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Dear Ricardo and Beth,

April 1st was the fourth anniversary of Ricardo serving as Area Director for Latin America. On April 8th and May 8th, we each celebrated another year of life and ministry. We'd like to share with you a few of the gifts we have been given, both in the past and present.


When we were in Bucaramanga (Ricardo’s hometown) for Holy Week, Herman and Mario came to visit. These men are important to the whole Gomez family, having maintained their friendship and more importantly, their influence for nearly 40 years! Herman told us that he was 13 years-old when 21-year-old Mario walked by his house one day and invited the teens hanging out nearby to church. Herman said, “The invitation wasn’t for me. I wasn’t hanging out with the guys. I was sitting on my porch, but I took it as my personal invitation.” After hollering to his mom that he be back soon, he ran to catch up with Mario. When the pastor made an altar call that evening, Herman accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior and never looked back.


12 years later, Mario and Herman, church leaders, were in the church when Papa walked in off the street. Not only did he accept Christ that night, but he was immediately healed from his alcoholism. About a month later, the rest of the family followed Papa to church and 14-year-old Ricardo also accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. Ricardo has always said that what most impressed him about the evangelical Christians in that church was the true community of believers, they felt like family. Herman and Mario became part of the Gómezes’ church family and developed a bond that has survived many decades!


In March, Ricardo traveled to Puerto Rico to preside over the Annual Conference meeting there along with Bishop Adams (shown above). After returning home he received a note from Ana Isabel, one of the attendees. Here are a few excerpts…


When we attended Annual Conference, you ministered to both my husband and I through your teachings. Last year, when you taught about the need for leaders to rest, it truly blessed our marriage. Thank you for mentioning the need for healthy rhythms again this year. Your teachings allow me to avoid physical and mental exhaustion because the hustle and bustle of leadership can be very draining.


Thank you also for reminding us to worship God both inside and outside of the church. You always remind us that the Gospel is simple, we should not complicate it. 


Pastor, thank you for motivating us and for giving of your time and passion… We want to express our gratitude to you for instructing us with love and spiritual authority. 


This simple act of gratitude was a gift of encouragement amid busy schedules and sometimes mundane tasks. It good to be reminded to take a break…and worship God is in every moment and every place! He is so full of good gifts!


On March 30th my (Beth) uncle Archie moved into his celestial mansion. Archie could be described as kind, gentle, loving, humble, energetic, intelligent, faithful, fun-loving, justice driven, full of life, avid sports fan…the list could go on. He was so humble, in fact, that his grandkids admitted to not knowing about most of his significant achievements until they read about them in his obituary. He was so energetic, in fact, that he went water-skiing on his 80th birthday. He was so full of life, in fact, that despite having his stomach entirely removed due to cancer over 20 years ago, he lived to be 92 years old!


After his death I realized that of my six uncles, only one is still living. Three of them died in the past three years. My living uncle, Uncle Rob, was my mom’s brother. Apart from her step-brother, the rest married into the family and I’m so glad they did! They have enriched our lives with laughter, with wisdom, with faith, with their examples, with love, and much more!  Uncles really are a wonderful gift!


Ricardo graduated from the Biblical Seminary of Colombia (FUSBC) in 1999 and from Asbury Theological Seminary in 2004 & 2006. His is now on the board of trustees for both institutions and has been instrumental in establishing a partnership between them through which they can bless all of Latin America. We are very excited about the new possibilities!

As part of that, much of my time the past six weeks has been spent preparing documents and videos for the awareness and fundraising campaign we are organizing for the FUSBC. What a gift it is to learn more stories of God’s faithfulness to and through this beloved institution. The seminary is more than an alma mater, it was our first Colombian home (the picture was taken when we moved in 10 years ago).

What an honor it is to serve the seminary in this way. If you’d like to learn more about the seminary and/or about how to support it, please let us know.


On our second date, Ricardo told me that God had called Him to serve his people in Latin America and that if God wasn’t calling me to the same thing, then we needed to stop seeing each other. Thankfully, God was calling me, and it has been a gift to serve Him, alongside Ricardo, here in Latin America. It hasn’t always been easy…but God never promised us an easy life. What He promised was to be with us always! What a gift that truly is! We are truly honored to participate with Him in the restoration of the region that we both love so much by developing healthy leaders, multiplying committed disciples and empowering transformational churches! 


And following that call led us to you! We are so grateful for your friendship, your encouragement, and your faithful witness to us as you partner with us in ministry to Latin America! May God fill your hearts and minds with gratitude for the many gifts He has also given you! Like the Apostle Paul, we cannot stop giving thanks for you and remembering you in our prayers. If there are specific ways we can pray for you, please let us know.


I apologize for the lengthy and delayed newsletter, but in the words of the children’s chorus… “We have so much, so much, so much, so much, so much, so much … to be thankful for!”


Blessings to each and everyone of you,

Ricardo & Beth


May 14 – 21

Beth and Ricardo in Kentucky/Virginia for meetings and family care (Please pray for Juliana as she is home alone.)

May 21

Jonathan comes home for the summer!

May 25-29 

Ricardo in Mexico for the Pacific Annual Conference

June 10 – 11th 

Ricardo leads a Pastor’s Conference in Cartagena, Colombia

June 14

Family vacation begins!

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PS. At this point in the year, our giving report shows that we are about $16,000 under-budget. If you would like to join our support team and/or increase your commitment, please click the Commit button below. To make a one-time gift, please click on Give.


