Message from "The Source":
We are the ones we have been waiting for, and we are not waiting any longer!
There is only "ONE Project left", and we incarnated here now, to fulfill our final purpose here, to complete Paradise On Earth. Simply by aligning as a global network, putting all our projects together, forming ONE fractal- "The Model Village", "The Model Festival", "The Model Organization", and Being the "Model Human Being".
In 2017, we are completing the New Inner Net (we have all the solutions/ web platforms to complete the Resource-Based Economic Web System), the Omniversal Broadcast Network (we have the highest solutions, and highest vibrations, let's entertain and educate humanity),
Transformational Tour movement (West Coast Apr-Oct 2017, 3 USA Tours Apr-Oct 2018, , 7 Continental Tours Apr-Oct 2019), Incubation Stations, Birthing the New (Univer-)Cities of Light (starting with Light Centers/ Community Centers), & The Golden Age Festival Movement (all festivals exchange out your cash for your tickets for Gold-Currencies, Alternative Currencies, & our own currencies, and we Incubate the next wave of Leaders, Stars, Organizations, & Enterprises via a "Henry Ford-style Manufacturing System" to fund all our projects in
StandingRockPipeline.com . We will all, est. 5,000 festival-goers, broadcast you/ your organization to all our social networks on your specified date at each festival, birthing you as a Star to the millions to billions.
How would you like to be involved with The Source / Source Network?
1b) Check out our
Weekly Schedule of "live" interactive/ project management shows
2) Subscribe for Daily Summary Emails on the right side
3) Visit our
Patreon (see all the ways you can be involved, and contribute)
4) Become a Member, & Receive your Enterprise Cards (declare to your YOUniverse who you are/ as your Highest Self)
Become a Contributor- Write, Submit Articles, Art, Music, Films, Radio/TV Shows, Products, Services, Events, Ideas, & More! Contribute your Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Resources, or Networks!
8) We are offering Social Media/ Marketing, & Strategy for your mission/ organization
10) Check out our
Directory Of The Light- We have gathered 7,000+ Facebook Groups, thousands of FB pages, Google+ Communities, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, and more!
11) Join the
Legion Of Light- We are a legion of lightworkers, wayshowers, promoters, internet marketers, distributing the highest truth, solutions, and vibrations to humanity, and ultimately distributing the funds for all humanitarian projects everywhere.
Let There Be Love!
May you be blessed to infinity, may miracles be your every moment, love and abundance for you, yours, and all in your path!
To & From The Heart Of Creation,
Within, Without,
As Above, So Below,
I Am That, I Am,
~ The Source