Season of Generosity
October 27, 2024
Reverend Susan Phillips, Leading
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9:00 Sunday - Online in Zoom
One tap mobile +13126266799,,85677718426#
Or Call +1 312 626 6799 and use
Meeting ID: 856 7771 8426
10:45 Sunday - Sanctuary
Please join us for coffee fellowship following the service
5:30 Wednesday - Onsite
If for some reason the onsite services would need to be canceled,
we will post a notice on our website and Facebook.
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We are aware that COVID cases are on the rise again.
We encourage those who might be vulnerable to wear masks
and anyone with symptoms to join worship via Zoom.
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Stewardship: You Want More Info and We Have it! Join us for a discussion at noon this Sunday.
The Session and Finance Committee of First Presbyterian Church reviewed a feasibility study for a second capital campaign with the staff of Horizons Stewardship and learned that many of our folks would appreciate more information about our church’s finances. Specifically, people would like updates on our giving, investments, loan, and renovation costs. These are all great subjects for discussion!
So, we invite all of you to a discussion of this information at noon on Sunday, October 27th. We mailed each household this information along with our Annual Stewardship Campaign.
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We are here for you
As the seasons change if you would like to visit with our Pastor or Chaplain please contact either of them at:
Rev. Susan Phillips
217-528-4311 ext. 1020
Chaplain Tim Haworth
217-528-4311 ext. 1030
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Columbarium Survey
When our loved ones die, many people are choosing cremation instead of caskets. If a family doesn't have cemetery plots, they often have questions about what to do with their urns. One option is to place them in a sacred space dedicated for memorials, called a columbarium.
Our Building and Grounds committee is exploring creating a columbarium at First Presbyterian Church while we are undergoing construction.
We would like to know about your interest in this idea.
The survey will be confidential and we ask that you please submit your answers by October 28, 2024.
If you have questions about this, please send them to
Thank you for taking your time to assist Building and Grounds with this.
Take Survey here
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Faith and Fellowship to meet November 1st
Faith and Fellowship's next meeting is November 1, at 10 am at Mary Young's home. There will be 2 more Chrismon workshops, Nov. 2 and 16 at Mary Young's house. Please let her know of you are coming.
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Trunk or Treat at Matheney Withrow
Matheney - Withrow is looking for help on Oct. 31 from 1pm to 2:30 pm to have a trunk or treat in the circle driveway. If you feel like decorating your trunk for Halloween and passing out candy or donating candy let Mary Young know.
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All Saints Day November 3rd
Please join us for All Saints Day on Sunday November 3rd at 9:00 am in Zoom and 10:45 in the Sanctuary. We will be remembering our loved ones who have gone before us with candlelight and prayers.
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Veterans Day Updates Needed
We will be remembering the veterans who are our members, friends and family both living and deceased on November 10th. In honor of their memory and for God’s sake, may we work for justice and peace.
Veterans List
Email Michelle by November 5th if you have any updates to the list.
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Such a joyful, beautiful, faithful day!
First Presbyterian Church was honored to host the ordination of Daniel Anthony Frachey into the priesthood with the Roman Catholic Women Priests, Great Waters Region, Saturday afternoon. Martha Mary Sherman served as the presiding bishop.
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Churches in Transylvania Presbytery gathered Sunday to fill disaster relief buckets for communities impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton
by Rich Copley | PC(USA) Communications
More than 60 members and staff of at least eight churches in Eastern and Central Kentucky’s Presbytery of Transylvania gathered in the fellowship hall of First Presbyterian Church of Lexington late Sunday afternoon to fill large buckets with a plethora of supplies needed to begin recovery from a natural disaster like a hurricane or a flood.
The mission and outreach committee of our church has sent $1000 to provide for disaster relief buckets. | |
Heartland Continuum of Care Street Outreach Efforts
Members of the Heartland Continuum of Care Street Outreach Task Group work regularly with individuals living in encampments, such as the one at 5th and North Grand. Their goal is to build relationships, connect people to services, and refer them to available resources.
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You won't want to miss Habitat for Humanity's 11th annual Raise the Roof event! Set for November 1st, it's their biggest fundraiser of the year AND it's a great time. Dinner will be provided by Taco Gringo and there will be a silent auction, lottery raffle and TV Game Show fun! Grab some friends, get your tickets and get ready to enjoy the evening with them! | |
Hospital Notices
Please note that the hospitals no longer contact local churches to let them know when a member is admitted. We encourage members and friends of First Presbyterian to call the church office to let us know when you go to the hospital so Pastor Susan and Chaplain Tim can provide pastoral support if it blesses you. We do not share any information without permission.
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Coffee Fellowship
Thank you to our Earth Care Team for hosting last week's coffee fellowship. We look forward to Jan Hill hosting this week. We are always grateful for coffee fellowship hosts. If you would like to volunteer please sign up in the commons. If you are interested in hosting but don't want to do it by yourself please let Michelle know and we can find a partner for you.
The Church is trying to be environmentally friendly so if you are hosting coffee hour please do not use plastic silverware, plates, straws or bottled water when serving food during coffee hour. There are biodegradable plates, bowls, and cups for both cold and hot drinks in the large kitchen cabinet. Water and fruit juice can be served in pitchers, which can be easily washed out in the small kitchen. Please use the church silverware providing a container where it can be placed after coffee hour so a member of the Earth Care Team can take it home to be cleaned. Thanks!
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Join us for Wednesday Worship in the Garden!
Join us for worship service in our beautiful garden. Service begins at 5:30 pm. Pastor Susan, and Chaplain Tim guide us in worship each week.
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Shelter Meal Volunteers
Jesus says: "For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited me in."
~Matthew 25:35
If it blesses you to help feed our neighbors, please join us. We will be serving meals on October 22nd, November 12th and 26th. You can assist with the preparation of the meals, serving, visiting or all of the above. If you are interested or have questions, please see Keith Dhom, or Frank Schultz,.
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Contacting Staff During Renovation
Even though some of us may not always be in the building you can reach us by phone at home.
Just dial 217-528-4311
and put in the extension of the person you are trying to reach.
Pastor Susan x1020
Chaplain Tim x1030
Bookkeeper (Tara) x1050
Church Office (Michelle) x4
Facilities Manager (Tom) x1040
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William P.
Tim H.
Ed C.
Katie M.
Kathryn M.
Andrew C.
Aria B.
Calvin D.
Devin P.
Chris E.
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All events are via Zoom unless otherwise specified.
Wednesday Worship 5:30 Onsite
Faith And Fellowship Mary Young's home
All Saints Day and Communion Service
Reverend Susan Phillips to lead Zoom Service 9:00 Zoom
Reverend Susan Phillips to lead Service 10:45 Sanctuary
NOTE: Links to all events are attached to items on the church calendar .
If you click on the Zoom link in the calendar the invitation will open.
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How to Join a Zoom Meeting
From your computer, cell phone or tablet:
Click the link provided.
To join a Zoom meeting via telephone:
Dial number given for the meeting. You will be prompted to enter the meeting ID provided followed by #.
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Different Ways to Give
Thank you to everyone that shares in the Joy of Generosity at First Presbyterian! There are several ways to support our ministries and many ministries to support. In order to ensure your gift is credited to the correct fund, please take a moment to include the following information when making a donation:
Writing a check – Add the fund name in the memo section (Capital Campaign, Peacemaking, Samaritan Ministry, etc.)
Online portal – Select “Other Donations” when entering the amount then enter the name of the fund in the Notes section
Text giving – Text “$10 CC” to 217-284-2546, this example is a $10 donation for the Capitol Campaign fund. Other commonly used text codes are: Pledge, SM (Samaritan Ministries), Donate (Non-pledge), Peace, Joy, OGHS, Pentecost and BB (Brown Bag)
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Church Contact Information
Our church numbers reach us even while we are working remotely.
Pastor Susan Phillips
217.528.4311 X 1020
Chaplain Tim Haworth
217.528.4311 X 1030
Bookkeeper, Tara Kaeding
217.528.4311 X 1050
Administrative Assistant, Michelle Hastings
217.528.4311 X 4
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321 South Seventh Street • Springfield, IL • 217.528.4311
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