In this edition...

New Sermon Series: God's Story - Our Story
A new sermon series, titled God's Story, Our Story, will begin Sunday. The series will take us through the overarching narrative of the Bible. Throughout this series, we will fight against the common idea that, "I can't understand the Bible," or " I can't read the Bible for myself." Instead, we will be empowered to see the overarching purposes of redemption, love, and the glory of God, throughout the Old & New Testaments, and begin to see our story in God's story.
Joshua: Women's Monday Night Bible Study
Monday, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Middle School Room, our Women's Monday Night Bible study will embark on an 11-week study of the book of Joshua.  We will be challenged to love God beyond just our heart, but to love him with our mind as well.  We will answer the question "What does the Bible say about God" as we spend time in the book of Joshua. Email Sarah Staples at if you have any questions.


New to eFree? Have a Lunch On Us - Jan. 21
If you, or someone you know, are new to Kearney eFree we would love to connect. Please accept our invitation to Lunch On Us immediately following our 11 a.m. service on Jan. 21 in the main hallway. This is an opportunity to ask questions and meet our pastors all while enjoying a free lunch. You can RSVP at

Registration OPEN for Chicago Mission trip in February
Register to join the missions team who will spend a week in the inner city of Chicago with Circle Urban and Rock Church. This "Emulsifier Week," Feb. 17-24, will consist of work projects as well as additional ministry opportunities. Registration for the trip will be open until Jan 21, and includes a $50 deposit. You can register and learn more about this partnership here. Please contact Pastor Brian Klein ( if you have questions.

Take Courage - Be The Dad
Being a father is probably the world's greatest, and hardest task any man undertakes. Men, it is simply a giant responsibility but know this - it is the highest calling on your life. Men's FORGE invites all men beginning at 6 a.m. Jan. 10 in the North Auditorium to a new 10 week series called: "Take Courage - Be the Dad." Any man can become a father, but it takes a special man to become a dad. Learn more about FORGE at

C20's "Second Sunday" begins Jan. 14
Beginning at 6 p.m. on Jan. 14, C20, eFree's college and young adult ministry,  will meet the "Second Sunday" of every month. Join us for a night to worship God  through incredible music, hear teaching from God's Word, and share a meal. You  can learn more at

Financial Peace University - Jan. 22
Learn Biblical principles for stewardship in the upcoming Financial Peace University class starting at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 22 in the Lower Level - Room 4. This 10-week class costs $85 for the kit. Please register for the class at, kits will be available at class to purchase at discounted price. Also, please indicate if you will need childcare. Contact Brian at if you have any other questions.

Challenge 2017 Registration
Register to join the high school ministry for a week in Kansas City with Challenge 2018. This high school conference, July 2-7, will consist of teaching, worship, service projects, small groups, and games. Early bird registration for the trip will be open until Jan 24, and includes a $50 deposit. You can learn more about Challenge by visiting: To register or if you have questions please contact
Additional Events
Prayer Chain
To be added to the prayer chain and receive regular prayer needs via email click here . Let us know how we can pray for your needs by contacting .   

New Sermon Series Begins
Jan. 7

Joshua: Women's Monday Night Bible Study
Jan. 8
New Men's FORGE series Begins
Jan. 10
Youth Ministries Begin
Jan. 10
Men In Action
Jan. 13
C20 "Second Sunday"
Jan. 14
Church Office Closed
Jan. 15
Lunch On Us
Jan. 21

Chicago Trip Registration Due
Jan. 21

Financial Peace University
Jan. 22

Blended Families Group Begins
Jan. 22

Early Bird Challenge Registration Ends (801 - High School Ministry)
Jan. 24

Yes to God's Best Class
Jan. 27

Starting Point Class
Jan. 28

LifeGroup & Care Ministry Sunday
Jan. 28

LifeGroup Leader Lunch
Jan. 28


For a list of our current needs
Bulletin or Plugged In items:
Please have any items for inclusion in the bulletin or PluggedIn delivered to the church or emailed to by Monday at noon in order to be included for that week. Kearney eFree Church ministry items only please!