My son is a graduate of one of the most prestigious conservative scholarship programs in America. He knows the ins and outs of political systems and their histories of failures and successes. He is able to theorize about how economics impacts social strata. He understands the value of capitalism over communism. We talk often about the current coup attempt by the radical left and the complexity of the issues fueling it. He hears from me repeatedly that it is all inspired by Communist doctrine. He says his generation generally doesn't understand the danger. They didn't grow up under the communist threat. But hearing from one who did, as with the following Daily Jot reader, may remind us all of what we have standing before us.
He writes: "Many of us growing up in the late 50s and early 60s have seen the shoe pounding declaration given while addressing Westerners at the embassy on November 18, 1956, in the presence of Polish Communist statesman Władysław Gomułka, First Secretary Khrushchev said: "About the capitalist states, it doesn't depend on you whether or not we exist. If you don't like us, don't accept our invitations, and don't invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!" What Khrushchev meant was not that Russia will bury you, but Marxism will bury you. Today an ill wind blows across this land and it carries with it a wasting disease that has settled down in every state in this nation and has grown from a seed to a threat so looming every American is now at risk.
"This disease is Marxism and the ill wind that blows it from sea to shining sea...This wasting disease is carried into our very midst by multiple carriers ranging from College and University professors and teachers, to Public School teachers, to Federal Judges, to giants among our economic businesses, to Hollywood movies and TV programs and, of course, the National Socialist News Media and the DNC. The Ideology of Marxism should never have been allowed within our borders in the first place because it is the antithesis of everything our Constitution stands for...These Marxists have but one creed and that is the destruction of this nation and the implementation of a Marxist Socialist State over which they will set as lords, guardians and enforcers.
"The Marxist is an atheist, a God-hater, and by that they despise anything that is right and good and because of that one fact they are willing to do and to say any and everything needed in order to destroy us. There is no thought that they are not willing to entertain and no deed that they are not willing to do should that deed become necessary and the opportunity present itself." Acts 5:29 says, "...We ought to follow God rather than men." We live in a country where we are free to follow God, but the communists want to take that freedom away, destroy any semblance of godly allegiance, and oppress society with the burdens of their own lordship, forcing all to follow them rather than God. As we enter Memorial Day weekend, let us remember those who laid their lives on the line that we may have the freedom to follow God rather than men.