April 15, 2022
Good Friday Services Tonight!
5 pm and 7:15 pm
Heritage Ministry Office
633 Third Avenue, Suite 13E
New York, NY 10117

Plan on coming to one of our Good Friday services this evening, at either 5 pm or 7:15 pm. The 7:15 pm service on Friday will be on zoom. 

This Sunday is Resurrection Day! There is a special Resurrection Day offering envelop in your envelope box. Use this envelop to make a special gift toward our Project Rehoboth Building Fund this Sunday! Bring a friend to any or all of our services!

Thank you and see you all tonight! 

To attend our Good Friday Service through zoom, please hit the BLACK button above.

In Christ's Service,
Pastor Matt

To access our HBC Prayer Fellowship by audio only, dial in: 1-929-205-6099, Access code: 941709844# 

PO Box 7925
New York, NY 10116-7925
Phone: 212-947-5316