Go to Rock Bottom to Encounter God

Place of Fruitfulness and Destruction

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go in to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, “Let my people go, that they may serve me.  For if you refuse to let them go and still hold them, behold, the hand of the Lord will fall with a very severe plague upon your livestock that are in the field, the horses, the donkeys, the camels, the herds, and the flocks.  But the Lord will make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt, so that nothing of all that belongs to the people of Israel shall die.”’”  And the Lord set a time, saying, “Tomorrow the Lord will do this thing in the land.”  And the next day the Lord did this thing. All the livestock of the Egyptians died, but not one of the livestock of the people of Israel died.  And Pharaoh sent, and behold, not one of the livestock of Israel was dead. But the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let the people go. Exodus 9:1-7

Who are you then? Do you feel that God is "my God"? Beyond the boundary of America, have you thought about all lands belonging to you? Have you ever thought, "I am responsible for this land. I have to invest myself in restoring this land in the sight of God"? This is the kind of religion God has been waiting for. We must feel totally responsible, as if this world belonged to us, for nobody else will take care of it. "I must take up responsibility because the churches are crumbling today. The young people are morally corrupted so I must take up the responsibility. I can see the world crumbling because of the infiltration of communism, and so I must be responsible for communism." We each have to think in this way. SMM, God’s Warning to the World-Rev. Moon’s Message from Prison

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started the service by praising Craig Sawyer and Vets for Child Rescue for rescuing trafficked girls and exposing predators, even though they are risking their reputations, finances, and even their lives to do what is right.

In Exodus 9, we read God’s demand to Pharoah, “Let my children go, so that they can serve me in the wilderness.” There is a purpose, not just self-centered hedonism. The plagues were not just for the Egyptians. Many of the Israelites were used to living there, even with the backbreaking forced labor, and the risk to be raped, whipped, or killed. God was breaking down Pharoah, but He was also "squeezing" His people to leave what is familiar, to return to and conquer the promised land.

Jesus did not unleash the shocking plagues of Moses. The purpose was to establish a love relationship with God’s son. Not just through fear of his power.

When True Father came to America, Christianity did not unite with him. If children in Sunday Schools were taught the Principle view about sex, they would not play with “fire,” in many cases ruining their lives. It’s not just about what you do externally, but it’s an issue of the heart. Invest in the future, not just in pleasure in the moment. Invest in key relationships.

Sanctuary Service 3/12/23

The sexual organ is the place of destruction or the place of marriage and fruitfulness. It destroys many lives. LGBTQ advocates teach girls to accept boys entering the girls’ locker room. On average girls have a more agreeable nature. Most of them do what the teachers tell them. This gets them used to undressing themselves in front of a man. It preps them for immorality and opens them up to numbness. Female nakedness means access to her “eggs” by random men who have not been vetted and who have low quality standards. Even though the girls feel uncomfortable, they don’t want to be ostracized.

Ten years later most who transition regret the irreversible surgeries and drugs that destroyed their ability to reproduce.  

Girls get “likes” and emojis from their friends for showing off her body. They don’t understand that there are predators looking for their next target. Fertility cults promote the female body.

Each of us is supposed to be naked only in front of God and my spouse. Covering yourself means to protect your future lineage. That’s why it’s important to gather together in a community that supports each other to live for the same values. Men have to be careful to focus their sexual energy on their wife and not be tempted.

True Father allowed Hyung Jin Nim to go to another dojo to learn different martial arts with working class men and ex-felons with rough backgrounds. In Korea, parents of elite families would never send their children to such “low status” places. It protected Hyung Jin Nim from after-school activities with fellow students who wanted to party and use drugs. There were no women at the dojo, so no sexual temptation. He worked out 6 hours per day.

He learned mental toughness, to not give up. His mother and sisters were against it, but it literally saved his life. Koreans and Japanese are usually prejudiced against dirty job workers. He learned many good qualities. Often, they were more honest. Many people at the bottom are less scared because they already have experienced losing everything. They have a kind of bravery. Most of the top MMA fighters come from working class. Loyalty and respect are a big thing for them. In the “white collar” workplace, there is less loyalty. Some consultants who were brought in to help with the church’s business finances would suddenly quit if they had a better offer somewhere else.

The hard training he experienced helped him to say no to the temptation of just going along with the Han mother’s rebellion. Several church leaders told him to keep his mouth shut until she passed away.

3rd King's Blessing Announcement

Joe Rogan says, “after doing MMA, anything else is less stressful.” You start to get a taste for hard training. Shin joon nim will lead martial arts training for youth, teaching them the mindset for protecting people. Don’t burn bridges with others if you can avoid it. You many need help someday from people who look like they have nothing to offer you.

The "midbar" (Hebrew word for wilderness) is the place which is naturally harsh, where you have to defend against natural and human enemies, and learn wisdom according to God’s word (debar). You go to rock bottom where all you have is faith and God’s word. Develop character which leads to hope, for what will be possible in the future, not just personally, but for God’s pleasure and love. That relationship with the Divine gives you power, character and wisdom.


Digital Gulags of the 21st Century

In Vision Wars Chapter 5.2 we continue to see how “woke” ESG criteria are being imposed in the workplace, determining who gets hired, who gets promoted and who gets invested in. DEI or Diversity/Equity/Inclusion policies mean treating employees as members of a group rather than as individuals. This has even started to corrupt the practice of medicine.

Many nations are being pushed to adopt the Chinese model of government-directed capitalism, a throwback to the fascist corporate/government alliances of the 1930s in Germany, Italy and the United States. Mass surveillance, artificial intelligence and the central bank digital currency allow the Chinese Communist party to monitor social media, travel and purchases of all citizens. Those with a “low social credit” score for unapproved political speech suddenly find out that their Covid health code has turned red and they are not allowed to use trains, planes or other forms of travel. Instead of condemning such practices, many nations are adopting similar digital surveillance capabilities, which will lead to the establishment of “digital gulags,” even in nations that have long thought of themselves as representative democracies.

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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