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A message from ITC Chairman Jose "Pepe" Diaz on the Surfside Building Collapse


On behalf of the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners and the International Trade Consortium, we offer our most sincere condolences and extend our deepest sympathies to all those affected by the partial building collapse of the Champlain Towers Condominium on Thursday, June 24.

We are grateful for our heroic first responders and search-and-rescue crews who have worked tirelessly to help bring closure to all the families and victims. The outpouring of support we've received both locally and internationally truly exhibits that We Are One community at Miami-Dade County, even in unprecedented times.

We honor the precious lives lost and continue to keep our thoughts and hearts with all those who have suffered immensely. For family assistance, updates from the Town of Surfside, and additional information, please visit www.miamidade.gov/emergency.

Jose "Pepe" Diaz

Commission Chairman & ITC Chairman

Miami-Dade County



ITC Board Meeting

Chairman Jose "Pepe" Diaz held an ITC Board Meeting on June 9 to discuss initiatives towards promoting Miami-Dade as a "Global Gateway" to help stimulate the local economy and future developments.

On behalf of the ITC, Chairman Diaz thanked Jonathan Ward for his services as director in the office of the ITC, and designated Assistant Director Maria Dreyfus-Ulvert to be the primary point person until a new director is appointed.

Click here to see the ITC board members and committees. All ITC meetings are open to the public and posted online in our calendar.

Miami-Dade County celebrates Portugal Day

Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities, Dr. Berta Nunes, Ambassador of Portugal to the United States, Domingos Fezas Vital, and Honorary Consul of Portugal in Miami, Carolina Rendeiro, visited County Hall on June 10 to raise the Portuguese flag in observance of Portugal Day.

Miami-Dade County Commission and ITC Vice Chairman, Oliver G. Gilbert, III greeted the delegation and discussed increasing trade relations with Portugal.

Click here to read an article published in Comunidades Lusófonas.


ITC hosts Inbound Mission from Kingston, Jamaica

On June 7, Miami-Dade County Commissioner Danielle Cohen Higgins met with the Mayor of Kingston, Senator, Councillor Delroy Williams, and Consul General of Jamaica in Miami, R. Oliver Mair, and discussed ideas to develop economic opportunities between the County and Kingston, Jamaica.

Miami-Dade County holds a Sister Cities agreement with city of Kingston, Jamaica that was signed on May 29, 1981, which marks this year as our 40th anniversary!

Commissioner Cohen Higgins presented the Mayor of Kingston, Senator, Councillor Williams with a Key to the County.

Click here to visit the website of the Consulate General of Jamaica in Miami.

Miami-Dade celebrates Pride Month

On June 2, we joined Commissioner Eileen Higgins at HistoryMiami for the unveiling of the "Love is Love" exhibit to kick-off Pride Month.

Among the attendees were the Diplomats of Equality which included: Consul Generals Nicolette Brent MBE (UK), Laurent Gallissot (FR), Leandro Fernandez-Suarez (ARG), Susan Harper (CA); Deputy Consul General Luuk Nijman (NL); Honorary Consul Ian O'Flaherty (IE).

The event was hosted by the Miami-Dade County Office of Community Advocacy’s LGBTQ Advisory Board.


World Trade Center Miami and Enterprise FL welcome Ambassador of Bahrain

On June 21, ITC Assistant Director Maria Dreyfus-Ulvert and Global Engagement Officer Sudeshna Chatterjee had the honor to meet H.E. Shaikh Abdullah R. Al Khalifa, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the United States, who expressed interest in signing a Sister Seaports agreement with Miami-Dade County.

ITC board member, Joe Chi, attended the meeting along with other officials from CAMACOL, Miami-Dade Beacon Council, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, and Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce.

This event was hosted by the World Trade Center Miami and Enterprise Florida. We extend our gratitude to Ms. Rose Sager, Trade Representative of the Kingdom of Bahrain, for her initiative in helping organize this event.

Chairman Diaz meets with Consul General of the Netherlands

Chairman Diaz met with the Consul General of the Netherlands in Miami, Ruth Emmerink, on June 8.

“We are thrilled to be working with the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to support our government’s initiative to bring more Dutch sports companies, organizations and institutions to our county. There are fantastic opportunities here in Miami-Dade for Dutch sports-related companies,” Chairman Diaz said. 

Click here to visit the website of the Consulate General of the Netherlands.


Sister Cities: Annual Conference 2021

The office of ITC coordinated with Sister Cities International (SCI) to identify speakers for their annual conference.

We thank ITC board member Richard de Villiers, Chief of Staff, Office of the Port Director, PortMiami, who spoke as a panelist on logistics and movement of goods.  

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ITC meets with Vice Mayor of San Pedro de Macoris Province

On July 22, the office of ITC met with Vice Mayor Maria Yolanda Jacobo, from the province of San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic, to identify priorities and bilateral collaborations to develop a Sister Cities agreement between San Pedro de Macoris Province and Miami-Dade County.

This initiative was spearheaded by Miami-Dade County Commissioner Joe A. Martinez. We thank CEO & Founder of the Hispanic Coalition, Rosa Kasse, along with her team, for their leadership efforts, and the Consulate General of the Domincan Republic for their assistance.

Virtual Trade Mission:

"Trade-USA: DR 2021"

On June 8, Chairman Diaz welcomed participants at the Trade-USA DR 2021 virtual event, hosted by Florida Foreign Trade Association (FFTA) and sponsored by Enterprise Florida. Each participant received a Certificate of Participation on behalf of Miami-Dade County.

This 3-day online event provided current trade market trends, opportunities, and challenges aimed to increase bilateral trade between the Dominican Republic and the United States, specifically in Miami-Dade County.

Our partners, ProDominicana, the American Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic (AMCHAM DR), and PortMiami participated along with other local organizations.

Click here for more information about a virtual export sales mission to the Dominican Republic taking place on September 8-9, 2021.

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Sister Cities: Miami-Dade & Cape Town discuss water management

On May 21, Miami-Dade County and the City of Cape Town held a virtual Sister Cities event to exchange their best practices on city water resilience.

The Office of the Executive Mayor from Cape Town, and Miami-Dade County's Water and Sewer Department; Office of Resilience, Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources; and Chief Bay Officer participated in this resourceful discussion.

Chairman Diaz wishes Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II a Happy Birthday

On June 15, the British-American Business Council Miami (BACC) and the British Consulate General in Miami honored the work of Miami-Dade County Government in facilitating the speedy and safe return of British tourists to the UK who were stuck in PortMiami last year.

Chairman Diaz, on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, accepted Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's “Birthday Honors”, recognizing the work done. 

We thank ITC board member Lynare Robbins and British Consul General Nicolette Brent MBE

Click here to visit the website of the British Consulate General in Miami.


Sister Cities: Africa Conference Program & Activities

On June 22, ITC Global Engagment Officer Sudeshna Chatterjee, participated in the Sister Cities Initiative (SCI) Africa Roundtable virtual event to provide information about Miami-Dade County’s multi-sectoral initiatives with Cape Town.

The Roundtable laid the foundation for SCI’s Cape Town Conference in 2023.  

ITC supports Thai Trade Center virtual investment promotion event

Thai Trade Center Miami along with their L.A. colleagues held a virtual investment promotion event on June 24 for Thai companies interested in investing in the United States. 

ITC identified speakers for the event and coordinated with the Thai Trade Center to set up the event. Senior Vice President of International Trade Economic Development, Mario Sacasa, and Creative Design Liason, Diana Londono, from the Beacon Council presented for Thai companies looking to invest in Miami-Dade County. 

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Chairman Diaz welcomes

Neiva, Colombia

On May 27, Chairman Diaz met with Chief of the Office of Internationalization and Projects, Rafael Sanchez Diaz, from the Office of the Mayor of Neiva, Colombia, Mayor Gorky Muñoz Calderón.

We look forward to strengthening our economic, trade, and cultural ties with Neiva, Colombia.

To request a meeting Chairman Jose "Pepe" Diaz, please email global@miamidade.gov.

LGBTQ Travel & Tourism in Miami & Brazil

On June 23, our ITC Assistant Director Maria Dreyfus-Ulvert joined ITC board member Lynare Robbins and other participants for an online discussion to help highlight LGBTQ+ cultural events and destination markets in Miami and Brazil.

This online event was held by the Global Chamber Miami, Global Chamber Joinville, and the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau (GMCVB), in observance of Pride Month.

Click here to read an article published in Panrotas.


MIA to host World Trade Expo Miami in May 2022

Over 2,000 global travel professionals are expected to gather and promote international destinations at WTE Miami. The office of ITC is proud to support this three-day event, hosted by Miami International Airport (MIA), taking place from May 3-5, 2022 at the Miami Airport Convention Center.

"Industry professionals from our sister destinations across the globe are invited to join us in this collaborative effort to bring leisure and business travel back to the levels we enjoyed pre-pandemic. We are planning a robust schedule of educational workshops and industry experts that will be announced in the coming months," said Olga Ramudo, an ITC board member who sits on the WTE Miami Advisory Committee.

For more information, click here to see the full press release from MIA.


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