Industry-leading in all we do.
First Aid and CPR Training
Several dozen people joined us for a First Aid CPR training on Friday 3/6 at the Franklin Conference center. We kicked off the day with discussion about leadership and what it means to stay above the line (see last week’s newsletter with the Oz Principle). 

This year we were grateful for the immediate response of one of our CPR-trained employees, whose quick action saved the life of one of his coworkers. 

Thanks to everyone who joined us last week for this training!
B2W Training & Panel
We sent a team to the B2W User Conference in Las Vegas on Saturday to learn about new features in B2W and how to get the most out of our software.

We were honored to be chosen as one of only three B2W customers to talk about our success on the main stage in front of over 600 people. John Casella II represented our team on the panel, which also included Lancaster Development from New York, and Barriere Construction from Louisiana.

Eric Schubert taught a training for about two dozen people on B2W Inform. Joe Casella, Dan Caputo, and Mackenzie Mahoney also attended the conference.

Congratulations to everyone who has worked hard to make B2W a success – it is thanks to all of you that we were up on stage this weekend! Keep up the good work.
The keynote speaker for the event was Rudy Ruettiger, who was the subject of the 1993 movie "Rudy" starring Sean Austin
Good Catch, Chris!
Situational awareness and an eye for safety are the foundation of employee wellness at Casella Construction. The Good Catch & Near Miss Program recognizes employees who take action to keep us all safe.

Thank you to Chris Rozell for ensuring that a potential incident was prevented by taking proper corrective action.

During pre-trip, Chris found a bolt on the pin for the lift cylinder that was loose. He finished pretrip and tightened all cylinder pin bolts.

Congratulations to Chris, our February Good Catch winner!

(From L to R: George Staples, Chris Rozell, and Ryan Decker)
Save the Date!
Safety Day is May 2nd
Safety Day is coming up May 2, 2020!

Safety Day is the time of year when we get together as a company to learn from each other, gain new skills, and set a high bar of safety and professionalism for our work over the next year.

What do you want to see at this year's Safety Day?

Take our survey by Monday, March 16th at 5 pm to be entered to win a Casella Construction L.L. Bean sweatshirt!
Click below to see what you missed:
Stay Above the Line and Enter to Win a Sweatshirt!
New Hauling Contract and Fire Extinguisher Inspection
Milestone in Coventry & Updates from Near and Far
We are hiring for spring!

Do you know someone who could make a positive difference on our team this spring?

Please ask your most talented contacts to apply!
And let's not forget the thank you.

If someone you recommend is hired and stays with us at least 90 days, we will thank you with a $250 referral bonus in your check! (Just make sure they mention your name in their online application. Click here for details.)

Contact Sara Gilbert for details and with recommendations at [email protected] or (802) 345-2668.
Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992