS participation, over 20 departments, centers, and organizations will transform the BQ parking spaces through creative energy and experimentation. Activities are  free and open to all!

Global Issues Through Literature
This reading group is designed for K-12 educators and pre-service  teachers to learn about and use new texts in the classroom. Content specialists present the work and its context, and together we brainstorm innovative pedagogical practices for incorporating the text and its themes into the curriculum.  We are excited to continue our partnership with City of Asylum and their authors-in-residence as well as the Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures' "Ten Evenings" series.

We are currently working out details:
October 18: Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo, Thursday evening discussion at the University of Pittsburgh (exact location TBA) followed by Monday, October 22 lecture by the author (Carnegie Music Hall). Registration forthcoming.

Stay tuned for upcoming events and to register for future programming on our website ! Books and Act 48 credit are provided. For more information, contact Maja Konitzer.
CER IS Faculty Dinner and Book Discussion 
October 19, 5:00 pm Dinner, 6:00 pm Discussion
Administration Building, Seton Hill University      
Educators and librarians are invited to join the fall 2018 CERIS dinner and book discussion. Rachel Sternfeld, Assistant Professor of Political Science, IUP will facilitate the discussion on An Unnecessary Woman by Rabih Alameddine. 

For more information and to register visit here.

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2018-2019 CERIS High School Essay Contest
11th and 12th grade students have the opportunity to present their research p apers on topics related to Muslim American Experiences. The call for papers is to encourage ori ginal ideas and critical thinking around topics related to American Muslim history and contemporary experiences; to demonstrate college readiness, research skills, analysis, and presentation skills,  and to receive authentic feedback from university faculty and to present student research in a university setting.

The top submission will present their paper at 2019 CERIS Research symposium.

For more information, or contact Elaine Linn.

H. J. Heinz Company Foundation Fellows  
Khawla Mraydi 
Khawla Mraydi graduated from Carthage University with a public law degree. She then enrolled in a research masters program in common law in the school of legal, political, and social sciences of Tunis, Tunisia. She represented her law school in international competitions: International French debate competition in Lebanon, Middle East Pre-Moot in Bahrain, the Willem CVIS International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna, during which she was distinguished Best Individual Oralist on behalf of respondent in the MENA region. She previously worked in communication field and developed an interest in advocacy and public speaking. She is currently pursuing the LLM degree at Pitt's Law School with the purpose of developing deeper knowledge in areas of international law, as well as US law, particularly business and environmental law.

Emmanuel Wanjala 
Emmanuel Wanjala graduated from the University of Nairobi in 2017 with a Bachelor of Education Degree in the Department of Linguistics and Literature. Emmanuel has taught English and English Literature at Lenana School (Nairobi), Mbakalo Friends Secondary School (Bungoma North) and Hospital Hill High School (Nairobi). Currently, Emmanuel is serving as a  Fulbright Foreign Language Teacher Assistant for Swahili and a H.J. Heinz Company Foundation Fellow. He is looking forward to increasing his understanding of the United States, Americans, and American culture while representing Kenyan culture through teaching Swahili and participation in various campus and off-campus activities.  
Faculty News and Funding Opportunities 
Global Studies Faculty Salon
Thursday, October 25 4:30 PM- 6:00 PM, 4100 Posvar Hall  
Join us for a happy hour in the Global Studies main office.  We'll provide drinks and light refreshments; you provide the great company and conversation. Not only are these events fun, they help us to build up the Global Studies program and community at Pitt by giving us a chance to learn more about your work and how we might support it. It's a great way to meet people with shared or complementary interests, and for us to hear your suggestions about what we might do to enrich and encourage exciting research, teaching, and programs on campus and beyond.
Funding For Faculty

GSC Domestic Travel Grants 
AMOUNT OF FUNDING: A maximum of $500 per grant.
DEADLINE: October 16, 2018
For more information visit the Global Studies website
GSC International Travel Grants
AMOUNT OF FUNDING: A maximum of $1,000 per grant.
DEADLINE: October 16, 2018
For more information visit the Global Studies website

GSC Faculty Research Grants 
AMOUNT OF FUNDING: A maximum of $2,000 per grant.
DEADLINE: October 16, 2018
For more information visit the Global Studies website  
Hewlett International Grant Program    
AMOUNT OF FUNDING: Small grants ($500 and $1,500) and Large grants (up to $3,500).
DEADLINE: October 15, 2018 
Additional details are available here

CERIS Curriculum Development Grants
AMOUNT OF FUNDING: A total of $2,000 will be available for small grants. 
To receive updates from CERIS, please contact  Elaine Linn . More information is available here.
Student News
Attention students graduating in December 2018: 
Graduate and undergraduate students planning to graduate in December 2018 with a certificate with Global Studies must complete an application for graduation with GSC. Schedule an appointment with Elaine Linn no later than September 12, 2018. Those students graduating with a BPHIL/IAS do not need to complete a form with the Center. Undergraduate students graduating with a certificate or a BPHIL/IAS must complete a digital portfolio. Portfolios are due November 26, 2018.  
Digital Portfolio Information Sessions
The portfolio is an integrated element of the certificate experience. Students should begin their portfolio soon after enrollment in the GSC program. GSC in collaboration with other UCIS centers will hold three workshop sessions to help with aligning expectations and offering specific tips on how to traverse Wordpress to create a tailored portfolio. Mark your calendar for the following dates:  
9/17/18, 6 pm, 4130 WWPH  
10/9/18, 6 pm, 4217 WWPH 
11/7/18, 6 pm, 4217 WWPH
UCIS International Career Toolkit Series 
The International Career Toolkit Series is designed to introduce students into the multitude of careers available by meeting and interacting with professionals from an array of fields across the world. With their experience and knowledge, students can connect the classroom to the workplace. By attending one or all of the panels, students will gain deep insight on career choices, what specific careers entail, how to articulate and prepare for short- and long- term career goals, and utilize resources at Pitt to make their goals a reality. In the coming months, the Career Toolkit aims to be more interactive than ever with podcasts and student and alumni round table discussions. From the Asian Development Bank and Conflict Resolution strategies to tips for submitting applications for graduate school- the Toolkit will be a varied experience this autumn.

9/17/18, 3 pm, 4217 Posvar Hall, Panel on how to submit successful graduate school applications.
10/5/18, 3 pm 4217 Posvar Hall, How to find jobs working for peace and negotiating your first salary.
November TBA, Asian Development Bank (working for international development banks).
GSC Undergraduate Student Meeting  
October 22, 5:00 pm  
All GSC students, schedule permitting should attend our Fall 2018 student meeting. New opportunities and updates will be presented along with time allocated for snacks and networking.
How GSC undergraduates spent their summer '18 
Khadijah Adamu, '18, Communication and Legal Studies , was a member of the first Pitt in Ghana cohort. Among the program highlights were studying environment concerns, meeting village chiefs, witnessing the beauty of Kakum National Park and the horrors of Elmina Slave Castle.
Shahum Ajmal, '19, Political Science , served as the Layout Editor at The Pitt News, and held an internship with Pittsburgh Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations - CAIR. From making his voice heard at their annual Ramadan Iftar to filing reported cases, he had learned the importance of giving back to your community and those in need.
Eva Bacas, '19, Linguistics, BPHIL/IAS
Studied abroad in Bolivia and researched the phonetics of Quechua.
Angeleah Carreras, '19, Neuroscience , studied in Alcala Spain, and shadowed doctors in Spanish hospitals and witnessing the comparison of health care systems in Europe to those in the US and how doctors interact in patients.
Noah Coco, '19, Economics, BPHIL/IAS, was an RA for the Pennsylvania Governor's School for Global and International Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. He also performed research for his BPhil project examining the impact of Chinese trade on the development of African economies.
Fiona Eichinger, '19, Biology, BPHIL/IAS , interned with a non-profit organization for refugee reception and assistance in Seville, Spain for two months. She also returned to Berlin, Germany for a month to continue working at the Welcome Office for refugees at where she interned the previous summer. In both Seville and Berlin she conducted interviews and gathered data for her BPHIL/IAS, which will compare the expectations and realities of refugee resettlement in Pittsburgh, Berlin and Seville.
Noor El-Dehaibi, '22, Urban Studies , held an internship with Planned Parenthood, supporting the reelection of Governor Tom Wolf's campaign and engaged with the public about repercussions of Brett Kavanaugh's pending nomination for the Supreme Court.
SiLang Huang, '19, Politics and Philosophy, BPHIL/IAS , spent the summer in China
conducting ethnographic research and making a documentary film on a Chinese migrant family from rural Hunan Province.  
Amiya Kalra, '19, Environmental Studies , visited Germany for three weeks attending a university lecture on silviculture, exploring the Black Forest and overall enjoying the scenery and sights of Germany.
Delaney Kelly, '19, Economics , in Amman Jordan, had a social media marketing and technological sales internship with QTech Networks.
Sloane Kozyak, '19 German, Political Science,  worked at the Watson Institute, a school for children with special needs. She provided therapy support for two students with autism, gaining from this experience the important quality of patience and to approach every task in life with a positive attitude.
Alyssa Martinec '19, Political Science, BPHIL/IAS , studied abroad and held an internship with Energo Labs in Shanghai, China. She also conducted 16 interviews about Chinese governmental policies and air quality for her BPHIL/IAS research.  
Erin Moran, '20, Environmental Sciences , completed a fellowship this summer under the Alliance for Watershed Education funded by the William Penn Foundation in Philadelphia. She gained great insight about the professional field of community activism and environmental education, and made many good professional contacts.
Micheala Petruso, '20 Philosophy, French, w hile not waitressing, spent the summer doing preliminary literature research for her Honor's College thesis and eagerly anticipated her year-long study abroad in France.  
Bria Pullin, '20, Political Science , interned for the U.S. Department of State at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, South Korea. As a member of the Political -External Unit, she worked directly under career diplomats as historic events occurred on the Korean Peninsula. While completing this internship and living in Korea for a little over two months, she was able to increase her Korean language proficiency and deepen her understanding of Korean culture.
Daly Trimble, '20 Urban Studies , continued her community work on a water pipe replacement campaign in Millvale with the goal of attaining 190 households receiving lead line replacements by fall 2018. She also worked as a hospice volunteer with the Veterans Affairs hospital valuing the stories shared with her by nonagenarians and a centenarian who served in WW II.
Katrina Vossler, '19, Political Science , studied advanced Arabic in Amman, Jordan.
GSC graduate student summer '18 experiences
Leah De Hoet, '19, GSPIA, held the position as a researcher for the Gender Equality in Public Administration (GEPA) working group and financial support of the Nationality Rooms, GSPIA and Ford Institute, working as a junior researcher for UNDP's Regional Hub for Arab States in Amman, Jordan.

Stephen Juma, '19, GSPIA, worked as a translation, interpretation and public relations intern with Global Wordsmiths in Pittsburgh, translating documents for events and media campaigns and interpreting for Swahili-speaking youths attending local immigrant/refugee summer camps and during open town hall meetings that connected parents to youth-serving organizations.

Jayne Lester, '20, School of Law, spent the summer studying human rights law and post conflict justice in Belfast, UK and Dublin, Ireland with Fordham Law. In addition to taking courses she worked for the Irish Refugee Council legal department in Dublin, Ireland.

Steven Moon, '21, Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Music, conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Istanbul, Turkey and studied kemençe, the three-stringed fiddle of Turkish classical music.

Dijana Mujkanovic, '21, GSPIA, participated in an intensive Arabic language course through the Summer Language Institute at the University of Pittsburgh. This incredible program enabled her to successfully complete a full academic year of coursework in only eight weeks and obtain a medium-intermediate proficiency in conversational Arabic.

Ally Walker, '19, GSPIA, participated in the intensive Arabic language course through Pitt's Summer Language Institute obtaining intermediate Arabic language proficiency.

Meet our Global Studies Student Ambassadors
Eva Bacas, '20 Linguistics, BPHIL/IAS

Noah Coco, '19 Economics, BPHIL/IAS

SiLang Huang, '19 Politics & Philosophy, BPHIL/IAS 

Evan Kalember, '19 GSPIA, MPA

Student Funding and Other Opportunities
GSC Tuition Remission for Graduate Students Studying Less Commonly Taught Languages
Deadline: Rolling
The center offers a supplemental tuition remission to cover the equivalent of one to five credits of LCTL study. Students must be studying one of the following LCTLs: Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Persian (Farsi), Portuguese, Swahili and Turkish and be enrolled in the GSC certificate program. Additional details and application are available here Please contact Elaine Linn for questions.

For a full list of graduate and undergraduate funding applications and deadlines, please click here