On February 22, 2019, over  115 institutions  joined the Gold Foundation in thanking their house staff. As many of our participants said: "Every day should be Thank a Resident Day." The Gold Humanism Honor Society, too, would like to thank you for the long hours you spend caring selflessly for your patients. Your humanistic touch does not go unnoticed.
Calling all GHHS student members
The Gold Humanism Honor Society wants to highlight the hard work and dedication of our student members

Would you like to have your chapter highlighted on our website and social media platforms?

Submit a description of an activity, event or fundraiser your chapter is taking part in by sending an email to ltvito@gold-foundation.org with the subject line Gold Connection Submission.

By sharing your experiences, you may help and inspire your fellow chapters to take part in similar activities and contribute to their success!
New address? New title? As you move from medical school to residency to positions of leadership, all around the globe, please update your info in our GHHS directory . This helps us, for example, invite GHHS members in specific cities to relevant events. Thank you!
GHHS Founders 
The Russell Berrie Foundation | The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | Anonymous
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