Become a Mentor to Children or Other Fathers
To highlight National Mentoring Month and the importance of mentoring, here are some tips and resources for dads on being a good mentor not only to your children but to others as well. Whether you are interested in becoming a mentor to other children or dads, or simply becoming a better mentor and role model to your own children, learning more about mentoring and ways to find a trustworthy program are important first steps. These articles from the NRFC can help you become a great mentor to your children and to others.

Maybe you have a passion or calling to mentor other fathers? This article provides great advice from a father on how to mentor other fathers. Parents as Mentors: A New Perspective on Parenting that can Change Your Child's Life provides strategies for parents to use to mentor their children's development. It includes tips and resources on the importance of discovering the talents of a child, what is meant by mentoring, and using everyday activities for mentoring opportunities. In addition to all the benefits that we have outlined, mentoring can help children and teens understand the dangers of human trafficking as well as positively impact survivors. In a report compiled by the Youth Collaboratory, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and Wichita State University, one of the most salient outcomes was that “survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) need specialized mentoring services that are victim-centered and trauma-informed. When done well, mentoring can be transformational, providing a model for healthy relationships and increasing positive educational, social, and emotional outcomes.” 
National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
January—National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month—is an opportunity for a deeper dive into what human trafficking looks like and to discuss common grooming tactics survivors have experienced. Take time this month to learn how young children are lured into trafficking and what you can do as a dad to help keep your children safe. Children’s lack of awareness about human trafficking can put them in danger. Especially since children are increasing online and may navigate to sites or platforms that traffickers may target. Social media especially has become a hotbed for recruiting and priming children for human trafficking. So, it is imperative that parents have conversations with their children consistently and mentor them through the process of understanding the tactics that traffickers use both in-person and online. A great starting point is this resource, which provides age-appropriate guidance on talking to your child about being aware and staying safe.