Have you ever doubted that something was a “GOD moment” and been surprised that what you were experiencing in real time was an opportunity to see just how sovereign and consistent GOD really is? Well, I have. Let me share a story.


Yesterday morning on the drive to take my son to school and get myself to the university, I realized that we were likely going to be late. We made the turn onto Central Ave from 30th street as the clock changed from 8:58am to 8:59am, attempting to make it to 34th and Meridian by 9am. I said aloud, “It’s really not likely that we will make it to your school in time because sixty seconds is really not enough time to make it there.” As I said it, I was immediately convicted and I told Zaire, “I suppose I shouldn’t say what GOD can’t do. I mean, GOD could do more with these sixty seconds than I could imagine… GOD probably won’t, but I suppose GOD could.” We shared a chuckle. And then, we realized that it wasn’t something we were just chuckling about, it seemed to be something we were experiencing in real time. I did not speed. I did not run any lights. Unbelievably though, we made it to his school right on time. Admittedly, I had to repent for doubting what GOD could and would do for us.


Does this read like a weird tale of coincidence to you? If it does, keep reading. If it doesn’t, please keep reading too.


Many times, we can take for granted how GOD is intimately connected to and concerned about our everyday, seemingly ordinary, lives. We can say, “oh it’s just a coincidence” when things align with our heart’s desires and our deepest needs. Believe it or not though, GOD is still very much with us, and I believe it brings GOD a measure of joy to hear from us about the small and insignificant moments in our lives. While our friends and family members may tire of hearing from us about every little moment of care or concern, I do not believe we weary GOD when we have momentary conversations with GOD… even about little things like traffic delays or redemption to time when we are running late.


As we approach the second Sunday of 2024, and the first Sunday in what is considered “ordinary time” in the liturgical calendar, let us be mindful to include GOD in the ordinary moments. When we hear good news, may it become commonplace to audibly express gratitude to GOD. When we have moments of anxiety or concern, may we be so compelled to seek GOD in prayer. Inasmuch as we attune our spirits to be in constant contact with GOD, I believe GOD desires to be in relationship with us in this very real way.


May your days be filled with moments where GOD can surprisingly show up and reveal GOD’s nearness to you. May you feel it in the breeze (or the cold) as you go about your days. May you experience GOD’s closeness in the sound of children laughing or in the sight of seniors in love. May overwhelming joy be your portion. And when it is not, may you utter a word to GOD that you may receive some sign of assurance and know that you are not alone.


Hope to see you on Sunday. Stay encouraged.

Rev. Dr. Shonda Nicole Gladden

Senior Associate Pastor

Broadway United Methodist Church


Broadway’s United Women in Faith will host a Chili Luncheon immediately following church on Sunday, February 4th. All are welcome! If you love to make chili, please contact Joanne Solomon at (317) 257-4737 or [email protected] to pitch in for the luncheon.


Did you know the altar flowers which beautify our chancel area each Sunday are made possible by generous donations from our church family? If you would like to donate altar flowers in honor of in memory of a loved one, we are currently filling dates for the first half of 2024! Please contact Joanne Solomon at (317) 257-4737 or [email protected] if you would like to sign up.


We are currently looking for volunteers to serve as liturgists during our Sunday worship services. If you are interested, please visit www.tinyurl.com/BUMC-Liturgists-Spring24 or scan the QR Code to the left to access our online SignUpGenius form and select a Sunday that works best for you! Please plan to arrive a few minutes prior to the start of our 10:00am worship service on the day you have chosen to receive any special instructions for that day. Any questions can be directed to Karen McAleavey at [email protected]. Thank you!



Join Pastor Aaron for coffee and a conversation each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays! The next coffee chats will be held Tuesday, January 16th from 1:00-2:00pm at Command Coffee (2910 N College Ave) and Thursday, January 18th, from 11:00am-12:00pm at Coat Check Coffee (401 E Michigan St). Text Aaron at (317) 502-2833 if you plan to stop by, and he'll keep an eye out...and buy the first round!


We invite you to join us each Tuesday evening at Broadway from 6:00-8:00pm for our Connecting Conversations gatherings! While it is always good to celebrate, some things cannot be easily described; they must instead be experienced. Cathy Pilarski and Pastor Aaron will be moving this gathering around the building each week and encourage you to join us (and invite a friend) to experience the abundant joy, creativity, and collaboration that makes this such a wonderful place.


Bell Choir rehearsals are held each Wednesday from 6:30pm - 7:15pm in Beck Hall. For more information about the Handbell Choir, please contact Gisele Dollinger at [email protected]. Chancel Choir rehearsals are held each Wednesday from 7:30pm - 9:00pm in the Sanctuary. For more information contact Rev. Dr. Shonda Nicole Gladden at [email protected]. To keep up-to-date with Broadway’s choirs on Facebook, please join their Facebook group by visiting https://www.facebook.com/groups/116440615540521.


Schedule Note: The Thursday Morning Book Club is currently on break until Thursday, February 15th, 2024.

The Thursday morning book group meets each Thursday at 11:00am at the home of Dolores Heaton. The group recently started a new book and will be reading Threading My Prayer Rug by Saabeha Rehman. For more information, or if you would like to participate, please contact Ann Chernish at (317) 459-3436.



  • Second Sunday after the Epiphany Worship Service at 10:00am in the Sanctuary and streaming online


  • Coffee with Pastor Aaron at Command Coffee (2910 N College Ave) from 1:00pm-2:00pm. Text him at (317) 502-2833 if you plan to stop by and he’ll keep an eye out....and buy the first round!

  • Connecting Conversations from 6:00pm - 8:00pm at Broadway


  • Handbell Choir Rehearsal from 6:30pm - 7:15pm in Beck Hall

  • Chancel Choir Rehearsal from 7:30 - 9:00pm in the Sanctuary


  • Coffee with Pastor Aaron at Coat Check Coffee (401 E Michigan St) from 11:00pm-Noon. Text him at (317) 502-2833 if you plan to stop by and he’ll keep an eye out....and buy the first round!

  • No Thursday Morning Book Group this week (resuming 2/15/24)


  • Third Sunday after the Epiphany Worship Service at 10:00am in Backstage at Broadway (this is an in-person only worship service; a recording of the service will be posted to our YouTube Channel later that day)


The Sanctuary is open for prayer during the week. Prayer concerns and celebrations can also be shared via email. If you would like to submit a prayer request or celebration throughout the week, please email them to [email protected].

Prayer Requests & Sharing of Joys:

  • Prayers for health and healing for Michelle Palmer, John Cook, Timothy Blessing, Nancy Stortz, Joan, Darlene Aguirre, Roger Pettet, Michelangelo, Professor Harold Brown, Diane Metheny, and Marilyn Goeke.

  • Prayers of healing and comfort for Marc and Karen’s friend, Sonya, who is receiving updated scans for metastatic breast cancer this week after concerning symptoms.

  • Prayers for our State Legislators as they begin a short session through March 14th.

  • Prayers for newly elected officials who are beginning their terms this month. 


This week, we will celebrate The Second Sunday after the Epiphany at 10:00am in the Sanctuary. We will also continue to stream our live services for those who wish to continue worshiping at home. Sunday's worship service will be live-streamed beginning at 10:00am on our YouTube Channel. We hope you will join us for worship this Sunday in whichever format works best for you!

Worship Bulletin:

You can view a copy of this week's worship bulletin by clicking here or by scanning the following QR code:

"As followers of Jesus Christ, responding to God’s love, our mission as the people of Broadway Church is to be a multicultural, Christian community that in its ministry seeks, welcomes, and values all people."

Broadway United Methodist Church

609 E 29th Street

Indianapolis, IN 46205

Please click here to donate to Broadway!

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