Hello Learners Chess Parents and Friends!
A few reminders and a bit of good news for you in today's email.

Reminder 1: Go vote today. Today is the election for school board and CNM board. It is important for all of our elected officials to know that we vote and this is especially true for the governing bodies who oversee our public schools. Here is a list of APS/CNM Election Polling Locations.  Click here to enter your name and birthday to find what district you are in and where you can vote. Here is the ABQ Free Press APS candidate guide. Here is information about the RRPS Board Election and here is the Rio Rancho Observer RRPS Candidate Guide
Polling locations are open until 7pm.

Also below, we have updates and reminders about:
  • February 20th: President's Day Single Day Chess Camp
  • February 23rd: Learners Chess at Meow Wolf!
  • February 26th: Chess Tournament.
  • Early Registration for our 2017 Summer Break Chess Camps in Albuquerque (Santa Fe and Rio Rancho coming soon!)
  • News about one of our newest chess coaches getting a chess column published in the ABQ Journal! 
  • Enjoy!
-Coach Victor Lopez

Next Learners Chess Tournament is Sunday Afternoon, February 26th.
Chess: 1:30-4:30pm
Bughouse: 4:30-5:45pm

Learn more and sign up here! Earliest registration deadline for this one is Feb. 12th. 

Feb 20th, President's Day: Spring Semester Single Day Chess Camps

Who: All chess Learners (beginners to advanced players) are welcome!

When: Mix and match any combination of half or full days that fits your needs!  -  Half days (8:30am-noon or 1pm-4:30pm) of Full days (8:30am-4:30pm) with before and after care available! Discount for multiple days!

  • Spring Semester Single Days:
    • February 20th (Monday), President's Day
    • March 9th (Thursday), APS Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences
    • March 10th (Friday), APS Elementary Parent Teach Conferences
    • April 14th (Friday), Vernal Holiday

Cost: Sign up early to get the best price! Full day prices range from $32 per day to $45 per day and half days range from $18 to $30 per day, depending on how early you sign up! Also 10% off for siblings and 10% off for multiple days!

Where: Our headquarters at 532 Adams NE, Albuquerque (near Washington and Lomas). 

Sign up soon to reserve your spot!

Learners Chess is making a visit to Meow Wolf in Santa Fe! 

During the afternoon of February 23rd, we will be meeting up with students from the Novak's Knights chess club in Santa Fe for a meeting of Albuquerque and Santa Fe chess students. More info on this event to come soon! But save the date for this fun free event!

Fun fact: Did you know there is a Learners Chess tee-shirt somewhere in the House of Eternal Return at Meow Wolf. See if you can find it next time you are there!

Spring and Summer Break Chess Camp!
Early Bird Registration Now Open!

That's right! It is already time to start thinking about Spring and Summer breaks! Plan ahead, sign up now, and get the best early bird discounts! 
  • Sign up by February 17th for Spring Break and get $30 off the price of a week of Spring Break Chess Camp!
  • Sign up by February 26th for Summer Break Chess Camp and get $60 off a week of full days and $50 off for a week of half days!

We'll be reminding those of you who are on our program offerings email list a few more times about these early registration deadlines in the coming months!
Congrats and Welcome Coach Eddie!

Learners has been very lucky to bring on a very bright and passionate chess coach to work with coach Doug in our 10+ Saturday Chess Club, Coach Eddie Wyckoff!
Coach Eddie is already a very accomplished and influential local chess player, coach, and writer.
He is rated over 1900, making him a solid class A player, just approaching Expert.
He has published an awesome book of chess puzzles that we have used as a prize at our summer 2016 chess camps ( available here on amazon).
He has been writing a chess column in the Daily Lobo for a while now ( here's his article covering last Fall's World Chess Championship).
And he is now writing a biweekly chess column in the Albuquerque Sunday Journal! 

Congrats Coach Eddie and welcome to Learners!
  Chess Practice Online!
Learn and Brush Up on The Basics
Here is a link to easy interactive chess exercises for your kids to learn or brush up on the basics .

Both these links come from the free and open sourced chess website, lichess.org. The site is free and has no ads. You can create an account for free and set it to "kid mode" for your kids to play on without you having to constantly monitor.
Support Learners Chess!
Get your Holiday Shopping Started and Support Learners Chess!
  • Shop on AmazonSmile! Use this link to make any purchase you would normally make on amazon and amazon smile will donate 1% of your purchase to Learners Chess Academy!

  • Order Chess Equipment! If you are shopping for chess equipment, you can use this link to purchase any chess equipment at a very reasonable price from Wholesale Chess (sponsors of Learners Without Borders!) and 10% of your purchase will be credited to our account!

  • Go Solar! If you are interested in going solar, you can use this link to schedule a free consultation and if you end up going solar, Learners Chess will receive a $200 donation!

  • Designate Vaya Verde dba Learners Chess Academy as a recipient in your work place giving campaign through United Way
  • Or make a donation to support our need-based scholarship fund and other charitable projects such as Learners Without Borders and the Central NM Team Chess League!
Thank you for reading and staying connected!

-Coach Victor Lopez and the enitre team at Learners Chess
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