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#Around the PSD

Your stories from your District

New Life and Gospel Growth

Holy Cross Lutheran in Scottsdale, AZ, witnessed a remarkable moment during November worship services with the celebration of 12 adult baptisms. This brings the total to nearly 100 new believers brought to faith through water and the Word through its Celebrate Recovery ministry. Inspired by the District’s "100 in 10" initiative to launch 100 new faith communities by 2031, Holy Cross has also expanded its reach through retirement home ministry and an upcoming prison outreach. They’ve experienced growth in worship attendance to over 300 across multiple locations!

PSD congregations and schools have already launched more than 30 new ministries, including:

  • Pickleball with Friends: An outreach ministry connecting Bethany Lutheran, Long Beach, with the local community.
  • Priscilla Ministries: A discipleship community for Spanish-speaking women in the San Diego/Tijuana region.
  • Worthy of Joy: A sexual assault support group at Concordia University Irvine sharing the Gospel with survivors. 
  • Alpine Cowboy Church: a new worship site of Christ Greenfield up in Alpine, AZ.


Mission Grants Empower Gospel Proclamation

The District Mission Council (DMC) has been instrumental in supporting these efforts through grants totaling $277,000 in 2024, awarded to congregations and schools for innovation, incubation, and impact. Click here to view a list of all the 2024 grant recipients.


Looking ahead, the District Board of Directors has committed $400,000 for the 2025 Mission Grant Cycle, with grants to be allocated in February and September.


Partnering for the Gospel

Rev. Dominic Rivkin, Mission Executive, is available to support congregations in launching new ministries and hosting “Mission Sundays” to inspire Gospel outreach. Visit psd-missions.org or email Rev. Rivkin for more information.

Jesus Christ, the light of the world, has called us to share His Gospel of forgiveness and life. May this light shine through your ministries to bless your communities with His grace!

 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. These things I command you, so that you will love one another.

John 15:16-17

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Untold thousands are still in darkness, lost like “sheep that have gone astray”. But this is exactly the mission our Lord has created His Church for – reaching the lost for Jesus’ sake in as many ways as necessary. This is the purpose for which our 300 churches and 150 schools were founded in their many contexts. And “the fields are ripe for the harvest” right now!

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