Proclaiming the Gospel; Equipping the Saints; Mobilizing the Church

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

Habakkuk 2:14

March 2023

Dear Family and Partners,

Blessings in Messiah Jesus our Lord. Surely God is good and we thank Him for you and your part in this ministry through prayer and resources, working to bring His Good News to people, that they may be freed from sin in the spirit to worship God. Whether it be a first-time salvation or a recommitment to Jesus, we encourage them all to surrender their hearts to Jesus our Lord – that is the main thing. WMO is based on Romans 1:16, bringing the Good News to Jews and Gentiles, as the Bible says. The most difficult task is to help hearts to surrender to Jesus via the altar of the cross. Regardless of where they are coming from, deep down in their hearts, people are struggling on this earth. People will try so many things, trying to know what love is, but this world is empty of true love. This kind of love is one only God can provide, and our job is to point people to that source, at the cross. It is there where people can find the love of God in His Son Messiah Jesus, and the exchange of life from death to eternal life.


This past month, the Lord did great work in divine guidance as we were in Costa Rica, serving and encouraging churches on the vision of God, to proclaim the Son of God. The theme has been, This is My beloved Son, listen to him (Matthew 17:5).


Santa Teresa is known as the Israel of Costa Rica and many Israelis live there while others come to visit. We were there to equip the local church on how to share Messiah Jesus with the house of Israel and to prepare them for their first Jewish outreach, God willing, in 2024.

The Lord granted us the opportunity to host a small Shabbat Shalom dinner to share the Gospel with a young Israeli couple we met. After the dinner, we presented the clear message of the Son of God to Dan and Leah who were visiting from outside Tel Aviv. They listened and even asked questions about why Jesus is Messiah in light of Isaiah 53. They were touched by Darlene’s testimony of her salvation, and we also asked Carina (our WMO missionary) to share her testimony. We think all believers in Jesus, like you, have a great testimony to share with others. This small Shabbat dinner set the stage for the local church to join with WMO to help host the future Jewish outreach in February 2024. After the Jewish outreach, WMO and the local church will also host an open outreach to the Nations (Gentiles) and people from around the world will have the chance to hear the Good News as it is presented at the local soccer field. One night will be in Spanish and the next night in English.


By God’s grace, WMO will continue to partner with local churches in Santa Cruz for the annual festival outreach. This year, the Lord touched many hearts to be saved and the local church has done a wonderful job giving away Bibles and reaching out to disciple new believers.

Costa Rica - Santa Cruz Outreach Highlights 2023

Video of the three-day Santa Cruz Outreach


Meet Josue, a believer in Jesus who was listening in on our morning conversation about the Lord Jesus Christ. He was struggling and came from the view which does not believe in the Trinity, or oneness of God in three persons, but solely in Jesus. Henry, Darlene, and Carina explained the oneness of God in three distinct persons starting with Matthew 28:18-20, then proceeding with John 14, Hebrews 4, and ending with Acts 2:38, which reveals the three unique roles and persons of the Trinity of God. Josue was left with much to think about, the Bridge to Life gospel tract, and our prayers for him – that his eyes and heart will know the truth and be set free. Josue was greatly blessed. Please pray for him.


By the time you get this report, we are already on our way to conduct an outreach with the local churches on the East Coast of Honduras. The people of this country have struggled greatly and many have fled to foreign lands (especially to the US/Mexico border) looking for hope. We know having the Son of God in the heart is the only true hope for everyone. He is our expectation (Psalm 62:5). We thank God for you as your prayers play a huge role in the Kingdom of God in heaven entering into the hearts of man.


March 3-4 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Equipping the church on evangelism for future evangelistic outreaches.

March 8-16 Panama City, Panama: Jewish and Muslim evangelism seminars to equip churches for future outreaches.

May God bless you and your family,

Henry & Darlene

Ways you can give

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the year.  Thank you for your financial gifts that keep us on the frontline.

All support for tax receipts mail to:
World Mission Outreach
Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.
53 S. Pu'unene Ave., Unit 108
Kahului, Hawaii 96732

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World Mission Outreach, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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